Six volunteers are sought to join an advisory committee that will help determine how money from new development is spent in the town.
Knutsford Town Council’s CIL Advisory Committee will make recommendations to the Town Council on what projects it should fund using its share of Community Infrastructure Levy.
Community Infrastructure Levy was introduced in Cheshire East in 2019 and 25% of the receipts for Knutsford housing development is paid to Knutsford Town Council which expects to receive over half a million pounds over the next decade.
The Town Council currently holds just under £26,500 as the ‘neighbourhood share’ of CIL which can be spent on infrastructure or anything else which addresses the demands development places on the town. The Town Council has adopted a CIL Framework to govern how it will make decisions on using this important investment in the community.
The framework acknowledges that whilst the town council is the recipient of CIL it may be that the best use of the funds would be for projects delivered by partner organisations and the framework sets out that decisions on which projects should receive CIL funding will be chosen by a joint committee of residents and councillors.
The role of the advisory committee will be to review bids for funds and produce a recommendation to the council’s Finance Committee. The council is looking for six residents to join the committee and the first meeting will be held in February when it will consider the process and first proposal. It is anticipated it will meet no more than four times per year – depending on applications and available funds.
“In the last three years we have received just over £26k from minor developments and there is the potential for significant sums if the major housebuilding is approved on Manchester Road. This committee will help determine how the Town Council prioritises this investment for the community.” said Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green.
If you are interested in joining the committee, contact the Town Clerk by email setting out the reasons you would like to be considered by 31st January.