ASS01 | C3 | Assets and Operations Committee to review the scope of Town Ranger service | Assets | Town Clerk | 26/06/2023 | Complete |
TOW01 | TC1 | Establish a Town Centre Masterplan working group | Town Centre | Town Clerk | 10/07/2023 | Complete |
TOW07 | TC3 | Deliver successful alfresco dining evenings | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 22/07/2023 | Complete |
ENV11 | T1 | Establish an Active Travel Infrastructure Plan working group | Environment | Town Clerk | 24/07/2023 | Complete |
ENV18 | T5 | Respond to the Northern consultation on the closure of the ticket office at the station | Environment | Town Clerk | 28/07/2023 | |
COM9 | C8 | Investigate and agree a new e-marketing platform to enable the development of improved e-communication channels. | Community | Town Clerk | 31/07/2023 | Complete |
TOW06 | TC3 | Deliver successful Knutsford Family Fest | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 05/08/2023 | Started |
ASS08 | S5 | Creation and dissemination of a promotional leaflet for the Cemetery Chapel | Assets | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | Started |
ASS09 | S5 | Development of a marketing plan to generate further bookings of the Cemetery Chapel | Assets | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | |
COM21 | S4 | Obtain a clear position from Cheshire East Council on the status of funding for improvements to Knutsford Leisure Centre following changes introduced in their medium term financial strategy | Community | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | Started |
ENV04 | H2 | Support McCarthy and Stone in the creation of the interpretation board for the memorial garden at the site of the War Memorial Cottage Hospital | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | Started |
ENV16 | T3 | Write to landowners to understand if there are any existing issues/conflicts on Public Rights of Way | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | |
ENV17 | T3 | Investigate options for replacing PROW signage to include indication of where paths lead to | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | |
ENV19 | T5 | Council representative to Mid Cheshire Community Rail Partnership to ascertain if there are any specific actions they would like to see the Town Council support/undertake | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | |
ENV20 | T6 | Better understand the community transport schemes in Knutsford and identify if any support is required | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/08/2023 | |
COM6 | C6 | Deliver a successful (measured by attendance and feedback from groups) third ReFresh Knutsford community freshers fair. | Community | Communications Officer | 02/09/2023 | Started |
ASS02 | C3 | Personnel Committee (and then Council) to consider increasing staffing resource for Town Ranger service | Personnel | Town Clerk | 11/09/2023 | Started |
TOW04 | TC3 | Deliver a successful Knutsford at Home initiative | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 16/09/2023 | Started |
ASS05 | S5 | Town Clerk to investigate income generation from building in current form, including to understand the VAT impact of any income on the council’s overall VAT recovery and report to committee on proposals | Assets | Town Clerk | 18/09/2023 | |
ENV01 | H2 | Consider the installation of three blue plaques put forward under the Blue Plaques Scheme | Environment | Town Clerk | 25/09/2023 | |
ENV23 | T7 | Consider the 20’s plenty campaign and whether it should be supported in Knutsford | Environment | Town Clerk | 25/09/2023 | |
PLA06 | H3 | Investigate the cost and process of conservation area designations for Cranford Avenue, Grove Park and Shaw Heath | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 25/09/2023 | Started |
PLA11 | C9 | Committee to consider the timing and budget requirements of a Neighbourhood Plan Review | Planning | Town Clerk | 25/09/2023 | Started |
COM1 | C1 | Hold a meeting with Great Places, The Welcome and Cheshire East Council Community Team to understand the known/unknown in relation to access to services within St John's Wood ward. | Community | Town Clerk | 30/09/2023 | Started |
COM11 | C10 | Develop a new regular e-newsletter from the Town Council | Community | Communications Officer | 30/09/2023 | |
COM12 | C11 | Develop a schedule of existing locations where posters/notices can be displayed to promote activity | Community | Communications Officer | 30/09/2023 | |
COM19 | S4 | Obtain information from Cheshire East Council and local schools on current school places provision and subscription levels | Community | Town Clerk | 30/09/2023 | Started |
COM4 | C6 | Develop an updated community organisation directory both for internal use and published on the Town Council website. | Community | Communications Officer | 30/09/2023 | |
COM5 | C6 | Launch a regular community group e-newsletter | Community | Communications Officer | 30/09/2023 | |
COM7 | C6 | Increase promotion of the council's grant scheme and alternative funding opportunities with local groups via the community group newsletter | Community | Town Clerk | 30/09/2023 | |
ENV03 | H2 | Install a new plaque for the QEII coronation tree | Environment | Town Clerk | 30/09/2023 | Started |
ENV13 | T2 | Work with partners to develop a project plan for the cycle path from the Moor to Parkgate | Environment | Town Clerk | 30/09/2023 | |
ENV22 | T6 | Research the options and costs of enhanced bus services | Environment | Town Clerk | 30/09/2023 | |
