Flower Planters on a Roadside Barriers

Residents invited to join focus group on town council performance

Knutsford Town Council is looking for a group of residents to take part in a focus group meeting to help assess how the council is performing as part of a Corporate Peer Challenge.

A Corporate Peer Challenge is an external review of how a council is performing and how it can improve as an organisation to better serve its community. Peer challenges are common for principal authorities like Cheshire East Council and now available for Town Councils too. The Town Council will be the seventh Town Council in the country to have a corporate peer challenge, following Houghton Regis, Morecambe, Cirencester and Falmouth amongst others.

The peer challenge will see a panel comprising a representative of the Local Government Association, National Association of Local Councils, a councillor from another council and a clerk from another council coming for a three-day visit to meet with a range of internal and external stakeholders.

The peer challenge team will meet with councillors and staff, partner organisations such as Knutsford in Bloom and Knutsford Allotment Society, as well as market traders, local businesses and community leaders.

The Town Council also wants to arrange a panel of around eight residents for the peer challenge team to meet with on Wednesday 6th November at 4:15pm and is looking for volunteers from across the community.

“We are keen to create a group representing the diversity of our community and we aim to create a comprise of residents from across the town and at different stages of life” said Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green. 

Volunteers do not need any particular skills or to prepare, they just need to be willing to answer questions and discuss Knutsford and the town council as part of a group.

To apply to be part of the panel, simply complete a form at: www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/cpc  

Following two days of meetings, the peer challenge team will present its findings to the council and stakeholders following which a formal report will be issued and published alongside an action plan from the council of how it will respond to any recommendations.

Knutsford Market Hall

Market Hall Refurbishment Update

In September 2023 the Town Council was awarded a £560,000 grant from the government towards the renovation of the Market Hall. As with any grant, the award was subject to a number of conditions.

The funding application was based on initial costings developed by quantity surveyors to the outline design. During the last twelve months this project has been progressing through the detailed design and tender stage. Tendering was concluded in September and the project came in significantly over budget and would have required around a further £200,000 to be found. At the same time, there was a requirement to complete within a certain timeframe for both this funding and the £160,000 of funding provided through another fund which mean the planned project could not be delivered either in time or on budget.

Value engineering took place to develop a revised scheme that could be delivered within the funding envelope and time. Unfortunately, the government did not approve the revised scheme or an extension to the grant period, and has withdrawn its funding.

The Town Council will now be exploring what improvements to the Market Hall it can deliver with the £160,000 grant from the Shared Prosperity Fund.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks said “This is obviously extremely disappointing news for our market traders, the council and the market community – especially after the excitement of the prospect of a more significant investment”.

“We will now strive to deliver the best possible improvement to the Market Hall with available funds and aim to ensure our Market Hall can continue to provide a home to small businesses in our town centre”

Cllrs Peter Coan, April Johnson and James McCulloch behind a gate

Residents reminded to submit PROW evidence

16 users of a shortcut from King Street to Church Hill have provided evidence to support an application for the path to be recorded as a public right of way, with one user providing evidence of use for over 80 years.

The pathway next to Evuna comes provides a less-steep route from bottom street to Church Hill where it emerges next to the Egerton Place and the Town Council is collating an application to register the claimed public right of way to ensure preserve its use. Any users of the path who can provide evidence of at least 20 years of usage (i.e. since 2004 or before) are asked to contact the Town Council on 01565 653 929 or enquiries@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk to obtain an evidence form.

The application was prompted by the installation of gates in February. Whilst the gates are not locked and access along the path has not been prevented, their installation creates a point of challenge under public rights of way law and a claim must be made or the right to use the path could be lost. 

The Town Council has also been speaking with the owners of the properties along Church Hill about the installation of the gates, which are never locked, who explained that the gates were installed to deter anti-social behaviour in the evenings.

“The gates are closed in the evenings to deter opportunistic misuse by people looking for somewhere out of sight. There is currently a spate of antisocial behaviour in our town, even during the afternoons, so intermittently the gates may need to be closed in the afternoons” said one resident.  

 “We have no intention of deterring the legitimate use of this cut though but we do request users re-close the gates behind them if they find them closed, in respect of our safety and the protection of our property” they added.

Town Clerk Adam Keppel-Green said “We respect that the intentions of the current landowners are well meaning and that they do not have the aim of depriving access along this route. However, we believe there is a strong case that a public right of way exists here and will proceed with an application for this to be registered to protect longer-term access”

“We are pleased that the current residents are keen to work with the council to ensure the passageway can continue to be one of Knutsford’s hidden treasures”

Knutsford at Home

Knutsford was a mini ‘Ideal Home Exhibition’ on September 21st, with its home and interior design shops hosting its third Knutsford at Home Event. Knutsford at Home was sponsored by Slater and Gordon.

