Councillors Gray, Banks, Dalzell, Johnson, Lowe, and Mears.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Coan and McCulloch (personal business).



Cllrs Johnson and Mears declared a personal interest in application 23/4005M on the grounds of being a neighbour.

Cllr Lowe declared a personal interest in applications 23/4070M and 23/3808T on the grounds of being a neighbour.

In the interests of transparency, Cllrs Banks and Dalzell declared they had visited the site, upon invitation, for application 23/4005M.



The developer for application 23/4005M stated the proposal is for an A-rated home behind existing properties and would be subject to existing screening. The developer stated they have engaged with the council, residents, and officers of Cheshire East Council to ensure the proposal is designed to not interfere with existing residents, with a new entrance to compliment the Cross Town Conservation Area views, it benefits from a simple design and a timber frame construction along with significant planting. The developer also noted the Cheshire East Planning Officer they have engaged with has a full understanding of the site and its history and is now registered as the case officer.

Residents spoke in relation to; application 23/4097M stating the application could lead to a lack a of privacy for neighbours and asked the committee to consider this when commenting; Item 9 on the agenda for the approval of the conservation areas stating they supported the documents from a residential and heritage perspective and the reviews marked a significant end to a five-year process; and a statement was read out in relation to application 23/4005M stating the application is the most recent of three applications for the controversial site which the committee has consistently objected to but this application is persuasive and is a test of the policies in the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th October 2023



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


23/3861M 3 Ash Grove Single storey rear extension and roof raised to create new bedroom The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3954M 55 Manchester Road Conversion of hotel (C1) to residential units of accommodation (C3). The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer and Conservation Officer are satisfied the proposal conforms to the relevant Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies.


The council does raise concerns over the lack of provided off-street parking and pressures the development is likely to present to on-street parking in that area of the town.

23/4029M 6 Rockford Lodge Proposed partial garage conversion including new pitched roof over front section of garage, first floor front extension and internal alterations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/4005M[1] Sunnyhurst, 4 Mobberley Road Erection of a single detached dwelling with associated access and landscape works. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer and Conservation Officer are completely satisfied the proposal conforms to the relevant Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies and policy HOU10 of the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document.
23/4070M[2] Ivy Cottage, Tabley Road Proposed single storey extension to rear of property. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/4097M Green Bank, St John’s Road Proposed Single storey rear extension The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer being satisfied there is no overlooking that causes detrimental impact to neighbours amenity.

[1] Cllr Dalzell voted against this resolution.

[2] Cllr Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


23/3807T Moorgarth, Legh Road Works to protected trees/section 211 notice:

T1 – Lime. Remove dead wood throughout all canopy the, remove epicormic growth to a height of 5 metres then, crown lift canopy to give 5 metres clear canopy height all round. For good arboricultural practice. T2 – Beech. Fell to ground level and remove stump by griding. A mediocre specimen that will not develop due to the presence of the lime. No replacement is proposed in this location due to limited space for tree to develop. T4 – Willow. Crown lift canopy over the lawn to give 2 metres clear canopy height to allow access to maintain lawn. T5 – Birch. Fell to ground level and remove stump by griding. A mediocre specimen that will not develop due to the presence of the lime. No replacement is proposed in this location due to limited space for tree to develop.

The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and the Tree Officer being satisfied with the proposed works to T5 – Birch.

It appears that T5 -Birch is subject to a protection order, if confirmed, the council requests a suitable native species is replanted to replace the felled Birch.

23/3808T[1] Yarnbury, Tabley Road Works to protected trees:

T1,2+3 – Limes – Pervious heavy prune. Crown lift to 6m, shorten laterals to previous pruning points. To prevent risk of limb failure + prevent over growing situation.

The council raises no objections subject to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works.
23/3809T 9, Rockford Lodge Works to protected trees:

T1 Ash – Fell – Ash die back – adjacent to public footpath T2 Oak – Crown lift droppers to 6m. Shorten laterals towards house upto 2.5m to give more light T3 Oak – Crown lift droppers upto 7m

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Tree Officer being satisfied with the proposed works to T1 – Ash.

As T1 -Ash is subject to a protection order the council requests a suitable native species is replanted to replace the felled Ash.

23/3820T Green Acre, Parkfield Road Section 211 notice

Tree located on the west side of the house to the right of a semi mature Birch tree. The tree (T1) is a Norway Maple and appears to be in decline. The crown is quite sparse and has signs of dead/dying branches within it. There is a narrow road (Greenacre Close) behind the fence where the tree is located therefore there is the risk of dead/dying limbs falling beyond the ownership boundary at some stage in the near future. The proposal is to fell the Maple to ground level

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3870T The White Cottage, Parkfield Road Section 211 notice:

T1 – Cedar – Crown reduction by up to 2m and remove deadwood – General maintenance T2 – Eucalyptus – Pollard – General maintenance to assist health of tree

The council raises no objections subject to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works.
23/3852T Lake House, Legh Road Section 211 notice:

Horse Chestnut – Fell

The council are unable to consider this application due to the lack of supplementary detail, and request the applicant upload pictures in support of the application or request the tree officer undertakes a site visit to inspect and confirm the condition of the Horse Chestnut.
23/3981T 1 Ruskin Court Section 211 notice:

Tree work to Goat Willow tree (T1) to dismantle in sections and leave stump as close to ground level as possible

The council are unable to consider this application due to the lack of detail and supporting evidence.

[1] Cllr Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.



The report was noted.



The decisions were noted.



It was RESOLVED to submit to Cheshire East Council; the Heathfield Square Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan draft document subject to minor typographic and contextual amendments identified by the conservation area working group; the St Johns Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan draft document subject to minor typographic and contextual amendments identified by the conservation area working group, and support the Bexton Road cottages proposed for inclusion to be instead considered for inclusion in the Town Centre Conservation Area; and the Cross Town Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan draft document subject to minor typographic and contextual amendments identified by the conservation area working group, and support the proposed extension option B with an aspiration to implement an article 4 directive to protect front boundary treatments.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 27th November 2023.