Councillors Gray, Dalzell, Lowe, McCulloch, and Robertson.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Morris (Personal Business), Houghton (Personal Business), and Gardiner (Personal Business).



Cllr McCulloch declared a personal interest in applications 21/2923M and 21/3259M, on the grounds of being known to the applicants.

Cllr Gray declared a personal interest in application 21/3133M on the grounds of being a neighbour of the applicant.



A member of the public spoke in relation to application 21/3168M, stating the application significantly varies and dilutes the s106 agreement by removing future protection of the open spaces and reducing the land lease from 125 years to 99 years. The resident went on to suggest that Knutsford Town Council should object outright to the proposal as it may set a precedent for the other allocated housing sites, and to raise the profile of the application to the head of planning and the strategic planning board of Cheshire East Council.

A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in relation to application 21/0128M stating serious concern over the application presents an overdevelopment of the site with excessive scale, mass and height which leads to an 83% increase in floorspace and the overlooking of neighbouring properties. The representative went on to note the conflict with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies, through a lack of materials detailed and no landscaping plan to mitigate the declared climate emergency, detailed within the proposal.

A member of the public spoke in relation to application 21/3259M stating there has been no change to the previously refused proposal, noting the importance of the conservation officer’s report and the requirement for a heritage impact assessment. The resident went on to detail the application 19/0124M to change the premises from retail offices to residential dwelling included the conservation officer requesting conditions which are not shown in this new application.



The council strongly OBJECTS on the grounds that originally the open spaces were proposed within the village development to mirror the character of existing areas of Knutsford, the park and play area were moved outside of the development to afford space for more dwellings. This application may set an unacceptable precedent for future developments and the council wish to protect in perpetuity the open spaces included as per the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy SL1. The council consider the proposal is not in the best interests of Knutsford residents through:

  • Reducing affordable housing leases from 125 years to 99 years
  • Removing the possibility of a community owned management company which would be able act in the best interests of its residents.
  • Removing the protections for the open spaces, which should be protected in respect to the declared climate emergency and may allow for further development.

The council request the application is considered by the Head of Planning and the Strategic Planning Board of Cheshire East Council.





Address Application Detail Working Group Views Comment to be Submitted

(determined by PFO)

21/2966M 79 Ashworth Park Single storey side and rear extensions No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/2679M Mobile Home, Brookdale Centre, Manchester Road The mobile home is currently empty and we wish to convert it for office use. This works will only entail refurbishment of the internal space within the mobile home to be utilised as office space No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.



21/0128M 6 Oakleigh Revised Plans Two storey extension to side and front of house, new roof design to raise existing ridge height by 675mm Previous objections were not overcome. The council continues to OBJECT on the grounds the revised plans within the application do not overcome the council’s previous concerns that the proposal detrimentally changes the width of the property, dominates the street scene, and will lead to a terracing effect with the immediate neighbouring properties. There is an alteration in height which is not accurately shown on the submitted plans and the proposal will lead to overlooking of the neighbours, therefore the application should be refused.
21/3051M 50 Blackhill Lane Garage conversion, single storey extension to side of house and porch extension No objections subject to parking The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
21/3133M 26 Glebelands Road External Remodelling No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/3009M 28 Fir Tree Avenue Proposed partial garage conversion, single storey front extension and internal alterations. No objections subject to parking The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.


21/3210M 1 St Johns Avenue Rear, single storey extension No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/3099T Chimneys, Legh Road Section 211 notice: Fell Holly tree because of extensive shading, invasive and “strangling” a TPO Silver Birch. Holly branches are also heavily intertwined with the Silver Birch. No objections, subject to the Tree Officer is satisfied.


The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied felling the Holly will positively impact the protected Silver Birch.


21/3103T 1 Cranford Avenue Works to Protected Trees:

Removal of Lawsons Cypress Tree and replacement  with a tree of more suitable species and size

No objections, subject to nesting season and replanting requests. The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied and requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council requests the works are undertaken outside the nesting season and the applicant replant a suitable replacement native species tree for the felled tree due to the declared climate emergency.