The event was a collaboration between the home and interior shops and businesses in the town centre and coordinated by Knutsford Town Council under their Discover Knutsford brand. It offered shoppers a ‘menu of inspiration’ including talks from artists such as Diane Marsland in Holly Johnson Antiques, an alcohol Ink Art workshop In Havwoods and a gardening talk by RHS Associate of Honour Sam Youd. There were also two ‘Ask the Architect sessions’ – Hive Architects in Arthur Lee and Bianca Morgan in Susie Watson Designs. The full list of shops taking part was, Arthur Lee Interiors, Detaljer, Havwoods, Holly Johnson Antiques, Kendal Quality Carpets, NaturalMat, Oil Art Advisory, Oka, RI Home, Sofas and Stuff, Susie Watson Designs and Terzetto Stone.

Helen Dufton co-owner of Arthur Lee said, “’This was our third Knutsford at Home event, and it was lovely to see our shop buzzing with customers both new and old. We opened our side terrace too so customers could enjoy the September sun. A huge thanks to everyone who popped into see us and our fellow Knutsford businesses.”

Andrea Young of Havwoods, said: ‘12 of our lovely clients attended our In Art workshop hosted by our very talented friend and amazing artist Louise Williamson aka Big Canvas Art. I have to say we were blown away by the unique art work that was created by a group of complete novices. Images of ocean landscapes, flower gardens, abstract and my very own atomic explosion. We also welcomed new customers to the showroom throughout the day. A big thank you to everyone who attended and also to Lyndsey Dyson for helping me host such a successful event.’’

Sandra Curties, Knutsford Town Council’s Town Centre Manager, said, “These events are all about promoting Knutsford as a destination shopping venue and offering a bespoke shopping experience that cannot be replicated online. A huge thanks to those who gave up their time to deliver the workshops. We loved the way our shops worked together and seeing visitors mapping out their day using the flyers was fabulous.  We look forward to a better and bigger event next year.”

A group of people sat on sofas inside Oka
Four ladies gathered around a table inside Holly Johnson Antiques
Flyer showing pictures of cakes and bunting

Picnic in the park- Big birthday bake off – Sunday 22nd September 12- 4

Join us and Knutsford Bake Club in the bake-off tent where you can purchase delicious cakes baked by Knutsford Bake Club (with all proceeds going to the mayor’s charities: The Welcome and Just Drop in).

You can also put your baking skills to the test by baking a birthday cake (or tray bake) to celebrate the 50th birthday of Knutsford Town Council.

If you would like to enter the competition, please bring your bread, cake or tray bake between 1-2pm. The Mayor of Knutsford will be judging entries at 2:30pm, with the winners taking home a gift voucher. All ages and abilities are welcome.

For more information, please email gemma.jackson@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk

Heritage Open Days comes to Knutsford 6-8th September

A bustling programme of heritage activity is available in Knutsford next weekend as part of the national Heritage Open Days event.

Knutsford Town Council has coordinated a programme of activity as part of the heritage festival which aims to celebrate the rich heritage across the UK. The council’s aim is to promote Knutsford as a place to visit for the first weekend of Heritage Open Days and to foster a better appreciation of the rich heritage we have on our doorstep. Materials to support the event have been funded by the UK Government as part of the Shared Prosperity Fund.

Heritage Open Days is always a free programme of events and Knutsford’s main events take place over the weekend of 6th– 8th September. While all events are free, some do require booking so please visit www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/heritageopendays for full details and booking information. 

Printed guides are also available from the Heritage Centre, Library, Council Offices and businesses around town.

Taking place on Friday 6th September is a tour of Booths Hall, Booths Mere and the ruins of St Helena’s Church, an exhibition on Knutsford’s links with Mrs Gaskell and the arrival of the railway and two screenings of the Knutsford: Tales of War film at the Curzon. Friday also sees the launch of a new book by local historian Jenny Collis with a book talk and signing for Knutsford, our streets through time.  You can also take a guide tour of St Cross Church, visit the Tabley House collection and take part in a ghost walk!

Saturday 7th starts with a fully booked tour of the Courthouse and later that afternoon there is a talk at Egerton Place on the Egerton Connection from Knutsford to Kenya.

On Sunday 8th you could take part in a guided tours of the town’s historic coaching inns, take part in the ghost walk you missed on Friday evening or visit the Brook St Chapel for a special history themed service.

Perfect Park Pictures

Perfect Parks Exhibition

A mini display of Knutsford’s primary school pupils’ artwork depicting their ‘perfect park’ is currently being exhibited at Knutsford Market Hall on Silk Mill Street. 

The exhibition was part of Knutsford Town Council’s Green Spaces research which took place before the school summer holidays. The perfect park competition asked children to draw their perfect park whilst adults completed a survey giving their opinions on the town’s current green spaces. The results of this research will help to inform, guide and secure investment in public open space across the town.

Town Clerk Adam Keppel Green said “The pictures children drew were delightful and deserve to be seen by everyone. We had everything from paddling pools and climbing walls to a giraffe DJ!”

The display will be at the Market Hall until end of September.

