Cllrs Peter Coan, James McCulloch and April Johnson at Gaskell Avenue

Councillors speak out against Gaskell Avenue Closure

Knutsford Town Councillors have spoken out against the impending closure of the Gaskell Avenue arm at the Canute Place roundabout, insisting that local knowledge has been overlooked by highway engineers.  

Planning permission granted to Crown Estate in 2019 required junction improvement works be undertaken prior to occupation of the 100th house at the Tabley Park development. The application included a scheme for the works based on a transport assessment which identified that without intervention, the development would lead to congestion on King Edward Road and Northwich Road.

For over two years, the Town Council has been calling on Cheshire East Council and developers Redrow to abandon the proposals to close the Gaskell Avenue arm, arguing it is a key route for school buses and local traffic. Whilst the Town Council recognises the need for realignment of the roundabout to improve traffic flow, it does not believe the need to close Gaskell Avenue has been justified nor the consequences for minor roads properly considered in the proposals.

Cllr Peter Coan, who also sits on the Cheshire East Council Highways and Transport Committee said “This is a ridiculous proposal and will cause massive inconvenience to both pedestrians and motorists alike. On street parking for residents will be removed and school coaches may well use residential streets as short cuts to avoid the gridlock. Knutsford Town Councillors with a wealth of local knowledge have long objected to this proposal”

Under the works, which are due to start at the end of July, the roundabout will be realigned and the Zebra crossing on King Edward Road replaced with traffic lights, another aspect of the scheme the Town Council has challenged. The plans also involve removing parking from Stanley Road to enable the section from Gaskell Avenue to become two-way for coaches to access the Academy.

Cllr Gus Watson, who lives on Cranford Avenue, said “Our roads are congested enough, without the illogical and inconsiderate closure to Gaskell Avenue”

The works have been commissioned by Redrow through a s278 agreement with Cheshire East Council which requires Redrow to complete the works at their cost.

Cllr Christopher Gray has criticised the lack of a clear justification for the proposals, “Cheshire East has not provided any definitive technical evidence to justify the closure nor do they appear to have taken into account the resulting necessity for large vehicles including refuse lorries having to turn round in deficient turning head in a location where pedestrians are numerous.”

Cllr Rex Mears added “We are asking Cheshire East Council and Redrow to stop the closure of Gaskell Avenue which is scheduled for two weeks’ time. This closure has not been justified and it is not supported by residents and workers of Knutsford. It is a useful route for local people when the A50 is busy and provides relief from congestion”

Town Mayor, Cllr Colin Banks also expressed concern stating “The junction of Stanley Road and Northwich Road will cause undue burden on traffic flow, especially as there is poor visibility turning out into Northwich Road. I’m concerned that school children crossing the roads in the area will have extra dangers to look out for too.”

Cllr April Johnson added “It’s not acceptable for Cheshire East Council to inflict this closure on us without proper consideration. If a road can be closed without justification that sets a dangerous precedent; Local knowledge is key to closures having minimum impact on our town and our views have not been taken into account”

Computer generated illustration of the entrance to the Northwich Road development in Knutsford

Redrow Homes Update Meeting

Knutsford Town Council is hosting a virtual community meeting with Redrow Homes to receive an update on the 190 home development at Northwich Road which started last year.

The meeting, which takes place on Wednesday 10th March at 7pm, will be chaired by the Town Mayor and has been organised with the hope that regular update meetings can be held on all strategic developments in Knutsford once they commence.

Adam Toseland, Development Site Engineer for Redrow Homes, will be attending to share with the community what works have been undertaken to date and the current programme of works on site.

Mr Toseland will then aim to answer any questions residents have on the development.

The Town Council is encouraging residents to submit questions in advance so that Redrow’s representative is able to answer them on the night. Questions can be submitted to up to 24 hours before the meeting.

You can join the meeting via Zoom at the following link from 6:55pm on 10th March: Join Redrow Community Update Meeting.