A group of people sat down listening to a woman giving a talk

Knutsford delivers an action-packed Health & Wellness Week

Knutsford’s second Health & Wellness Week was a jam-packed week showcasing a range of wellbeing services in the town centre. Organised by Knutsford Town Council, the event programme kicked off on Saturday 18th January with Re- Fresh, a fair showcasing interest and community groups. The week continued with an array of activities and sessions such as running, yoga, Pilates podiatry, life coaching, hearing and eye checks, and counselling.

Refresh was held at St John’s Church and Knutsford Methodist Church and hosted a variety of community and interest groups from 1pm to 3pm on 18th January. Both churches had a steady flow of visitors exploring the different community and volunteer groups on offer. The range was huge and included Knutsford Bake Club, Crosstown Community Orchard, Run Knutsford, and Hartford French Circle exhibiting alongside Satya Sanctuary and Knutsford Hearing Centre.

Roberta Dyer owner of Roberta Dyer Beauty Re-defined said, “”This was my first time exhibiting at Re – Fresh and it was a great opportunity to connect with the community away from the salon. Our reflexology, facials and laser hair removal consultations proved popular. I particularly enjoyed the menopause talk which I co-hosted with Helen Jones Nutrition and Dr Lydia Robertson a GP and menopause specialist”.

The week continued with a variety of wellness activities, from invigorating fitness classes and calming yoga sessions to informative talks on menopause and nutrition. Knutsford Hearing Centre offered free Hearing Health appointments, and Find Your Backbone offered free 30 minutes introduction lessons to The Alexander Technique (for back and neck pain) throughout the week.

The event was sponsored by cardiovascular specialist, Tomorrow’s Wellness which opened in June 2024 on Regent Street. During the week they offered discounts and free blood pressure check-ups.

David Willis, CEO of Tomorrow Wellness said “Health & Wellness Week has not only been a wonderful opportunity for residents and visitors of Knutsford to focus on their well-being, but also a brilliant showcase of the array of health and wellness services available here in town.”

David continued “At Tomorrow Wellness we were proud to sponsor this event and had a great week offering free blood pressure checks to attendees and raising awareness of Heart & Cardiovascular Preventative Health and Wellness”

Sandra Curties, Town Centre Manager at Knutsford Town Council said; “This was our second Health & Wellness Week organised in Knutsford and it was wonderful to see how it’s grown. Knutsford town centre has a varied health & wellness offering and this weeklong event posed as an excellent reminder of what services are on offer.

Sandra continued “If you were unable to attend and would like to learn more about a specific service please get in touch with the relevant business.”

Businesses and organisations involved include:

  • Helen Jones Nutritional Therapist
  • Sian Winslade Coaching
  • Guided Outdoor Adventures
  • Just Drop In
  • Satya Sanctuary
  • NC Health and Wellness
  • Soul Reformer
  • Elite Health
  • Wellness Webb
  • Find your Backbone
  • Nxtep Gym
  • Run Knutsford
  • Soul Reformer
  • Run Talk Walk Knutsford
  • Roberta Beauty Redefined
  • Healthwatch
  • Knutsford Hearing Centre
  • Stable Minds
  • Tomorrow Wellness
  • Parkletics
  • Clare & Illingworth
  • Cheshire Physical Therapy
A group of councillors sat around a table with an audience

Council sets 2025/26 budget

Knutsford Town Council has set its annual budget for the 2025/26 financial year, with a gross expenditure of £1,036,291. The precept, which is collected as part of council tax, has been set at £816,860 meaning a Band D household will pay £11.08 per month to fund the work of the Town Council, an increase of £1.09 per month on the 2024/25 amount.

The Town Council is responsible for a range of services and activity to support the local community, including:

  • Community grants and funding services like Citizens Advice
  • Community events such as the Music Festival, Pumpkin Path, Christmas Light Switch with new events Paint Knutsford and an outdoor cinema event planned for 2025
  • Maintaining local assets such as Knutsford Cemetery, Wallwood, Public Toilets, Higher Town Green and the Library Gardens
  • Delivering the Town Ranger service, including this year hiring an apprentice
  • Managing Knutsford Market Hall which is currently undergoing a refurbishment

Following funding for the first stage design of an active travel path from the Moor to Parkgate Lane, the council has allocated just under £40,000 to develop the technical design which will enable it to then seek funding for the delivery of the path.

Staffing costs have increased both due to the changes in employer national insurance contributions, which unlike Cheshire East Council the Town Council is not compensated for, and investment in a new staffing structure which will enable the council to deliver its ambitious strategic plan for the community whilst ensuring the council’s core administration is resilient.

The budget also makes provision for taking proposals for a Business Improvement District through to a referendum with local businesses, which could see an additional £2m investment managed by an independent board of traders over a five-year period to support the vitality of the town centre as a place to do business.

“Every penny in our budget is spent on Knutsford, from running events that bring the community together to undertaking small projects that make the town more special such as delivering our Nature Action Plan or celebrating our heritage” said Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks.

“With the continued reduction in service levels from Cheshire East Council we are finding it more and more necessary to take care of things locally, and our budget enables us to work to make Knutsford a better place to live, work, visit and do business”

The full council budget can be found at: www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/council/finance

Cllr April Johnson hands the key to the Market to Jim Southall of Built by Mode.

Works on Knutsford Market Hall commence

The long-awaited refurbishment of Knutsford Market Hall has started this week.

Local building contractors, Built by Mode, were handed the keys to the building on Tuesday and have swiftly commenced the strip-out of the building. The first phase of work involves stripping out the existing stall structures, ceiling and floor coverings.

The programme then involves raising the level of the floor, building new stall structures improving security and storage for traders, the installation of a new accessible toilet and a kitchenette to support the hall’s use outside market hours.

“It is exciting to be underway with the refurbishment and we are really looking forward to welcoming the traders back into the building once works are complete” said Cllr April Johnson.

This project has received £160,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the balance of costs are funded through previous market hall income and the council’s capital reserve.

Works are expected to last until the end of March with old and new traders moving back in in April. Whilst works are ongoing, the Market Butcher and Heathfield Fruit and Veg are trading from the car park, whilst Market Hall Barber Pino is working from 2nd Knutsford Scout Hut by appointment.

We will be posting regular updates on the works via social media.  

Flower Planters on a Roadside Barriers

Corporate Peer Review Report Published

A report on how Knutsford Town Council can work to improve how it delivers for the community has been published.

The report is the second stage of the Corporate Peer Challenge, a review which was initiated by the Town Council to guide its improvement. A peer challenge is an external review of how a council is performing and how it can improve as an organisation to better serve its community.

In November, the peer challenge team spent three days in Knutsford holding 24 meetings and speaking with over 75 people including council staff, councillors, local residents and community/business representatives. The team used their experience and knowledge of local government to reflect on the information presented to them by people they met, things they saw and material that they read.

The report praised the council’s effective governance and financial management and the positive civility and respect displayed in the council chamber. Peers noted that the council has a lot to celebrate and that there is a real commitment within the council, and from residents and businesses, to make the town a great place to live and visit. The report highlights that the council has a number of good examples of partnership working, is engaged with the local community and a strong staff team with good morale.

Looking to where improvement can be made, the peer team found that the council’s ambition was not matched with adequate resource to deliver and that the council has a tendency to take on projects before completing existing ones. The report highlights a lack of capacity in the Town Clerk’s role and the need to increase resilience and staffing levels.

The report also suggested that the visibility of councillors could be improved with greater support for their development to support them in their roles as leaders and in delivering effective challenge and strategic oversight of the council’s operations.

