Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks holds a giant postcard

Children at Knutsford’s primary schools have been set a challenge by Town Mayor Cllr Colin Banks to draw a picture of their perfect park as part of the Town Council’s green spaces consultation.

Postcards went out in book bags this week with children having until 21st June to submit their entries to the Council Offices or their school. The competition will be judged by the Mayor and Mayoress with one pupil from each school winning a prize of art supplies.

The entries will help identify what is most important to children when using public open spaces and will help inform the council’s new Green Spaces Strategy.

The competition aims to promote the council’s Green Spaces Survey, launched last week, to parents and encourage more Knutsford residents to share their views of what is important when it comes to Knutsford’s parks, woodlands and green spaces. Completing the main survey enters residents into a draw to win £100 of Knutsford Vouchers and the survey can be completed online at and paper copies can be found at The Welcome and Knutsford Library.

Cllr Colin Banks said “Our drawing competition is a fun way of getting the views of our younger Knutsfordians. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they draw and later on hearing what the parents say through our survey!”

If your child didn’t get a postcard in their bookbag, you can collect one from the Council Offices.