In November 2024, the Town Council took advantage of the opportunity to have a corporate peer challenge which was delivered by the Local Government Association (LGA) and National Association of Local Councils (NALC). The objective of a corporate peer challenge is to guide improvement. It is an external review of how a council is performing and provides recommendations for how the organisation can develop. We chose to have a corporate peer challenge because we are committed to improving and being the best council we can be for the people of Knutsford; we are one of a handful of Town Councils who have gone through a peer challenge, but they are common for principal authorities like Cheshire East Council.
The report (download here) was published in January 2025. We are now in the process of developing an action plan to address the recommendations contained in the report.
The Corporate Peer Challenge is free, a crucial improvement tool for principal authorities, and highly regarded by those participating. It is now available to the larger parish and town councils. The Corporate Peer Challenge involves peers from the sector spending time with a council to review how they work, share their learning and provide challenges where necessary. It aims to highlight areas of good practice and identify areas for improvement and ongoing support.
The core elements for focus are capacity for improvement, financial planning and management, governance and culture, local priorities and outcomes, and organisational and place leadership.
Before the challenge gets underway, time is spent identifying the needs of the individual council, what they feel are their key challenges and areas to which they should pay particular attention. In addition to a verbal briefing at the end of the visit, a written report is produced after the visit, including recommendations to the council. Ten months after the visit, a progress review is also undertaken.
The peer challenge team comprised Cllr Steve Walker of Waddesdon Parish Council; Town Clerk of Falmouth Town Council, Mark Williams; NALC Member Services Manager Anders Hanson and Peer Challenge Manager at the LGA, Jill Scarr.
Across two days they met with over 75 people this included:
- Councillors and council staff
- The Leader of Cheshire East Council and officers
- Local Businesses
- Local Residents
- Community Organisations such as Knutsford in Bloom and Friends of the Heath
- Partner organisations, such as Tatton Estate and Great Places
An open invitation was issued to residents to register for the resident panel meeting. Other stakeholders were directly invited by the Town Council.
In total, the report makes 23 recommendations which are summarised as follows:
- Review the strategic plan priorities and duration
- Undertake a staffing review
- Enhance the resilience in respect of the Town Clerk/RFO role
- Continue engagement with CEC regarding services and joint working
- Develop an asset management strategy
- Support the creation of a Business Improvement District
- Develop a communications strategy to improve communications
- Develop a procurement strategy to improve procurement
- Commission an external health and safety review
- Review the council’s equal opportunities policy
- Undertake equality impact assessments for activity
- Increase the visibility of councillors
- Improve support for councillors to develop their roles
- Resolve issues with 60 King St and the Market Hall
- Undertake improvements to the council offices
- Promote election processes to see contested elections
- Improve the clarity of decision within committees and link more strongly to strategy
- Develop stronger challenge from councillors in meetings
- Increase councillor/officer collaboration
- Develop a strategic risk register
- Improve the robustness of business plans
- Invest in project management expertise
- Implement lessons learned exercises
The Town Council is in the process of developing an action plan to address each recommendation. This will be reported to our March Council meting.