Meeting: Planning Committee
Meeting Date: Monday 27th November 6pm
Meeting Venue: Lower Council Chamber, Council Offices
Public seating will be available. The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom to enable remote public listening and participation and an audio stream will also be broadcast to Facebook. To join the meeting via Zoom, visit or use meeting ID 821 0560 5574 and password KTC-456189.
To receive apologies for absence; apologies should be submitted to the Planning and Facilities Officer in advance of the meeting.
To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial, and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.
A period of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held 6th November 2023.
Attachment – Minutes of the meeting held 6th November 2023
To review the latest planning applications.
23/4082M | 60 Stanley Road | Single Storey rear extension | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE3 – Conservation Areas H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions
23/3936M | Unit 9, Parkgate Industrial Estate | Alterations to building and erection of M&E Plant. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness ER1 – Employment Development T2 – Cycling in Knutsford
23/3906M | Holmwood, Toft Road | Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement with 2no. detached dwellings and 2no. semi detached dwellings | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development D4 – Sustainable Residential Design H1 – Housing Mix H2 – Previously Developed and Infill Development H4 – Living in the Town Centre T2 – Cycling in Knutsford T4 – Parking
23/4102M | Telecommunications Site, St Cross Church | Swap out and upgrade of 3 No. external antennas, installation of 1 No. new GPs node and associated ancillary works thereto. | D1 – Design Guide
HE2 – Heritage Assets HE3 – Conservation Areas
23/4276M | 29 Sandiway | Prior Approval for single extension to the rear extending 4.00 metres beyond the rear wall, maximum height of 3.50 metres and eaves height of 2.60 metres. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions
To review the latest tree applications.
Woodleigh Cottage, Legh Road | Section 211 notice:
Row of leylandii to rear of property, Request to fell to ground level and remove stumps due to sections failing and poor amenity value. |
23/4120T | The Round House, Legh Road | Section 211 notice:
T1 – Beech – sections of the lateral, upper lateral and top of the crown overhanging & growing close to The Round House to be pruned back by 1.5metres. T2 – Beech – Sections of the lateral, upper lateral and top of the crown overhanging & growing close to The Round House to be pruned back by 1.5metres. |
23/4139T | Loxely, Legh Road | Section 211 notice:
T1 Pine Tree – Fell – Tree has a significant lean and client wishes to replace with a White Birch |
23/4147T | 14 Blackhill Lane | Works to Protected Trees
Oak Tree – reduce canopy by 1m over the road and reduce regrowth to old pruning points house side. |
23/4252T | 19 Rockford Lodge | Works to Protected Trees
T1-4 – Beech – Crown lift over garden to 6m+ shaken laterals towards house up to 3m to give more light to garden + prevent overgrowing situation. |
Aldwarden Hill, Legh Road | Section 211 notice:
T1 (Lawson Cypress) Fell down to ground level. Tree is growing incredibly close to the property, circa 10-20cm from building. Low amenity tree, now too large for where it is planted. Will cause damage to property, stairs and outdoor patio in the not too distant future. T2 (Lawson Cypress) Fell down to ground level. Metal railings have grown into stem and compromised timber. Heightened risk of snapping at this point. Low amenity twin-stemmed tree with low first union. |
23/4270T | 2 Manor Park South | Works to Protected Trees
T1 (Black Pine) Fell down to ground level. Tree is leaning excessively over No. 8. Tee has been outcompeted by the larger Sycamore behind. Canopy is entirely weighted over the roof of No.8. Both property owners have noticed an increase in the trees lean towards No.8 Its structure is so over weighted on one side with little or no growth on the other side, coupled with a high degree of stem lean, I don’t think even severe pruning would achieve clearance from the property. More than likely expediting the trees decline. |
To review the latest planning decisions.