ENV25 | T7 | Implement a robust programme for speed monitoring to identify problem roads and engage with Cheshire East Council and Cheshire Police to secure action to address | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 30/09/2023 | |
PLA01 | H3 | Conclude the review of the Heathfield Square Conservation Area and submit to CEC | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 30/09/2023 | Started |
PLA02 | H3 | Conclude the review of the St John's Conservation Area and submit to CEC | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 30/09/2023 | Started |
EVE01 | H2 | Events Committee to consider options for re-introducing a Heritage Open Days event in September 2024 | Events | Events Manager | 02/10/2023 | |
EVE02 | H2 | Events Committee to consider options for marking the 50th anniversary of the Town Council | Events | Town Clerk / Events Manager | 02/10/2023 | Started |
EVE03 | C5 | Events Committee to consider options for a community fun day on the open space at Longridge/Higher Downs in summer 2024 | Events | Events Manager | 02/10/2023 | |
EVE08 | TC6 | Events Committee to consider options for a re-launched Knutsford Art Trail for April 2024 | Events | Events Manager | 02/10/2023 | |
EVE09 | TC6 | Events Committee to consider options for a re-launched Knutsford Food and Drink Festival | Events | Events Manager | 02/10/2023 | |
TOW02 | TC1 | Develop a project plan for the creation of the masterplan. | Town Centre | Town Clerk | 02/10/2023 | |
ASS10 | S5 | Terms to be agreed with Bruntwood for their occupation of 60 King Street | Assets | Town Clerk | 09/10/2023 | |
COM13 | C12 | Develop a schedule of locations for potential new noticeboards in areas across the town with natural footfall | Community | Town Clerk | 31/10/2023 | |
COM15 | C14 | Develop a ‘consultation and engagement template’ for use when planning engagement activity, detailing opportunities for connecting with existing networks and events, developing novel engagement methods and how to reach differnet stakeholders and demographics. | Community | Town Clerk | 31/10/2023 | |
COM20 | S4 | Investigate current and potential community usage of the Adelaide Academy Sports Barn | Community | Town Clerk | 31/10/2023 | |
COM8 | C7 | Undertake a gap analysis of the community organisations within the town to identify if there are any areas where new organisations would be beneficial | Community | Town Clerk | 31/10/2023 | |
ENV09 | C4 | Develop a schedule of routine maintenance/cleanliness jobs that would be suitable for volunteers to support | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/10/2023 | |
ENV14 | T2 | Work with partners to fund the necessary survey work for the Moor to Parkgate Cycle Path | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/10/2023 | |
EVE05 | C5 | Host the Knutsford Pumpkin Path | Events | Events Manager | 31/10/2023 | Started |
PLA03 | H3 | Conclude the review of the Cross Town Conservation Area and submit to CEC | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/10/2023 | Started |
PLA11 | E4 | Agree lobbying for the protection of trees with Cheshire East Council and the government | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/10/2023 | |
TOW05 | TC3 | Deliver a successful autumn Knutsford Flash Fashion initiative | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 31/10/2023 | Started |
TOW12 | TC5 | Complete a business confidence survey to identify where support is needed | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 31/10/2023 | Started |
TOW16 | S5 | Update the Markets Strategy and action plan | Town Centre | Town Clerk | 13/11/2023 | |
ENV02 | H2 | Explore a ‘lost streets’ project which would look to install signage denoting street names which have been lost or streets which are no longer in existence e.g. Bakehouse Yard, Love Lane etc | Environment | Town Clerk | 27/11/2023 | |
ENV15 | T3 | Source volunteers to undertake a survey of existing PROW and non-PROW | Environment | Town Clerk | 30/11/2023 | |
TOW08 | TC3 | Increase promotion of the Knutsford Voucher | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 30/11/2023 | |
TOW09 | TC3 | Increase promotion of Taste Knutsford | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 30/11/2023 | |
TOW13 | TC5 | Identify areas where businesses could benefit from shared resources | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 30/11/2023 | |
COM14 | C13 | Create a pop-up “What’s On” ‘POS’ display that can be deployed at events to promote upcoming activity/ general information | Community | Communications Officer | 02/12/2023 | |
EVE10 | TC6 | Host Knutsford Christmas Market and Christmas Light Switch On | Events | Events Manager | 02/12/2023 | Started |
EVE06 | C5 | Host the Crib Service | Events | Civic Events Officer | 09/12/2023 | |
ASS03 | C3 | Planning and Facilities Officer undertake a review of equipment provided for the Town Ranger service and bring proposals for future purchase/replacement to the Assets and Operations Committee | Assets | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
ASS04 | C3 | Planning and Facilities Officer to explore enhanced use of CEC depot at Longridge. | Assets | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
ASS07 | S5 | Assets and Operations Committee to monitor the impact of change in usage fee and introduction of contactless payments on usage of the public toilets | Assets | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
COM16 | S1 | Facilitate joint meetings of stakeholders in connection with the delivery of a new medical centre, leading to an agreed delivery plan. | Community | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