21/3059T Heathside, 7 Tabley Road Works to Protected Trees:

Works to trees

No objection, subject to yew retention The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the Tree Officer being satisfied and requests that applicant retain the existing Yew hedge.


21/3048T The Lodge, Walwarden Hill, Legh Road Works to Protected Trees:

Works to various Trees.

No objections, subject to husbandry benefits. The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being completely satisfied the husbandry proposed will benefit the identified Beech tree.


21/3038M 4 Oaklegh Non-material amendment to application 20/3733M. No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/1923M Booths Park, Booths Hall, Chelford Road Change of use of storage pod from B8 to Class E. No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/3259M St James Court, 48A, King Street Installation of a roof terrace including perimeter glazed guarding and rooflight access. Object based on Heritage Officer’s objections The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the Heritage Officer Assessment concludes the proposal is detrimental to the character of the conservation area and has concerns over the impact to neighbouring heritage assets, therefore the proposal fails to meet Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy HE3.


21/2899M St Cross Church, Mobberley Road Proposed upgrading of existing telecommunications equipment No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/2986M Aldwarden Hill, Legh Road Listed Building Consent for painting of external rendered elevations to the house and southern boundary wall and repairs to render No objection, subject to neighbours. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/3017M 47 Valley Way Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to application 20/0438M –  Front single-storey extension and new tile roof to replace the single storey flat roof No objection, subject to neighbours The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


21/2923M Tynedale, St John’s Road Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of a new detached house with associated hard and soft landscaping Objection, the proposal alters character of the conservation area, and the Heritage Officer has concerns over the impact to neighbouring Heritage Assets. The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the proposal fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D2 and H1 as follows:

·         The proposal would result in the loss of a single storey dwelling.

·         The proposal may be detrimental to the character of the neighbouring St John’s Conservation Area and the Town Centre Conservation Area.


21/3155T Knutsford Golf Club House, Mereheath Lane Section 211 notice: Oak: Marked on the sketch plan provided in orange. tree has been shaded out on one side and is tending heavily toward the car park. Proposed 20 percent reduction and deadwood throughout to shorten any overextended limbs and reshape canopy. 4x small Conifers: Marked on the sketch plan in Yellow. proposed removal, trees have been planted in a line underneath mature deciduous specimens and are growing up through the canopies of the aforementioned trees. multiple Holly Specimens: marked on the sketch plan in Purple. small mixed woodland mainly containing Holly and Laurel, several of the holly specimens are poor structurally, very tall and thin. Approximately two have failed and approximately 3 more are very tall and thin with hard leans. one side of the woodlands has high foot traffic and the other has property. I’m proposing removal of the failed specimens and any of the tall specimens with a heavy lean. Holly and Sycamore over a path: Marked on the sketch plan in Blue. Trees are over a footpath and very entangled with a telephone wire running through them. Customer has requested a 20 percent reduction and thin and to alleviate any pressure on the telephone wire. No objections subject to nesting season and replanting. The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied and requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council requests the works are undertaken outside the nesting season and that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the applicant replant two suitable replacement native species tree for the felled tree due to the declared climate emergency.
21/3116T Sharston House Nursing Home, Manor Park South Works to Protected Trees:

x1 Large Beech- Prune- Crown thin by 20%. x1 Beech- Prune- Crown thin by 10% and remove 4 laterals growing towards house roof.

No objections subject to nesting season. The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied and requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council requests the works are undertaken outside the nesting season unless a bat and bird survey is completed prior to commencing works.
21/3117T 19 Rockford Lodge Works to Protected Trees:

x1 Oak- Remove two laterals pointing down hedge boundary- To raise crown to allow air space. A reduce 2m overall.

Unable to comment. The council were unable to comment as the Planning Portal has no uploaded documents
21/3193M Unit 1, Montgomery Close Determination for demolition of frontage office building (building A) and rear outrigger (building B) No objection, subject to neighbours The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.



PLANNING Decisions

The latest planning decisions were noted.


PLANNING Dismissals

The report was noted.


PLANNING Issues log

The log was noted.


Actions Log

The log was noted.



The date of the next meeting was noted as 19th July 2021 at 6pm.