The 15 town councillors with the town mayor at the centre

100 actions to deliver on plan

Knutsford Town Council has set out the 100 actions it will be delivering by May 2024 as the first action plan under its new 10-year strategy.

In June, the Town Council adopted a new 10 year plan to guide its work through to 2032. The strategy sets out the core aims and objectives of the council for the ensuing decade. Work on creating the new strategy started in summer 2022 with public engagement sessions where the community was asked to identify the key issues that needed attention in the Town. A further consultation was held in spring 2023, with a draft plan presented for feedback.

“In developing our new strategy we wanted to ensure it carried the voice of the community throughout, so the entire plan is built on the feedback we received from those who took part in our two consultations” said Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green.

The plan sets out six strategic aims for the council:

  1. Knutsford Town Centre will be a thriving and unique destination for residents and visitors alike
  2. We will enable residents to choose to reduce their reliance on cars by improving the desirability of walking, cycling and using public transport
  3. Knutsford will have a diverse network of green spaces, a biodiverse natural environment and a reduced carbon footprint
  4. Knutsford’s heritage will be understood, conserved and celebrated
  5. We will lead a strong, connected community with a thriving community spirit and civic pride
  6. Knutsford residents will have access to the services and facilities they need to live happy and healthy lives.

Each aim is supported by a series of specific objectives which the council has already set out working to achieve. The council has restructured its committees to deliver the plan, and each committee has been tasked with developing detailed action plans for how it will turn words into actions.

Amongst the various objectives the council has committed to achieving are developing a town centre masterplan, creating an active travel plan and working to create new permissive walking routes, improving Knutsford’s green spaces, and expanding its Town Ranger service. The plan also sets out the council’s commitment to supporting the success of community groups and working to lobby external bodies to improve access to key services, such as working to deliver a new medical centre.

The council has now agreed its first 100 specific action for the current civic year. These include:

  • Launching a regular e-newsletter
  • Leading joint stakeholder meetings to agree a delivery plan for improved medical facilities
  • Developing a Green Spaces Strategy in partnership with local Friends groups
  • Concluding formal reviews of the town’s Conservation Areas
  • Commencing work on a Town Centre Masterplan and Active Travel Infrastructure Plan

The full action plan, including target dates, is available on the Town Council website at

Town Mayor, Cllr Peter Coan said “This plan is purposefully ambitious, and it is going to take a lot of work, but I am looking forward to working with my fellow councillors and our team of officers to make these actions a reality and help make Knutsford a better place for us all”