Fingerposts pointing to Knutsford Heritage Centre

Households to pay just £9.99 per month for council services

At a meeting of the Full Council, the Town Council set its precept for 2024/25 at £719,511, meaning a Band D household will pay £9.99 per month towards the services delivered by Knutsford Town Council.

The Town Council’s budget covers the delivery of a range of services from supporting community organisations to maintaining public toilets.

Over the next year the council will be introducing its first apprenticeship when it employs an apprentice town ranger. The new apprentice will complete a horticultural qualification whilst learning from the council’s experienced town ranger and cemetery groundskeeper and enable the town ranger service to complete more of the tasks that “somebody” should do. 

The Town Council has also allocated a small budget for the delivery of new youth and community services/activity which will be shaped by consultation with young people in the coming months. The council will continue to ensure Knutsford has a regular Citizens Advice service and the town centre is monitored by CCTV to ensure safety and security of residents, businesses and visitors. The council will also continue to maintain an award winning cemetery and public toilets, support nature conservation and biodiversity, provide an annual programme of Christmas displays and deliver events designed to support the local economy and bring the community together.

Heritage remains a key focus for the Town Council too, with the budget providing for the creation of a Conservation Area guide to support the enhancement of the heritage of the Legh Road Conservation Area following the pending approval of the new appraisal and management plan for this space. The council will also be working with partners to host events as part of the Heritage Open Days festival in September and commemorate D-Day in June.

In setting the budget, the council considered the great uncertainty presented by Cheshire East Council’s budget challenges which may see funding withdrawn or reduced for leisure centres, library, green space management, street cleaning and more. Concurrently, the Town Council had been asked to consider funding The Welcome and Knutsford Heritage Centre. The budget sets aside £100,000 to enable the council to appraise what community services it may need to contribute to or take on to safeguard for the town.

Town Mayor Cllr Peter Coan said “We are committed to ensuring our town thrives and residents are able to access the facilities and services needed to support a healthy and vibrant community. This budget ensures we can continue to deliver for the town and, should it be necessary, safeguard services that may otherwise be lost. Every penny we raise is spent supporting Knutsford”

The approved budget is available on the Town Council website at:

Fruit and veg on wooden boards

Revocation of Market Hall Trader Licence

Knutsford Town Council is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment to all customers and traders at Knutsford Market Hall.

Before Christmas, the Town Council received a formal complaint regarding a market trader. Following an investigation, a decision was taken to revoke the licence to trade due to a failure to comply with the Market Hall Regulations. This decision followed a warning which had been issued in early December.

All revocation decisions are subject to the right of appeal. The appeal was heard by the Town Council’s Town Centre Committee on Monday 15th January. After careful consideration of all evidence presented to the council, the committee resolved to dismiss the appeal

The Town Council does not consider it appropriate to discuss or comment on the specifics of this decision. However, revoking a licence to trade is not a decision taken lightly nor in haste and the council undertook a robust process in reaching this decision. The Town Council believes it is the correct decision for our remaining traders, customers and staff.

2024 is a big year for the Market Hall, as it marks is 60th birthday. We are working hard with traders to ensure our temporary move to 60 King Street goes smoothly and are excited to deliver the significant investment and modernisation at the Market Hall to ensure it continues to thrive for the next 60 years.

We know how important an independent greengrocer is to our customers. We will now actively seek a new trader to operate a fruit and veg stall. In the interim, the Market Butcher will be providing a greengrocer service.  

Those interested in operating a greengrocer stall should visit: to complete an application form.

If you have any questions in relation to this please contact:

The top of a sign stating "Knutsford"

Volunteers sought for CIL Committee

Six volunteers are sought to join an advisory committee that will help determine how money from new development is spent in the town.

Knutsford Town Council’s CIL Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Town Council on what projects it should fund using its share of Community Infrastructure Levy.

Community Infrastructure Levy was introduced in Cheshire East in 2019 and 25% of the receipts for Knutsford housing development is paid to Knutsford Town Council which expects to receive over half a million pounds over the next decade.

The Town Council currently holds just under £26,500 as the ‘neighbourhood share’ of CIL which can be spent on infrastructure or anything else which addresses the demands development places on the town. The Town Council has adopted a CIL Framework to govern how it will make decisions on using this important investment in the community.

The framework acknowledges that whilst the town council is the recipient of CIL it may be that the best use of the funds would be for projects delivered by partner organisations and the framework sets out that decisions on which projects should receive CIL funding will be chosen by a joint committee of residents and councillors.