A more strategic approach to asset management is another recommendation, with peers noting the challenges around the delivery of a refurbishment of the Market Hall, the vacant 60 King Street and the need for investment at the Council Offices of which the team said “the building is impressive from the outside and this gives a false impression of it as a workspace. The internal space is in a state of disrepair and accessibility is poor”

In total 23 recommendations were made which are summarised as:

  1. Review the strategic plan priorities and duration
  2. Undertake a staffing review
  3. Enhance the resilience in respect of the Town Clerk/RFO role
  4. Continue engagement with CEC regarding services and joint working
  5. Develop an asset management strategy
  6. Support the creation of a Business Improvement District
  7. Develop a communications strategy to improve communications
  8. Develop a procurement strategy to improve procurement
  9. Commission an external health and safety review
  10. Review the council’s equal opportunities policy
  11. Undertake equality impact assessments for activity
  12. Increase the visibility of councillors
  13. Improve support for councillors to develop their roles
  14. Resolve issues with 60 King St and the Market Hall
  15. Undertake improvements to the council offices
  16. Promote election processes to see contested elections
  17. Improve the clarity of decision within committees and link more strongly to strategy
  18. Develop stronger challenge from councillors in meetings
  19. Increase councillor/officer collaboration
  20. Develop a strategic risk register
  21. Improve the robustness of business plans
  22. Invest in project management expertise
  23. Implement lessons learned exercises

“We initiated this challenge because we are committed to continual improvement and ensuring Knutsford has the best town council it can have and we’d like to thank the peer team and all those in the community who gave time to participate in the review” said Town Mayor, Cllr Colin Banks.

“The purpose of the review was to identify areas for improvement, so we are not disappointed by any of the findings. We will now begin working on addressing each recommendation and as a result be better placed to serve Knutsford”

The report will be discussed at the Town Council meeting on Monday 6th January. A working group will then develop an action plan to address each recommendation for the March council meeting after which it will be submitted to the LGA/NALC. After 12 months,  the Peer Challenge Team will meet with the council again to review how the council is progressing with its improvement.

The full report can be read here: Corporate Peer Challenge Report

The Knutsford town boundary sign with a floral planter beneath

2025 Millennium Bursary open for applications

Calling all second-year university students residing in Knutsford or Toft! Applications for the 2025 Knutsford Millennium Bursary are now open, offering a valuable £715 boost to your final year projects and dissertations.

This annual partnership between Knutsford Town Council and the Knutsford Lions has been supporting local students for over two decades, recognising academic merit and alleviating financial pressures during the crucial final year.

Whether students need funding for research materials, travel for fieldwork, or simply a helping hand with living expenses, the Millennium Bursary can make a real difference. Past recipients have used the award to access specialist software, conduct international research, and even purchase essential equipment for their projects.

The application process is straightforward. If you’re a second-year student with a term-time address in Knutsford or Toft, all you need to do is complete the application form on the Knutsford Town Council website and submit a written statement outlining your academic aspirations and how the bursary will help you achieve them.

Applications are open until 14th February, so don’t miss this chance to secure additional support for your final year project or dissertation.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks said “For 25 years the Town Council has been providing this annual award to support one of our students in their higher education. I am greatly looking forward to seeing the applications for the 2025 award and encourage all second year university students from Knutsford to consider applying”

Applications can be completed at www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/services/millennium-bursary

A man talking with Santa

Knutsford’s Christmas Sparkle: Light Switch on and Festive Market Weekend!

Last weekend the picturesque market town of Knutsford put on its annual Knutsford Market weekend with Light Switch On. Princess Street was filled with over 130 market stalls of the finest artisan products for a weekend of festive shopping.

Saturday featured the wonderful town lights being switched on by The Mayor of Knutsford Colin Banks and his wife the Mayoress, Christine. He was joined on stage by the May Queen and Crown Bearer and the man in red himself Santa. Local celebrity chef and TV personality Aiden Byrne also joined them onstage to help the crowd in the countdown to 6pm when the tree in Canute place, and the town lights, were lit to a huge round of applause. Aiden has recently opened restaurant Li-ly by Aiden Byrne, with his wife Sarah on King Street in Knutsford.