COM17 | S3 | Compile a schedule of existing services and facilities within Knutsford to create a baseline | Community | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
COM3 | c2 | Undertake a consultation with the residents of Longridge on whether the streets should be renamed and ideas for renaming. | Community | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
ENV08 | H4 | Undertake a ward-by-ward local heritage survey | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
ENV10 | C4 | Explore the creation of a volunteer team to support activity | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
ENV21 | T6 | Undertake a survey of existing bus infrastructure to identify any required improvements | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
ENV27 | E1 | Work with established friends groups to ensure the Green Spaces Strategy consultation also meets their specific aims | Environment | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
ENV28 | E3 | Develop and commence implementation of an updated Nature Action Plan for the 2023-2027 period | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
ENV29 | E4 | Review of the mature trees survey to identify 10 trees/areas suitable for preservation orders and an application to be submitted to Cheshire East Council | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
PLA04 | H3 | Conclude the review of the Town Centre Conservation Area and submit to CEC | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | Started |
PLA09 | C9 | Explore creation of a checklist for members to appraise applications against | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
PLA10 | E4 | Undertake a review of planning decisions for tree applications over the past twelve months to identify learning points from CEC Tree Officer reports | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
PLA12 | H3 | Implement a system to ensure the conservation area management plan objectives are considered when reviewing planning applications within said areas. | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/12/2023 | |
TOW03 | TC2 | Secure a timeframe from Cheshire East Council for the feasibility assessments of the From Top to Bottom Street Proposals | Town Centre | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | Complete |
TOW10 | TC4 | Secure agreement from Cheshire East Council for coach parking at the bus station | Town Centre | Town Clerk | 31/12/2023 | |
TOW14 | TC5 | Develop an annual programme of business support workshops for local businesses | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 31/12/2023 | |
COM2 | C1 | Develop a forward plan with stakeholders to further understand issues in relation to acess to services in St John's Wood ward and how they will be addressed. | Community | Town Clerk | 08/01/2024 | |
EVE07 | C5 | Launch the Young Artist of the Year Competition as part of the Knutsford Art Trail | Events | Events Manager | 31/01/2024 | |
PLA05 | H3 | Agree the timetable for public consultation on the Heathfield Square, St John’s, Town Centre and Cross Town reviews. | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/01/2024 | |
TOW15 | S5 | Develop an agreed scheme for the renovation of the market hall | Town Centre | Town Clerk | 31/01/2024 | |
ENV24 | T7 | Review existing speed limits in Knutsford and put forward proposals for change under the CEC Speed Management Strategy | Environment | Town Clerk | 05/02/2024 | |
ENV05 | H3 | Develop an information leaflet for residents of the Legh Road Conservation Area following its formal adoption | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 28/02/2024 | |
ENV26 | E1 | Identify the various stakeholders for green spaces and develop a targeted consultation to inform the development of a Green Spaces Strategy | Environment | Town Clerk | 28/02/2024 | |
EVE04 | C5 | Host the Bunny Hop | Events | Events Manager | 30/03/2024 | |
ASS06 | S5 | Council Offices sub-committee to develop a phased programme for renovation | Assets | Town Clerk | 31/03/2024 | |
COM10 | C9 | Proactively develop the e-newsletter database to reach 1,500 resident subscribers | Community | Communications Officer | 31/03/2024 | |
COM18 | S3 | Undertake a targeted consultation with young people to understand what services and facilities they would like to have access to. | Community | Town Clerk | 31/03/2024 | |
ENV06 | H3 | Develop an action plan for addressing the actions raised in the management plans of each conservation area | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/03/2024 | |
ENV07 | H3 | Explore the creation of an information leaflet for residents of the other four Conservation Areas | Environment | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/03/2024 | |
PLA07 | H4 | Undertake a review of planning decisions for heritage assets over the past twelve months to identify learning points from CEC Planning Officer reports | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/03/2024 | |
PLA08 | H4 | Develop proposals for an updated Local List of Heritage Assets | Planning | Planning and Facilities Officer | 31/03/2024 | |
TOW11 | TC4 | Implement the coach friendly town initiative | Town Centre | Town Centre Manager | 31/03/2024 | |
TOW17 | S5 | Secure a renewed licence for the operation of an outdoor market | Town Centre | Town Clerk | 31/03/2024 | |
ENV12 | T1 | Develop an Active Travel Infrastructure Plan | Environment | Town Clerk | 28/02/2025 | |