The role of the advisory committee will be to review bids for funds and produce a recommendation to the council’s Finance Committee.  The council is looking for six residents to join the committee and the first meeting will be held in February when it will consider the process and first proposal. It is anticipated it will meet no more than four times per year – depending on applications and available funds.

“In the last three years we have received just over £26k from minor developments and there is the potential for significant sums if the major housebuilding is approved on Manchester Road. This committee will help determine how the Town Council prioritises this investment for the community.” said Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green.

If you are interested in joining the committee, contact the Town Clerk by email setting out the reasons you would like to be considered by 31st January.

An open grass field with trees in the background

Knutsford Wellness Week 2024

This January, Knutsford will experience its first Wellness Week. Organised by Knutsford Town Council, this weeklong event will showcase a range of talks, presentations and taster sessions focussing on physical and mental health. The pop ups, from a broad variety of Knutsford based health and wellbeing businesses, will take place across different venues in Knutsford town centre starting on Saturday 20th January and running until Saturday 27th January.

The activities will start off at Lost and Found with informative pop-ups from Helen Jones Nutritional Therapist, Jem Gunn Body Image Therapy, Sian Winslade Coaching, Reflexology Manchester and Just Drop in. As sponsors of the event, Slater & Gordon Knutsford Family Law will also be there to talk about the services they offer.

Georgina Chase who runs the Slater & Gordon Knutsford Family Law office at 10 Church View said “Slater & Gordon are proud to be sponsoring the Knutsford health and wellness week, raising awareness of how important wellbeing is to people in the community”.

Throughout the week there will be opportunities to book onto sessions such as fitness, yoga, podiatry, life coaching, hearing checks and counselling to allow Knutsford residents to try out new services related to their wellbeing. Many of the taster sessions will be complimentary or discounted.

Roberta Dyer from Roberta Beauty Redefined said “January is the perfect time to evaluate your health and wellbeing.”

“We are excited to be part of the wellness week showcasing taster treatments that help health and skin concerns.”

Sandra Curties, Town Centre Manager at Knutsford Town Council said “We are delighted to facilitate this week long event to shine a light on the health and wellbeing services available in Knutsford.”

“As many of the taster sessions are complimentary or discounted, this collaboration will allow residents the opportunity to easily try new techniques or support services to improve their wellbeing.”

“Booking is essential for some events; this can be done directly with the host. A full programme, including all booking details, will be available to pick up from town centre businesses from early January.”

Businesses involved include:

  • Helen Jones Nutritional Therapist
  • Jem Gunn Body Image Therapy
  • Sian Winslade Coaching
  • Reflexology Manchester
  • Just Drop In
  • Yogi with Sho
  • Nxtep Gym
  • Saks Hairdressing
  • Knutsford Iyengar Yoga Centre
  • NaturalMat
  • Roberta Beauty Redefined
  • Outside the Box Therapies
  • Nancy Camp
  • Carrot Banana Peach
  • The Wellness Web
  • Carmichael Clinic
  • Healthwatch
  • The Mum Club Knutsford
  • Lotus Blossom Gift Co
  • Knutsford Hearing Centre
  • Stable Minds
Patterned mugs with "Knutsford" written on them

Bursary to boost university studies open for applications

Calling all second-year university students residing in Knutsford or Toft! Applications for the 2024 Knutsford Millennium Bursary are now open, offering a valuable £660 boost to your final year projects and dissertations.

This annual partnership between Knutsford Town Council and the Knutsford Lions has been supporting local students for over two decades, recognising academic merit and alleviating financial pressures during the crucial final year.

Whether students need funding for research materials, travel for fieldwork, or simply a helping hand with living expenses, the Millennium Bursary can make a real difference. Past recipients have used the award to access specialist software, conduct international research, and even purchase essential equipment for their projects.

The application process is straightforward. If you’re a second-year student with a term-time address in Knutsford or Toft, all you need to do is download the application form from the Knutsford Town Council website and submit a written statement outlining your academic aspirations and how the bursary will help you achieve them.

Applications are open until 16th February, so don’t miss this chance to secure additional support for your final year project or dissertation.

Town Mayor Cllr Peter Coan said “The Millennium Bursary is more than just a financial boost; it’s a vote of confidence from your community, recognising your potential and encouraging you to excel. So I urge all second year students not to hesitate and take advantage of this opportunity.”

Applications can be completed at