Headline act, The Breakfast Club kept everyone entertained with some well-known Christmas favourites, rounding off the entertainment on a magical high.

Councillor April Johnson commented ‘It was magical, and I think really started the Christmas season off with a bang’.

Simon Carin, The Welcome said ‘certainly the best Christmas Market I have attended. Good to see the markets so busy as well. I had forgotten how good the Town looks with all the Christmas lights up, it really is a great place to live.’

This years Santa Parade was a huge hit with hundreds gathering along King Street to catch a glimpse of Santa in his sleigh, care of Together Knutsford. Joining him along the way, The City of Chester Bluecoat Band, a local brownie group, Elsa and Anna, and a cheeky bunch of elves having the most magical of times.

Alex Molloy Events Manager said ‘We are so lucky to have such a brilliant community in Knutsford, that brings people in from far and wide to enjoy the atmosphere and mark the start of our festive season in this beautiful town. People came in their thousands with several traders reporting record breaking sales days. This event is a huge part of the events calendar and is only possible with the support of our sponsors, Savills, Cygnet Health (Tabley House Care Home), Bruntwood and Speedy Freight. Special thanks to Knutsford Hosts, The Rotary and The Scouts for the much-needed people power to ensure we can operate.’

Join the Mayor of Knutsford, local Churches, Manor Park School Choir and the Cit of Chester Brass Band on Saturday 7th December 4-5pm outside Lost and Found for this years Christmas Crib Service. This is a free event. Visit https://www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/christmas-events

People inside St Johns Church Knutsford looking at ReFresh exhibits

Call for Community Groups – ReFresh 2025

Knutsford’s Community freshers-style fair, ReFresh Knutsford, is set to return in January 2025 giving community groups, charities, and clubs the opportunity to showcase their organisation and recruit members. This year ReFresh will be in conjunction with wellness week, which focuses on mental and physical health.

Organised by Knutsford Town Council, ReFresh Knutsford emerged in 2021 as a community fair based on the concept of a ‘freshers fair’. The event gave Knutsford residents old and new the opportunity to discover organisations and clubs and connect them better to things going on in the community.

Knutsford Town Council are currently recruiting community groups, charities, and clubs to showcase their organisation on the 18th January. The event will be held across two venues: St Johns Church and Egerton Place from 1pm – 3pm. It is free to exhibit for all groups.

Communication Officer Laura Anderson said ‘Knutsford is lucky to be the home of many interesting clubs and community groups. We understand it can be hard for clubs to get their organisation known and for residents to find exactly what they are looking for. This event for is a brilliant opportunity to connect these groups to residents and showcase what they do’

Any group wishing to exhibit at this event can do so by contacting enquiries@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk . The deadline for expressions of interest is 20th December 2024.

The mayor and the winner of the Christmas Competition outside Knutsford Sweet shop

Knutsford Olde Sweet Shoppe awarded first place in Knutsford’s Christmas Window Competition!

Knutsford’s annual Christmas Window Competition, hosted by Knutsford Town Council, has once again brought seasonal cheer to the town centre.

The annual competition is judged by the Town Mayor alongside Ian Cass, Managing Director of the Forum of Private Business which also sponsors the annual Knutsford Town Awards. Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks and Ian toured the town centre to view all the window displays created by local businesses.

This year the winner was Knutsford Olde Sweet Shoppe with their traditional festive window that has continued to delight younger visitors to the town. Jessica Stone salon, who opened earlier this year on Church Hill, took second place for the elegant and carefully decorated window. Tatton Perk came third with their artistic Christmas illustration which was the work of a staff member Alexander Montgomery.

The overall winner was presented with a trophy and certificate with 2nd Place and 3rd Place certificates going to the runners up. Certificates were also presented for best small window and best charity shop window.

The best small window award went to R.I Home with their ski inspired window which perfectly complimented the range of products on sale. Age UK won best charity shop window for their traditional and vintage Christmas display.

Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks said, “The Christmas windows in the town centre this year were as impressive as ever. You can see how much effort goes into the displays with many business owners spending hours on them themselves. The shops should all be immensely proud of the displays and how they collectively create a very festive shopping experience.”

“It was a tough decision to pick the winners, so all awards were based on how much effort was put in as well as overall design and effect. A big congratulations to each winner and well done to all on their festive windows”

Three people outside Age Uk holding a certificate
A group of people outside R.I Home Knutsford
A group of people outside Tatton Perk Knutsford

Aiden Byrne and staff sat on a bench

Aiden Byrne to help Knutsford switch on the festive lights!

This weekend, Knutsford welcomes in the festive season with their annual Knutsford Christmas Market and Light Switch On.  Aiden Byrne, renowned chef and TV personality who, in 2002, became the youngest chef to earn a restaurant a Michelin star, will join the Mayor of Knutsford and Santa, the May Queen and Crown Bearer, on stage to switch on the towns Christmas lights. Aiden and Sarah Byrne recently opened Knutsford’s newest restaurant Li-ly by Aiden Byrne to rave reviews.

In Canute Place on Saturday 30th November from 1pm the stage will be set for a day of the best in local live entertainment, school choirs, solo artists and the headline act The Breakfast Club. This year’s lights will be switched on at 6pm and attendees can grab a drink and some of the great food on offer and take their place in front of the main stage.

The market is open 12-7pm Saturday 30th November and 11-4pm Sunday 1stDecember. Sponsors for this year’s event are – Speedy Freight, Cygnet, Savills and Bruntwood.

A team from Discover Knutsford will host a stall at the markets across both days where visitors can pick up a map of the town, a programme of events and a Knutsford Festive Gift Guide showcasing what Knutsford has to offer as a Christmas shopping destination. There will also be the opportunity for visitors to the stand to enter a prize draw with the chance to win prizes from local businesses.

Visitors can also keep warm with mulled wine (alcoholic and non-alcoholic options available) or hot Vimto – on Saturday this raises funds for the Mayor’s Charities, Just Drop In and The Welcome whilst on Sunday it raises funds for the Friends of the Moor, Heath, St John’s Wood and Crosstown Community Orchard!

Driving to Knutsford for the Christmas Market weekend? please make use of the Park and Ride service running from Booths Hall, which is situated about a mile from Knutsford Town Centre and can be found using postcode WA16 8GS.

A shuttle bus will run back and forth throughout the whole weekend dropping you off at Knutsford Bus Station and has ample room for pushchairs, wheelchairs and any Christmas shopping! There is plenty of parking available for your car at Booths Hall.

The Park and Ride is completely FREE, however optional donations will be kindly accepted by Knutsford Rotary, Knutsford Hosts and The Scouts who help us to run the service. Follow the signage to direct you to the Park and Ride car park on the day which is car park C.

The Park and Ride helps to massively reduce the burden on town centre car parks which have limited spaces, and helps flow of traffic into the town for the event, so please consider making use of the shuttle service for a stress free day!

The Park and Ride is kindly supported by Bruntwood who help us to facilitate the service by offering use of Booths Hall.

A man standing by a public footpath sign

Knutsford Town Council Seeks Volunteers for Public Rights of Way Survey

Knutsford Town Council is asking for volunteers to help survey the town’s public rights of way.

Residents who enjoy walking around the area are invited to participate in the survey which will help identify any improvements needed to the town’s rights of way network of footpaths.

Volunteers will be asked to walk specific footpaths, taking photographs and complete a short condition survey. This information will help establish the conditions, general cleanliness, and accessibility of the paths, enabling the Town Council to devise a plan for future improvements in partnership with Cheshire East Council and landowners.

“Knutsford is fortunate to have several public rights of way across the town and out into the wider countryside providing attractive routes for exercise and active travel. This survey will help record their current condition and help us identify any improvements needed to the network” said Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green.

those interested in participating in this initiative are invited to contact Jeanette Hine at jeanette.hine@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk or contact the council offices on 01565 653929.