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Free skills and business development workshops

Knutsford Town Council is hosting a series of workshops aimed at supporting and developing local businesses and skills that will help them compete.

The workshops, which are free to all Knutsford based businesses, are being delivered by local businesses to support their fellow traders by sharing expertise, experience, and tips.

The first workshops to be delivered are:

  • 31st January – Instagram with Kate Rowland, Bella Marketing and Design
  • 13th February – Leadership, Planning and Control with Kevin Jardine, Retail Excellence Partnership
  • 7th March – Excel at Customer Service with Peter Murray, Pulse of Perfumery
  • 21st March – Getting the most from Canva with Rachael McCann, Knutsford Admin
  • 17th April – Window Display and Visual Merchandising with Sue Cottingham, Living-uk

Each workshop will start at 6.15pm and will be held at The Courthouse Cheshire or Knutsford Town Council Offices on Toft Road.

Sandra Curties, Town Centre Manager said, “We are blessed with some fantastic business owners here who work extremely hard but who also want to share their experiences, knowledge, and skillset.

These workshops work both ways – if a business owner wants to attend and share their ideas that is great too.  Anything that helps Knutsford maintain its competitiveness in these difficult times is welcome. This is the first draft of workshops and in the future, we are hoping to add TikTok, other social platforms as well as SEO and Google analytics. We are also extremely grateful to the Courthouse Cheshire for offering their facilities free of charge – it all shows how fortunate we are to have a wonderful business community in Knutsford”.

If any Knutsford based business wishes to attend or offer to run a workshop, please contact

Town councillors 2022

Chance to find out about being a town councillor

In May 2023, residents will head to the polls to elect their 15 town councillors – but only if people put themselves forward for election.

Elections are held for the 15 seats on the council every four years and the last full elections in May 2019 saw 14 councillors elected unopposed with one co-opted by the council a month later. With up to eight of the current councillors potentially not standing for re-election this year, the Town Council is keen to promote the opportunity of serving as a councillor and see contested elections across all five wards.

The Town Council is hosting two information evenings to help potential candidates decide if being a councillor is right for them.

The sessions will include an overview of what the council can and cannot do, the role of a town councillor and the process for standing for election.  They will also include a Q&A with serving town councillors so residents can here just what the life of a town councillor actually is.

“Perhaps you aren’t sure what the role of a councillor involves, you want to know how it could work with your other commitments or you’re daunted by the election process – maybe you actually want to be standing for Cheshire East Council. These sessions aim to help you decide whether to stand this May” said Town Clerk, Adam Keppel-Green.

The sessions take place at 7pm on Thursday 16th February and Monday 20th February in the Council Offices. The second session will also be livestreamed to Facebook.

Questions for the Q&A, about the role of being a councillor, can be submitted to or asked on the evening.