Picture of buildings in King Street Knutsford

Town Centre and Cross Town Conservation Area Reviews

Views are being sought on potential changes to two of Knutsford’s Conservation Areas under work being led by the Town Council.

Following the adoption of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan in 2019, Knutsford Town Council set out to meet its commitment to work with Cheshire East Council to review all the Town’s Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans. The aim is to ensure that all are up to date, reflective of the existing built environment, and relevant in the continued protection and enhancement of these heritage areas.

A consultant at Donald Insall Associates was appointed to undertake the conservation area reviews and engagement meetings and is now working on the Town Centre and Cross Town Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans.

In order to understand the views of people living locally the consultant will be holding drop-in sessions on Wednesday 5th July at 60 King Street (Kings Coffee House).

The sessions run from 12pm-1:30pm, 3pm-4:30pm and 5:30pm-6:30pm and provide a chance for residents, business owners and tenants, property owners and landlords, and anybody else interested in the special nature of these areas of Knutsford, a chance to ask our consultant questions, see some of the consultant’s findings and research, and provide views on how best to protect and manage the areas.

“These reviews will conclude our work reviewing the five existing conservation areas in the town and are part of our work to conserve the heritage of Knutsford” said Bob Allen, Planning and Facilities Officer Knutsford Town Council. “We encourage those interested in these two areas, particularly those who live or own property there, to attend these sessions, to find out more and share their views.

If you have any further questions about this consultation session, please contact the Planning and Facilities Officer, Bob Allen on 01565 653929

Picture of King Street

Town Centre and Cross Town Conservation Area Reviews

Following the adoption of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan in 2019, the Town Council set out to meet its commitment to work with Cheshire East Council to review all the Town’s Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans. The aim is to ensure that all are up to date, are reflective of the existing built environment, and are relevant in the continued protection and enhancement of these heritage assets.

A consultant at Donald Insall Associates was appointed to undertake the conservation area reviews and engagement meetings. The consultant is currently working on the Town Centre & Cross Town Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan.

In order to understand the views of people living locally the consultant will be holding drop in sessions for you to share your views and learn more about the project. This drop-in session will be held on Wednesday 5th July from midday until early evening. The drop-in sessions at 12noon – 1:30pm, 3pm – 4:30pm and 5:30pm -6:30pm will be held at 60 King Street to provide a chance for residents, business owners and tenants, property owners and landlords, and anybody else interested in the special nature of the town centre, a chance to ask our consultant questions, see some of the consultant’s findings and research, and provide views on how best to protect and manage the Town Centre Conservation Area.

If you have any further questions about this consultation session, please contact the Planning and Facilities Officer, Bob Allen on 01565 653929

An old postcard view of Heathfield Square

Residents invited to inform conservation area review

Residents are invited to have their say on a review of two of the town’s conservation arears.

Conservation areas are designated places of ‘special architectural or historic interest where it is desirable to preserve and enhance the character and appearance’ and five of the 77 conservation areas in Cheshire East are in Knutsford: Cross Town (designated in 2006), Heathfield Square (2006), Legh Road (1976), Town Centre (1989) and St John’s (1994). Following the commitment made in the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan, Knutsford Town Council is leading a review of the five conservation areas in the town.

A key part of conserving a conservation area is having an up-to-date appraisal and management plan which ensures their special qualities are understood and their character and appearance are not compromised by development proposals and small-scale incremental change.

Work on the Legh Road conservation area appraisal and management plan was completed in 2021 and is awaiting formal public consultation from Cheshire East Council.

The Town Council is currently working with Donald Insall Associates to undertake a review of the four remaining conservation areas, starting with Heathfield Square and St John’s.

The Heathfield Square conservation area was last appraised in 2006 when it was created, this small area comprises Knutsford’s first council houses, built as ‘homes for heroes’ after the first world war. The St John’s conservation area covers the Victorian housing along St John’s Road, St John’s Avenue and County Terrace, as well as some of the houses on Bexton Road. There is currently no appraisal or management plan for this conservation area.

Residents interested in these conservation areas are invited to share their views at engagement sessions taking place on Saturday 19th November at the Town Council Offices. Two drop-in sessions are running from 10:30-12:00 and 12:30-14:00.

Work on the Town Centre and Crosstown conservation areas will commence in early 2023.