Knutsford is home to a wonderful community of shops and businesses.  However, it’s narrow quirky streets can make visiting the town centre difficult, especially for older people.

This is where ‘Take a Seat’ comes in.  This initiative enables older people, those with a disability or chronic illness or those who just need to ‘take a breather’ for whatever reason, the chance to sit down and recharge their batteries.

Some businesses may offer a glass of water and if accessible the use of their toilet facilities. Please remember you are under no obligation to make a purchase; these businesses just want to help everyone in the local community enjoy their visits to the Town Centre.

Are you a local business and wish to sign up to the scheme? If so, please email for further information

A group of people sat on chairs. Two people standing, one is a Town Mayor.
The window sticker that is used to indicate participating businesses, it shows a picture of a chair alongside the council logo and says "Need a breather? Take a Seat"


King Street

  • Holly Johnson Antiques (Old Market Place)
  • Knutsford Heritage Centre
  • Nxtep Gym,
  • Tatton Perk (Malt Street)
  • The Tea Room (Cotton Shop Yard)
  • Clarity Contemporary Jewellery
  • Mellor Braggins

Princess Street / Toft Road

  • Detaljer
  • Knutsford Methodist Church
  • Lost and Found
  • Arthur Lee
  • Dextor and Jones
  • Knutsford Hearing Centre

Canute Place / Tatton Street

  • Cranford Café