Cllr April Johnson hands the key to the Market to Jim Southall of Built by Mode.

The long-awaited refurbishment of Knutsford Market Hall has started this week.

Local building contractors, Built by Mode, were handed the keys to the building on Tuesday and have swiftly commenced the strip-out of the building. The first phase of work involves stripping out the existing stall structures, ceiling and floor coverings.

The programme then involves raising the level of the floor, building new stall structures improving security and storage for traders, the installation of a new accessible toilet and a kitchenette to support the hall’s use outside market hours.

“It is exciting to be underway with the refurbishment and we are really looking forward to welcoming the traders back into the building once works are complete” said Cllr April Johnson.

This project has received £160,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the balance of costs are funded through previous market hall income and the council’s capital reserve.

Works are expected to last until the end of March with old and new traders moving back in in April. Whilst works are ongoing, the Market Butcher and Heathfield Fruit and Veg are trading from the car park, whilst Market Hall Barber Pino is working from 2nd Knutsford Scout Hut by appointment.

We will be posting regular updates on the works via social media.