A path through a woodland

“How can we improve College Wood” is the question Cllr Andrew Malloy will be asking at a community meeting next week.

After a successful community meeting in February to set up a Friends of St John’s Wood the Town Council is now turning its attention to College Wood, the small woodland on Thorneyholme Drive which is owned by the Shrewsbury Roman Catholic Diocese.

Cllr Andrew Malloy, one of six Over Ward councillors on the town council, lives opposite the woodland and will chair the meeting which will be hosted on Zoom.

In 2019 the council secured the woodlands registration as a ‘town green’; a designation which permanently protects the public’s right to use the woodland for recreation. Now the council is keen to hear from those who visit the woodland and the residents living nearby to discuss how College Wood can be improved and what the community wants to see change and what it wants to stay the same.

The meeting will also be streamed to Facebook where residents can comment along to have their voices heard. At the end of the meeting will be an opportunity for people to put themselves forward to form a committee for a new Friends of College Wood community group. All residents are welcome to join the meeting and there is no obligation to put oneself forward for the committee.

If any residents are unable to attend the meeting but want to comment on how the woodland could be improved, they can email enquiries@knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk or call 01565 653929.

The meeting will take place at 7pm on Tuesday 20th April. For details of how to join the meeting visit: www.knutsfordtowncouncil.gov.uk/collegewood