Knutsford Town Council is a consultee on all planning applications within Knutsford and through our Planning and Licensing Committee we submit comments on almost 200 applications every year.

The decision on planning applications is made by Cheshire East Council (the planning authority) and decisions are based on national/local planning policy and ‘material considerations’.

Our Planning and Licensing Committee meets every three weeks at 6pm. Time is set aside at every meeting for the public to comment on applications being considered that evening, so if you are affected by a planning application, check when it is on our agenda, come along and let your councillors know.

To view current applications in Knutsford, visit the Cheshire East Council Planning Portal:

Types of applications we comment on:

  • New housing and employment developments
  • Householder extensions
  • Works to protected trees
  • Works to trees in conservation areas
  • Discharge of conditions applications for listed buildings / buildings within conservation areas
  • Non-material minor amendments
  • Certificates of Lawful Existing Use or Devleopment (CLUED)

The committee does not consider Certificates of Lawful Proposed Use or Development (CLPUD) or discharges of conditions except as above.


The Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan is a statutory planning document which forms part of the ‘development plan’ for Knutsford alongside the Cheshire East Council Local Plan. Cheshire East Council must use the Neighbourhood Plan policies when making decisions on planning applications in Knutsford.

The Neighbourhood Plan was developed by a committee of councillors and volunteer residents, supported by over 100 volunteers in numerous working groups. It was subject to extensive consultation between 2016 and 2018 and  approved at a referendum in March 2019.

Printed copies of the approved plan are available to purchase for £15 and a  reference copy is available in Knutsford Library.

View more local plans and information here: Knutsford Plans and Data