We believe that involving citizens in decisions which affect their lives is a means to develop an empowered and strong community and whilst we can’t force people to engage, but will do our best to make it easy and attractive for people to do so. When we want people’s views on a project, we will consult the community. Our ‘open’ (whole community) consultations will always run for at least six weeks and we will avoid running them over school summer holidays, Easter and Christmas.
Any consultations we run will be hosted here and we will always post a consultation report after each consultation.
There are no active consultations.
Green Spaces Survey
Consultation period: 30/05/2024 to 12/07/2024.
We are developing a Green Spaces Strategy that will look to ensure Knutsford has access to a diverse range of green spaces to meet our resident’s needs. This survey was designed to inform the development of that strategy and aimed to identify if there are any issues, gaps or improvements that need to be made to Knutsford’s network of green spaces.
We are currently working on the data and will produce a consultation report in due course.
Young People Survey
Consultation period: 01/003/2024 to 26/04/2024.
In partnership with Great Places and Cheshire East Council’s youth team, we undertook a survey of young people from across Knutsford to help us better understand what young people want/need.
Draft Strategic Plan Consultation
Consultation period: 16/01/2023 to 31/03/2023.
We published a draft strategic plan which sets out to guide the work of the council over the next 10 years. The plan was built on the back of the community engagement we undertook in 2022 (see below). We are currently reviewing the consultation submissions.
Strategic Plan Community Engagement
Consultation period: 27/06/2022 to 05/08/2022.
We held an open consultation to inform the development of the our new strategic plan. The aim was to provide the council with an understanding of the community’s priorities. It was purposely a broad open consultation without closed questions. The consultation was run online and supported with a number of community workshops too.
60 King Street – ‘Where Next?’ Consultation
Consultation period: 28/03/2022 to 20/05/2022.
This consultation looked to identify options for future community uses within 60 King Street. The consultation included an open day and tour of the building, a survey of students and an open community survey. We also engaged with a number of community organisations and local charities/venues. 261 people responded to the survey and 66 students completed the student survey.
Town Centre Masterplan – Traffic Flow and Car Parking in Knutsford Town Centre
Consultation period: 05/02/2020 to 16/03/2020.
We consulted on proposals to change the traffic flow and car parking arrangements in Knutsford Town Centre as part of the first stage of a Town Centre Masterplan.
The consultation was supported by four community meeting presentations. A total of 658 responses were received to the consultation which demonstrated 58% support of the proposals.