Sigiriya Knutsford

Sigiriya joins Taste Knutsford

One of Knutsford’s newest restaurants, Sigiriya, has joined Taste Knutsford, a popular monthly food tour that takes place in Cheshire’s leading foodie market town.

Don Buddhika owner of Sigiriya said, “We are excited to join the Taste Knutsford team and meet the tour guests. We will be offering a lunch option with a range of our ‘small plates’ giving customers a true and authentic taste of Sri Lanka.”

Sandra Curties, Town Centre Manager, said, “Sigiriya opened in late 2023 and has become a popular fixture on Knutsford’s hospitality scene. Our tour only champions our independent and small regional eateries and Sigiriya offers something a little bit different. We are sure this will be a popular stop!

Sandra, continued, “We love arranging these tours and our venues always roll out the red carpet to our guests. The feedback we receive regarding the tours is always positive with guests leaving very full! Our tour guides are knowledgeable about each venue and the town, encouraging quests to stay, linger and spend in Knutsford.”

Taste Knutsford was established in 2018 and promotes and supports a range of independent venues in the town centre including: April’s Kitchen, Cranford Café & Sandwich Bar, Dexter and Jones, Evuna, Morgan Edwards, Hot Cocoa, King Street Kitchen, Real Fruit Creamery, Café on the Corner, The Market Hall Butcher, The Market Café, The Tea Room, Detaljer and Tatton Perk.

Any small regional or independent hospitality venue can take part in the tour and if you wish to take part in a tour you can book via www.tasteknutsford.co.uk  Private tours for 8 or more can also be arranged.

Sigiriya is located on 15 Tatton Street Knutsford WA16 6AB and bookings can be made here https://www.sevenrooms.com/reservations/sigiriyagrill

Laura Christie of Linden Stores

£20 Knutsford Voucher Launched

Knutsford’s own high street voucher has had a makeover, with a new £20 voucher launched too.

The Knutsford Voucher was launched in 2020 with a simple idea: don’t buy an Amazon or Love2Shop voucher, instead buy a gift voucher that gets spent in Knutsford and goes direct to local shop owners and into the town’s economy.

Sandra Curties, Knutsford Town Council’s Town Centre Manager said, “The scheme is a cost-effective way to direct spend to our town’s independent shops, bars, cafes, and restaurants. We have redesigned the £10 voucher and added a £20 option. Both of these reflect our new Discover Knutsford branding, and the £5 voucher will soon follow suit.”

“We have also added a beautiful gift card, and these will be posted out with the vouchers making a perfect gift!” Sandra added.

A full list of business accepting the voucher can be found on the town council’s website alongside how to purchase vouchers. A broad selection of businesses accepts the vouchers including Flock of Arts, Detaljer, Arthur Lee, Hal Whittaker, and Knutsford Olde Sweet Shop. In the autumn you will also be able to purchase them on the council’s tourism focused sister-site – www.discoverknutsford.com

Omar Ashlan owner of Amador on King Street, who has recently signed up to the scheme, said “I am delighted to accept the Knutsford voucher. The scheme is a great way to support local businesses and keep spend local. As an additional incentive Amador will be offering 15% off any purchase paid or part paid by a Knutsford voucher. So, if you have some to spend pop down and visit us on King Street!”

Vouchers can also now be spent at Cheshire Granite worktops. Co-owner Donna O’Keefe co-owner said, “Not only are we going to accept the vouchers, but we are going to offer them as a thank you gift to customers. We are based on Stanley Road and love supporting our fellow Knutsford businesses”

The scheme is administered by the Town Council with businesses receiving 100% of the face value of vouchers redeemed in their shops.

King Street’s Lanigan and Hulme has also signed up to accept the voucher, Phil Lanigan said, “The Knutsford voucher is the perfect gift anytime of the year! We are excited to be part of the scheme. Our shop is full of womenswear, childrenswear and menswear that is solely made in the UK and Ireland so if you have a voucher come down and visit us on 23 King Street.”

Laura Christie co-owner of foodie haven Linden Stores on Minshull Street said, ‘We will be celebrating our first year in Knutsford this autumn and we love being part of this vibrant market town. We are more than happy to be part of this scheme so if you are looking for a unique present for someone, buy some Knutsford vouchers!’

If any Knutsford based business is interested in the scheme, they should contact Sandra Curties on 01565 653929. Please note only Knutsford based shops (not surrounding villages) can take the vouchers.

A sculpture of King Canute in the council office gardens, with a tree

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2024

The audit of accounts for Knutsford Town Council for the year ended 31 March 2024 has been completed and the accounts have been published.

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of Knutsford Town Council on application to Adam Keppel-Green (Town Clerk): townclerk@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk from Monday-Friday to 9am to 5pm. A copy of the completed AGAR can also be accessed here: AGAR 2023/24

Copies will be provided to any person on payment of £NIL for each copy of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return.

Announcement made by Adam Keppel-Green, Town Clerk

Date of announcement: 19th August 2024