Councillors Gray, Dalzell, Gardiner, Houghton, McCulloch and Robertson

In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



No apologies were received.



Cllrs Gray declared a personal interest in application 21/1425M on the grounds of being a neighbour of the applicant.

Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in application 21/0763M on the grounds of having spoken with a resident regarding the factual matters of the development and the planning process.



A resident spoke in relation to applications 21/1288M and 21/1289M stating the building is not currently listed and there must have been some confusion over applying for listed building consent. The building is of townscape merit noting the fenestration solution should be considered carefully so as not to be detrimental to the Knutsford Town Centre Conservation Area.

The resident went on to speak in relation to applications 21/1182M and 21/1183M stating the design and access statement is quite sparse but points out the proposed extension would only be apparent from the rear garden which the resident noted the whole building, and its architecture, is what is important due, to its listed status, the rear of the building is as important as the street scene. A similar previous application for an extension on this property was refused, noting an objection from the conservation officer that the horizontal emphasis undermined the vertical emphasis of the building.

A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in relation to Footpath 27 and its previous obstruction now being cleared.

The representative went on to speak in relation to application 21/1474M stating the proposal conflicts with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1 and D2, noting the scale, mass, height and design is not in-keeping with neighbouring properties. The application may impact the amenity of the immediate neighbouring property through overshadowing and overlooking via the Juliet balcony and the proposed garage bringing the development very close to the boundary.

The representative also spoke in relation to the appeals submitted for 20/1795M and

20/5298M 4 Mobberley Road and suggested the committee may wish to comment but noted the closing date for submissions is 19th April 2021.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes subject to application 20/5424M 1-2 Church Hill having a substituted response of; No objections subject to neighbour comments and the conservation officer being satisfied with the methodology of works.



The appeals were noted, and regarding applications 20/3505M and 20/3684M it was RESOLVED that that the Planning and Facilities Officer draft a comment for submission.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
21/1033M 17 Beeston Drive Single storey side and rear extension, lowered kerb and boundary fence The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and an appropriate drainage strategy.


21/0662T The Copse, Chelford Road Section 211 notice:

I’ve previously applied to reduce the Trees Highlighted in yellow on the map provided back from a bowling green on behalf of the bowling green. since, the person who owns the trees has approached me and asked me to undertake full reductions on all of the trees, they have this done every 4 years as the trees are large specimens in close proximity to property. I’ve advised a 20 percent canopy reduction so that proper pruning methods can be applied. The customer in question has also requested that I prune back the neighbours Oak specimen to the boundary which I’ve highlighted in purple on the map provided. The customer has also requested that I relieve some weight from the large lateral scaffold limbs of an Oak that bridge the road opposite the entrance to there driveway. I’d just reduce the limbs by 1M to suitable pruning points to alleviate some stress. ive highlighted this oak on the map provided in Blue. In the stand of trees over the road from the property there are some dead standing stems and a holly which apparently already has permission for a reduction in line with some previous branch failure that occurred a while back, I thought that id mention my intentions to make these safe whilst undertaking the other works.

The council raises no objections subject neighbour comments and an appropriate methodology employed.


21/0649D Acre Wood, 8 Leycester Road Discharge of condition 6 on approved application 20/1397M- Demolition of existing dwelling house and construction of replacement dwelling and replacement of existing garden building with new garden building Amendments to previously approved 19/4791M The council raises no objections subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the methodology employed.




21/0978T Higham View, Legh Road Works to Protected Trees: Fell Cedar Tree The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied as a result of the lack of evidence to support the proposed felling. Additionally, the council requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the applicant replant a suitable replacement native species tree due to the declared climate emergency.


21/1003T 17 Gaskill Avenue Works to Protected Trees/Section 211 notice:

Large Lawson Cypress rear of the property (growing by the Cedar tree) fell. Pine and large Cherry group located at the rear right hand corner: Pine reduce the large lateral limb over the summerhouse by 2.5m to reduce weight. Cherry reduce approx 4 large upper limbs by 2-2.5m. shorten the large low limb over the neighbours garden by 50% and prune other secondary limbs to shape as required.

The council raises no objections regarding the husbandry works but raises concerns over the lack of evidence to support the proposed felling. The council requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the applicant replant a suitable replacement native species tree due to the declared climate emergency.


21/1063M 22 Goughs Lane Prior approval for a single storey rear extension extending 6.8m from the rear elevation, maximum height of 3.24m and eaves height of 3m The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/1032M 7 Grove Park Single storey rear extension, loft conversion, front porch and bay window The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/0763M Longview Hotel, 51-55 Manchester Road Change of Use of existing hotel from C1 to Sui Generis and C3(a) at number 51 Manchester Road and C1 to C4 at number 4 Victoria Street including associated amenity, cycle storage, refuse storage and car parking The council OBJECTS on the grounds that;

·         The application presents a lack of parking as set out in Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy T4, noting parking along Victoria Street is already congested.

·         Not all the bedroom sizes set out in the proposal does not appear to meet the minimum size standards for habitable accommodation.

·         The proposed amenity space is unusable due to the proximity to the bin and cycle storage spaces set out in the application.


21/1182M Broad Terraces, Legh Road Erection of a single storey rear extension to the lower ground floor with internal alterations to the ground and lower ground floor The council OBJECTS on the grounds that;

·         The scale and design do not comply with the Knutsford Design Guide and significantly harms the Listed Building.

·         The architectural design of the property has strong vertical reference features, and this application introduces horizontal reference features which conflict with the architectural significance of the Listed Building Status.

·         The extension would have a detrimental impact on the property and the Legh Road Conservation Area as it does not comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies H2 and H3, noting the view from the rear of the properties is as significant to their character as the view from the street scene as set out by the Conservation Officer in a previously refused application.


