The Annual Town Meeting is an open meeting for all residents of Knutsford – whilst it is organised by the Town Council, it is not a council meeting. The law says the meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June and we usually hold ours in April. The meeting is chaired by the Mayor with the Town Clerk taking the minutes but Councillors have no more standing than other electors of Knutsford.
The meeting is an open forum giving residents an opportunity to raise issues they feel are important to the town. This could be:
- Suggesting ideas for the Town Council to investigate
- Raising concerns about planned activities in the town
- Asking questions to the Town Council
- Raising general issues affecting the town
Any registered elector for Knutsford has the right to speak at the meeting.
We also present the Town Awards as part of the meeting.
The 2024 Annual Town Meeting will take place on Tuesday 23rd April at 7pm in Knutsford Little Theatre.
You can find the agenda here: 2024 Town Meeting Agenda
There was no meeting in 2020 due to the coronavirus restrictions.