Flower Planters on a Roadside Barriers

A report on how Knutsford Town Council can work to improve how it delivers for the community has been published.

The report is the second stage of the Corporate Peer Challenge, a review which was initiated by the Town Council to guide its improvement. A peer challenge is an external review of how a council is performing and how it can improve as an organisation to better serve its community.

In November, the peer challenge team spent three days in Knutsford holding 24 meetings and speaking with over 75 people including council staff, councillors, local residents and community/business representatives. The team used their experience and knowledge of local government to reflect on the information presented to them by people they met, things they saw and material that they read.

The report praised the council’s effective governance and financial management and the positive civility and respect displayed in the council chamber. Peers noted that the council has a lot to celebrate and that there is a real commitment within the council, and from residents and businesses, to make the town a great place to live and visit. The report highlights that the council has a number of good examples of partnership working, is engaged with the local community and a strong staff team with good morale.

Looking to where improvement can be made, the peer team found that the council’s ambition was not matched with adequate resource to deliver and that the council has a tendency to take on projects before completing existing ones. The report highlights a lack of capacity in the Town Clerk’s role and the need to increase resilience and staffing levels.

The report also suggested that the visibility of councillors could be improved with greater support for their development to support them in their roles as leaders and in delivering effective challenge and strategic oversight of the council’s operations.

A more strategic approach to asset management is another recommendation, with peers noting the challenges around the delivery of a refurbishment of the Market Hall, the vacant 60 King Street and the need for investment at the Council Offices of which the team said “the building is impressive from the outside and this gives a false impression of it as a workspace. The internal space is in a state of disrepair and accessibility is poor”

In total 23 recommendations were made which are summarised as:

  1. Review the strategic plan priorities and duration
  2. Undertake a staffing review
  3. Enhance the resilience in respect of the Town Clerk/RFO role
  4. Continue engagement with CEC regarding services and joint working
  5. Develop an asset management strategy
  6. Support the creation of a Business Improvement District
  7. Develop a communications strategy to improve communications
  8. Develop a procurement strategy to improve procurement
  9. Commission an external health and safety review
  10. Review the council’s equal opportunities policy
  11. Undertake equality impact assessments for activity
  12. Increase the visibility of councillors
  13. Improve support for councillors to develop their roles
  14. Resolve issues with 60 King St and the Market Hall
  15. Undertake improvements to the council offices
  16. Promote election processes to see contested elections
  17. Improve the clarity of decision within committees and link more strongly to strategy
  18. Develop stronger challenge from councillors in meetings
  19. Increase councillor/officer collaboration
  20. Develop a strategic risk register
  21. Improve the robustness of business plans
  22. Invest in project management expertise
  23. Implement lessons learned exercises

“We initiated this challenge because we are committed to continual improvement and ensuring Knutsford has the best town council it can have and we’d like to thank the peer team and all those in the community who gave time to participate in the review” said Town Mayor, Cllr Colin Banks.

“The purpose of the review was to identify areas for improvement, so we are not disappointed by any of the findings. We will now begin working on addressing each recommendation and as a result be better placed to serve Knutsford”

The report will be discussed at the Town Council meeting on Monday 6th January. A working group will then develop an action plan to address each recommendation for the March council meeting after which it will be submitted to the LGA/NALC. After 12 months,  the Peer Challenge Team will meet with the council again to review how the council is progressing with its improvement.

The full report can be read here: Corporate Peer Challenge Report