Knutsford Town Council is committed to tackling climate change and improving the town’s biodiversity and natural habitats – as defined and guided by the Knutsford Nature Action Plan.
As part of the Action Plan, the Town Council looks to support wildlife corridors and habitat creating across Knutsford and to support this have collaborated with the Cheshire Wildlife Trust to create wildflower meadows.
A fantastic tool for improving biodiversity and provide habitat for pollinating insects, the Knutsford Wildflower Meadow seeds are all local varieties and were harvested from a meadow in Swettenham. The seed mix included Yellow rattle, Ox-eye daisy, Cat’s-ear, Mouse-ear, Common knapweed, Devil’s-bit scabious, Betony, Self-heal, Red clover, Ribwort Plantain, Meadow buttercup and Common sorrel as well as four grasses – Crested dog’s-tail, Sweet vernal, Common bent and Yorkshire fog. The sowing of the meadow also disturbed cornflower and poppy seeds from a previous annual meadow on the site.
The Environment Committee is looking for other suitable areas to allow for more wildflower meadows to be created in Knutsford for their positive impact on the environment and local wildlife.
After visiting the Wildflower meadow on The Barncroft, which is behind St Cross Church , Cllr Matthew Robertson, Deputy Chairman of the Environment Committee said: “I am proud to have been elected to represent a community with such passion for preserving and protecting it’s natural heritage and environment. It is a responsibility I take seriously and I am fully committed to supporting any projects which will help achieve the goals of the Knutsford Nature Action Plan.
The Wildflower Meadow is a fantastic project to bring a more natural and environmentally friendly space back to the centre of Knutsford. It is great to walk through The Barncroft, and I have especially enjoyed seeing how the variety of seeds have developed.
We are looking for other areas and as this has been a successful project. We encourage residents to get in touch with their suggested areas.”
Residents can suggest areas for a new wildlflower meadow by emailing
Photo of the meadow courtesy of Kevin Griffiths.