These are draft minutes that have not yet been approved by the council. The minutes are subject to change and will be confirmed at the next meeting.


Councillors McCulloch, Dalzell, Banks, Gray, Johnson, Lowe, and Mears.

B Allen (Deputy Town Clerk)



Apologies were received from Cllr Coan (health)



Cllr Gray declared a person interest in 24/4959/HOUS on the grounds of being a neighbour, and Cllr Banks declared a person interest in 24/4854/HOUS on the grounds of knowing the applicant.



The applicant for application 24/4849/HOUS spoke regarding the condition of the property not having changed since the 1960’s and highlighted the need to reconfigure and modernise the property, noting there is no clear architectural theme along Ladies Mile with all the neighbouring properties being quite large.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6th January.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


24/4782/HOUS Linwood Bexton Lane, Single storey front extension, loft conversion and widened pavement drop kerb access. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/4798/HOUS 12 Albert Street Single storey rear extension and addition of a dormer for loft conversion The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/4706/HOUS 60 Blackhill Lane Erection of ground floor, single storey rear extension and first floor front timber clad extension and zinc dormer The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/4849/HOUS 9 Ladies Mile Construction of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, proposed porch
and detached garage
The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/4854/HOUS 63 Boothfields First floor extension over garage and internal alterations The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/4868/FUL Parkgate Industrial Estate Haig Road 3 x external plant units comprising two for the cold room and one for air
The council raises no objections.
24/4899/DSC 82 King Street Discharge of conditions 5, 7 and 12 on application 24/2840M – Listed building consent for proposed new pitched roof covering, repainting of existing windows and splitting the property into two demises excluding any change of use There are inconsistencies in which conditions are being discharged and the relevant information submitted for each of the conditions being discharged, and therefore the council considered there is insufficient information to consider this application and politely requests the planning officer clarifies these points with the applicant and the council is provided with additional time to appropriately consider this application.
24/4869/FUL Lane End Legh Road Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 no. dwellings with associated works to include landscaping. The council STRONGLY OBJECTS to the application on the grounds that the proposal fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1, D2, D3, H1, H2, HE3; SC4 and SE7 of the Cheshire East Local Plan; and point 3 of policy HOU14 of the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document, as follows:

·         The scale and design constitute overdevelopment of the site.

·         The proposal is out of character with the surrounding properties due to infill development and the characteristic plot ratios of the Legh Road Conservation Area as highlighted within the Legh Road Conservation Area appraisal.

·         The loss of two bungalows and not fully assessing characteristic housing stock of the Legh Road Conservation Area.

·         Where trees are removed these should be replaced with trees and not hedging.

·         The proposal is unsuitable for the site and is detrimental to the Legh Road Conservation Area.

24/4959/HOUS 26 Glebelands Road Single storey bedroom, dining and study extension to rear and side The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/5003/HOUS 23 Mereheath Park Demolition of existing rear conservatory and attached side garage. Construction of single storey wrap around rear and side extension The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/5004/NMA 22 Roxby Way Non Material Amendment to application 23/0553M. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


24/4976/TPO 27 Grassfield Way Works to Protected Trees:

T1 Western Red Cedar – Fell to ground level.

The council objects to the proposed felling of T1, Western Red Cedar on the grounds that alternative work could be undertaken, namely the removal of some of the lower limbs and/or a crown thin, which would remove the necessity for felling.
24/4938/TPO 3 Hallside Park Works to Protected Trees:

Lime (T1) – Crown clean, removal of deadwood and epicormic growth. Reduction in height by 1.5 – 2metres. Light reduction works 0.5-1metres to upper canopy to shape sides in and from a new top crown. Oak (T2) – Removal of deadwood and epicormic growth on stem. Light thin of 10%. Lowest lateral protruding beyond natural canopy line to be redcued by 1-1.5 metres to a suitable nodal point. Sweet Chestnut (T3) – Crown clean, removal of deadwood and epicormic growth. Canopy thin by 15-20%. Sweet Chestnut (T4) – Crown clean, removal of deadwood and epicormic growth. Thin by 10-15%. Lowest & largest limb overhanging neighbouring property to be selectively weight reduced / reduced back from property. Oak (T5) – Crown clean, removal of deadwood and epicormic growth. Canopy thin by 10-15%. Beech (T8) – Crown reduction by 1 – 1.5metres on the property side and top of the canopy. Some very minor/specific targeted reductions to limbs on the rear side of the canopy just to bring balance. Removal of deadwood throughout. Reasoning for works due to imbalanced crown growing/leaning towards the properties. Below two trees in neighbouring property – (No.1 Hallside Park) Neighbour is happy for works to be carried out. Sweet Chestnut (T6) – Crown clean and removal of major deadwood. Crown thin by 10-15%. Beech (T7) – Crown reduction works to the lateral canopy overhanging into the garden of No.3 Hallside Park by 1-1.5 metres. Works to be carried out to improve light quality in the area and to for general tree health and maintenance purposes such as the deadwoo

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/4994/TCA Sean Baile Section 211 notice:

T1. Holly – Crown reduce by 4m T2. Cypress – Crown reduce 3m T3. Holly – crown lift 4m T4. Lawson Cypress – Crown lift 4m

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.



The decisions were noted.



The appeal for application 24/2696M was noted.




It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 17th February 2025 at 6pm.