Fingerposts pointing to Knutsford Heritage Centre

At a meeting of the Full Council, the Town Council set its precept for 2024/25 at £719,511, meaning a Band D household will pay £9.99 per month towards the services delivered by Knutsford Town Council.

The Town Council’s budget covers the delivery of a range of services from supporting community organisations to maintaining public toilets.

Over the next year the council will be introducing its first apprenticeship when it employs an apprentice town ranger. The new apprentice will complete a horticultural qualification whilst learning from the council’s experienced town ranger and cemetery groundskeeper and enable the town ranger service to complete more of the tasks that “somebody” should do. 

The Town Council has also allocated a small budget for the delivery of new youth and community services/activity which will be shaped by consultation with young people in the coming months. The council will continue to ensure Knutsford has a regular Citizens Advice service and the town centre is monitored by CCTV to ensure safety and security of residents, businesses and visitors. The council will also continue to maintain an award winning cemetery and public toilets, support nature conservation and biodiversity, provide an annual programme of Christmas displays and deliver events designed to support the local economy and bring the community together.

Heritage remains a key focus for the Town Council too, with the budget providing for the creation of a Conservation Area guide to support the enhancement of the heritage of the Legh Road Conservation Area following the pending approval of the new appraisal and management plan for this space. The council will also be working with partners to host events as part of the Heritage Open Days festival in September and commemorate D-Day in June.

In setting the budget, the council considered the great uncertainty presented by Cheshire East Council’s budget challenges which may see funding withdrawn or reduced for leisure centres, library, green space management, street cleaning and more. Concurrently, the Town Council had been asked to consider funding The Welcome and Knutsford Heritage Centre. The budget sets aside £100,000 to enable the council to appraise what community services it may need to contribute to or take on to safeguard for the town.

Town Mayor Cllr Peter Coan said “We are committed to ensuring our town thrives and residents are able to access the facilities and services needed to support a healthy and vibrant community. This budget ensures we can continue to deliver for the town and, should it be necessary, safeguard services that may otherwise be lost. Every penny we raise is spent supporting Knutsford”

The approved budget is available on the Town Council website at: