Cllr Stewart Gardiner hands a giant cheque to Lisa Barcroft-Lee

1st Knutsford Scouts has received a grant worth £1,500 from Knutsford Town Council to support the development of their new HQ. The council’s grant will fund the purchase of the toilet facilities including toilets, sinks, hand dryers and accessibility safety rails.

The new scout hut, nestled in the corner of the Moor on Moorside, will be the new home for 1st Knutsford Scouts, a group which has been supporting children in Knutsford for over a century.

The new timber clad scout hut, with its large glass windows overlooking the Moor will be a drastic improvement for the community compared to the previous hut which was suffering from damp, vermin and a rotten floor.

“We are very grateful to Knutsford Town Council for their welcome contribution to our new Scout Hut” said Lisa Barcoft-Lee, Chair of 1st Knutsford Scouts.

Once complete the new hut will be available for wide community use from local meetings and events to children’s birthday parties.

“Our vision for the hut is that it becomes a community resource that all of Knutsford can benefit from and therefore it is really important to us that we work with all our local partners to get the hut up and running as soon as possible” Lisa added.

Due to the impact of coronavirus and global price increases for materials, the scouts need to raise several thousand pounds of additional funding to get the scout hut completed. Anyone who is able to help get them over the line can contact Lisa at

A view of an under construction scout hut whilst two people converse in the background

The Town Council Community Grant Scheme is open to community organisations delivering services or running assets which benefit Knutsford’s residents. It looks for projects which provide improved services/opportunities for those under 18 or over 65, which provide a new or improved asset or service or projects which enhance the profile or reputation of the Town.

The council operates two schemes; a small grants scheme makes awards of up to £1,500 three times per year and a large grant scheme which considers applications for over £1,500 annually. The next deadline for the small grants scheme is 29th October and the 2021 large grants deadline is 31st August.