We have published a number of maps and guides which aim to help visitors and residents discover Knutsford. You can pick up a hard copy of these from a number of locations across Cheshire including local tourist information centres. In Knutsford, you can pick up a copy from the Council Offices, Knutsford Heritage Centre or Knutsford Market Hall.
If you would like a copy of any of these guides posted to you to help you plan your visit, please email enquiries@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk
We commissioned a beautiful hand drawn map of Knutsford Town Centre to be our new visitor map. This map, which you can find displayed across the town centre with dispensers for the paper map, gives you a taste of what Knutsford has to offer, highlights some of our fabulous businesses and will help you find your way from Tatton Park to Curzon.
Published: 2024
Since the 1920s the council has produced an official town guide to promote the town to visitors and new residents.
The guide is a one-stop introduction to the town and you can discover what Knutsford has in store for you, from a brief history and introduction to our famous past residents to the low-down on the must visit places in and around the town.
Published: 2019
The Remembrance Discovery Trail was produced as part of the commemorations for the centenary of the end of the First World War.
The trail starts at the Centennial War Memorial and guides you around central Knutsford to discover what Knutsford was like during the period. The booklet was written by local historian Sylvia Chaplin and features a number of old photographs to help transport you back to 1918.
Published: 2018
Since the Tour of Britain visited the town in 2016, we have been keen to build a legacy to promote cycling in Knutsford.
Produced in partnership with Cycle Knutsford, this new map is designed to help you avoid some of the busier junctions and main roads of the town whilst still being able to reach all the places you need to go. The ‘Revolution’ route can also be used purely as a leisure ride that you can hop on to at any point, visiting the town’s many sites and attractions as you go. The second map shows three more routes for you to explore in the Cheshire countryside.
Published: 2019