22/4678M | 125 King Street | Listed building consent for the removal of the existing boiler which vents through the chimney and replace with modern boiler that requires external flue, the flue is to protrude from the outer building elevation. | The council raises no objections | approved with conditions
23/1884M | 19 Princess Street | Partial removal of access ramp and railing, and erection of a levelled timber decking area over area of sloped hardstanding at the corner of Princess Street and Regent Street elevations, for the use of outdoor seating; Removal of ATM, and installation of new access door to Princess Street elevation; Installation of new fire escape door to rear elevation; Installation of 2 no. wall mounted lights; Installation of 4 no. extraction grilles to rear and side elevations. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | Approved with conditions
23/3685M | 9 Beech Drive | Proposed two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and associated alterations. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | Approved with conditions
23/2576M | 19 Mereheath Lane | Proposed single storey rear and side extension. Proposed first floor extension over garage. Proposed replacement windows and exterior cladding materials | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | approved with conditions
23/3164M | 3 Yewlands Drive | Variation of condition 1 on approval 23/1783M: Replacement dwelling | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | approved with conditions
23/3361T | 33, Brook Street | T1 Norway Maple – remove lowest limb T2 Cherry – crown reduction by 1.5m T3 Acer – crown reduction by 1.5m | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/3397M | 38 Lilac Avenue | Proposed Two storey side extension, front boundary wall and gates and a change of external materials. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | approved with conditions
23/3416T | Southmead, 24, Leycester Road | Group of Maple Trees G1 – Reduce by 2 meters in order to gain more light. Fell Maple in left corner due to overcrowding | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/1796M | Clovelly, 47, Bexton Road | Proposed demolition of the existing garages, replace with summer house, along with 2 storey side extension, ridge raise with loft conversion | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | approved with conditions
23/3568M | Abbeyfield House, 23c Bexton Road | Proposed single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and drawing the Planning Officer to the request from the neighbour relation to the maintenance of the boundary hedge height. | approved with conditions
The Officer’s report notes: A condition for controlling the hedge height would not meet the tests for planning conditions in this instance. |
22/3317M | 20 Goughs Lane | Proposed Erection of a 1 Storey Detached Garage and Proposed Widened Access into the Proposed Site | The council requests the proposed garage be conditioned to remain as a garage and not to be used or converted to accommodation, and that the requirements of the PROW map officer representation are adhered to. | approved with conditions
The decision notice includes a condition for the garage to remain ancillary and not to be converted and it includes informatives to ensure the PROW is kept accessible. |
23/2955M | Spinney Lodge, Tabley Road | Demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a single-storey replacement dwelling including the associated access arrangements and landscaping. | The council raises concern about the safe exit of vehicles from the new opening to Tabley Road due to the limited visibility afforded by the neighbouring high hedges and requests that Cheshire East Highways specifically reviews this aspect of the application to confirm that it will not present a danger to highway users. | approved with conditions
The Officer’s Report notes: The proposal would therefore be in accordance with the parking standards as set down in Appendix C of the Cheshire East Local Plan and would not be detrimental to road safety or result in an undue loss of amenity to other road users. |
23/3005M | Tree Tops, 3 Astley Close | Demolition of conservatory and garage and construction of rear single storey extension, replacement garage and installation of new gates. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the proposal. | approved with conditions
The Officer’s Report Notes: The Heritage Conservation Officer considers the extension, gates and new garage to be of sympathetic design to the host building and would preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area. |
23/3241T | 35 Goughs Lane | T1 OAK – Reduce low limb on the roadside of the tree by 2- 2.5m due to open cavity on the top of the limb REASON: To reduce end weight and growth over the road that may be caught by vehicles | The council raises no objections subject to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works. | Consent for wrks in TPO with conditions
The decision notice includes an informative which states the submitted proposal accords with good arboricultural practice, has no significant impact on the amenity of the tree |
23/3398T | Maple House, 62 Goughs Lane | Hybrid Poplar T1, T2 and T3 – Reduce crown back to previous pruning points from | The council raises no objections subject to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works. | Consent for wrks in TPO with conditions
The officer’s report notes: The works will accord with the requirements of best practice and will have only a low impact on the wider amenity of the area |
23/2940T | Silvercraig, 9 Leycester Road | 1 x Mature Beech : Request for 5m crown lift and a 2m reduction on side of crown overhanging no 5 Leycester Road. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | Consent for wrks in TPO with conditions
23/2851M | Besom Hill Cottage, Tabley Road | Relocation of approved timber outbuilding with minor external changes | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the views of the Conservation Officer | Withdrawn
The Conservation officer’s submission notes:
It is considered that a shed in the proposed location would not meet the requirements of the Act, our local plan policies or the NPPF.
23/2852M | Besom Hill Cottage, Tabley Road, | Listed Building Consent for the relocation of approved timber outbuilding with minor external changes | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the views of the Conservation Officer |
The Conservation officer’s submission notes:
It is considered that a shed in the proposed location would not meet the requirements of the Act, our local plan policies or the NPPF.
23/3288T | 12 Drury Lane | (T1) Cherry – Fell, self-set small Cherry of low amenity value, suppressed by ivy and root system is lifting flags/ starting to damage next doors garden area | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/3437T | 13 Gaskell Avenue | 1 x Silver Birch to be fully removed and stump grinding down to ground level. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/3667T | 131 King Street | T1 – Cherry – Sectional dismantle to as close to ground level as possible | The council notes that no evidence has been provided that the Cherry (T1) is dead, dying or diseased and recommends that the tree be subject to a Tree Preservation Order as the tree contributes to the character of the Town Centre Conservation Area by providing a strong landscape function and being visible to the public providing screening to the area. | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
No officer report present, Planning and Facilities Officer has contacted the case officer. |
23/4029M | 6 Rockford Lodge | Proposed partial garage conversion including new pitched roof over front section of garage, first floor front extension and internal alterations. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | approved with conditions
To review planning issues.
Attachment – Planning Enforcement Report – November 2023
To consider a report on the Cheshire East Council Final Draft Supplementary Planning Document for Developer Contributions.
Attachment – Report PL23-07 Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document
To consider a report on the Cheshire East Council Final Draft Supplementary Planning Document for Biodiversity Net Gain.
Attachment – Report PL23-08 Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document
To review the outstanding planning matters.
Attachment – Outstanding Matters Log
The next meeting will be held on Monday 18th December 2023.