21/1183M Broad Terraces, Legh Road Listed Building Consent for erection of a single storey rear extension to the lower ground floor with internal alterations to the ground and lower ground floor The council OBJECTS on the grounds that;

·         The scale and design do not comply with the Knutsford Design Guide and significantly harms the Listed Building.

·         The architectural design of the property has strong vertical reference features, and this application introduces horizontal reference features which conflict with the architectural significance of the Listed Building Status.

·         The extension would have a detrimental impact on the property and the Legh Road Conservation Area as it does not comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies H2 and H3, noting the view from the rear of the property is as significant as the view from the street scene as set out by the Conservation Officer in a previously refused application.


The council suggests that if in granting consent a condition be employed to ensure the construction methodology is approved to ensure the stability of the ground to protect the Listed Building.

21/1191M 11 Summers Way Double storey side extension and internal alterations The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer being satisfied the garage space meets the minimum size to fit a motor vehicle and the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.


21/1231M 115 Ashworth Park Single storey rear extension, internal reconfiguration, velux window to front elevation and garden building The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and suggests that in granting consent a condition be employed to ensure the home office space be used solely by the occupiers of the property.


21/1263M 46 Meadow Drive Proposal for first floor rear extension over existing single storey structure The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/1148M 30 Ashworth Park Replacement and extended roof dormer to front. Existing Garage conversion to habitable accommodation. New single storey Garage extension to side. New single storey porch extension to front. The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer being satisfied the garage space meets the minimum size to fit a motor vehicle and the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan, and the council suggests that in granting consent a condition be employed to prevent the new garage from being converted into habitable space without prior planning approval.


21/1320M 46 Blackhill Lane Side extension and alternations The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/0768M 36 Manor Crescent Two storey side extension with integral garage to existing dwelling The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and notes the designated garage space does not appear to meet the minimum size to fit a motor vehicle, but the proposal does appear to meet policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
21/1056T Wynthorpe, Legh Road Section 211 notice:

The number and location of the trees can be found in the sketch plan (5 trees). 5 x Lime Trees – Crown reduction and thinning, reducing the height of the trees by up to 5-10 metres. This is allow for greater light into gardens, reduce black sap that falls into the garden which ruins furniture and makes surfaces slick. Reduce number of branches that can be blown down in high winds.

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/1102T The Pines, 20 Leycester Road  


Works to Protected Trees:

Works to trees



The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/1122M 48 Fir Tree Avenue Variation of condition 2 on application19/5290M –  Demolition of existing single storey rear outrigger. Construction of single storey rear extension, single storey side extension, and first floor front extension over Garage, plus internal and external alterations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/1059D 8 Church View Discharge of conditions 3 and 4 on approved application 20/1161M – Erection of a 3 storey side extension to the side of an existing end of terrace property. The council raises no objections subject neighbours and to the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the methodology employed.


21/1274M 52 Heron Close Single storey pitched roof extension to side to form Wet room for disabled person. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/1344T Somerford, 19 Leycester Road Section 211 notice:

Golden Cypress – Fell to ground level

The council OBJECTS on the grounds that there is no evidence to warrant the proposed felling and the council recommend the Tree Officer inspect the tree. If the Tree Officer is satisfied the council requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the applicant replant a suitable replacement native species tree due to the declared climate emergency.


21/1406M 32 Lilac Avenue Proposed 2 storey rear and side extension, with single storey element to the rear, recladding and repurposing of existing detached garage building The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/0782M Balgownie, Chelford Road Replacement of existing Timber pergola with single storey garage and two storey side extension. Brick boundary walls. The council raises no objections subject neighbours and to the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the methodology employed.


21/1288M Station House, Adams Hill Replacement of existing defective windows and doors installation of 3 new windows to match existing remodelling of 3 existing clerestory windows into glass panels. The council raises no objections subject neighbours and to the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the materials and methodology employed.


21/1289M Station House, Adams Hill Listed building consent for Replacement of existing defective windows and doors installation of 3 new windows to match existing remodelling of 3 existing clerestory windows into glass panels. The council raises no objections subject neighbours and to the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the materials and methodology employed.


21/1408M 10 Comber Way Proposed external render coat, new windows and doors to whole dwelling house, garage conversion, first floor rear extension, single storey front extension and associated alterations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/1474M 3 Yewlands Drive Proposal: Side and rear extensions with internal layout changes The council OBJECTS on the grounds that;

·         The scale and design constitute overdevelopment and does not comply with the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1 and D2.

·         The proposal presents a property out of character with the surrounding properties.

·         The proposal would present an unneighbourly relationship with neighbouring properties through overshadowing and overlooking.


21/0884M 54 Meadow Drive Proposed ground floor extension to rear elevation, conversion of garage into habitable room, re-model existing garage flat roof into pitched roof The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer being satisfied the garage space meets the minimum size to fit a motor vehicle and the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.


21/1425M 10 Glebelands Road Demolition of double garage, single storey extension & roof alterations The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


PL20/045 PLANNING Decisions

The latest planning decisions were noted. It was noted to follow up the request to commence communications with development proposals relating to application 20/0466D Memorial House.

It was requested to include the relevant condition details to the decision column of the planning decisions.


PL20/046 PLANNING Issues log

The log was noted. The illuminated acrylic signage at Vermillion, 10b Princess Street was raised and the Planning and Facilities Officer undertook to raise this with Cheshire East Council.

It was requested to correct the entry for Bexton Lane to Bexton Road.


PL20/047 Actions Log

The log was noted.



The date of the next meeting was noted as 19th April 2021 at 6pm.