Councillors McCulloch, Gardiner, Gray, Lowe, Morris, and Robertson.
In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)
Apologies were received from Cllrs Dalzell (personal business) and Houghton (personal business).
Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in applications, 21/6122D on the grounds of booking a mayoral function at the establishment, 21/6213D on the grounds the agent is a former colleague, 21/6262M on the grounds of being known to the neighbour, and 21/6308M on the grounds of meeting with the applicant
Cllr Robertson declared a personal interest in application 21/6308M on the grounds of attending a pre-application meeting.
All members declared an interest in application 21/6278M on the grounds the building is owned by the council.
Two members of public spoke in relation to application 21/6308M stating the proposal seeks to improve the area with the submitted landscape plan and an A-rated family home. The applicant has sought the advice of residents involved with tree projects.
A member of the public spoke in relation to application 21/6308M stating the proposal will extend across the entire width of two adjacent gardens and will result in a wall 5.7m in height. The resident also noted the possible damage to nearby protected trees.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes subject to correcting a typographic error.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
21/6224M | Humbug Cottage, 4 Leycester Road | Demolition of existing outbuildings/garage and replacement timber frame garden/car port and new driveway brick pillars, gates and boundary fence | The council raises no objections subject to the conservation officer being satisfied with the methodology and materials employed, and the new outbuilding remains ancillary to the main dwellinghouse.
The council notes the application for proposed lawful use has not been decided. |
21/6091M | Land to the North of Parkgate Industrial | Advertisement consent for 3050 x 1500mm post mounted signage | The council raises no objections to the signage employed on the development site but OBJECTS to the signage toward the south of Parkgate Lane as it is detrimental to the character of the Green Belt.
21/6122D[1] | The Courthouse, Toft Road | Discharge of conditions 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 & 11 on approval 20/4128M. | The council is unable to comment due to the technical nature of the proposal and requests a suitably qualified professional is satisfied with the methodology employed.
21/6284M[2] | 9 Goughs Lane | 2 storey rear extension and remodel | The council OBJECTS on the grounds the development will result in the new dwelling having a scale and massing which would be contrary to saved policy GC12 which condition 17 of approved application 20/1246M was applied to restrict.
21/6267M | Mobberley Road Service Station, Mobberley Road | New external extension for toilet, new timber fenced compound for proprietary chiller unit and new shop entrance door to existing shop front | The council raises no objections, subject neighbour comments.
21/6213D | Toft Cottage, Toft Road | Discharge of conditions 3, 4 & 7 on approved application 20/1389M – Single storey side and single/ two storey rear extension | The council raises no objections, subject to the conservation officer being satisfied with the proposed fenestration and doors, and if the suggested bricks cannot be matched the council suggests the employment of a chemical agent to accelerate the blending of the bricks with the existing property.
21/5735M | Windmill Wood, Chelford Road | Agricutural Determination for a log store | The council notes the application has been withdrawn.
21/6308M[3] | Land to the Rear of 35-45, Chelford Road | Demolition of existing garaging and workshops and the erection of a single new build super sustainable passive house standard A rated eco home. | The council raises no objections subject to the conservation officer and the arboriculture officer being satisfied with the materials and methodology employed, paying detail to the tree root protection areas.
21/6311M | 32 Acacia Avenue | Two storey side extension, single storey extensions to rear and front porch | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
21/5351M | Station House, Adams Hill | Change of use offices to restaurant | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and a request to include conditions, to control the disposal of waste to ensure this is undertaken during the day, and to allocate the same hours of operation as other similar premises within the Town Centre area.
21/6278M | Car Park, King Street | Introduction of service hatch, larch cladding and decking on existing south east façade with new signage on both sides | The council are unable to comment on this application. |
21/6316M | 12-18 Regent Street | Proposed advert consent for 1 no. set of built up brushed copper effect aluminium ‘HAVWOODS’ letters & ‘H’ logos with 50mm returns stood off from facade by 20mm on pins complete with white LED halo illumination to rear. 1 no. set of ‘LUXURY WOOD FLOORING’ non-illuminated flat cut brushed copper effect aluminium letters stood off from facade by 20mm on pins. 1 no. set of ‘LUXURY WALL CLADDING’ non-illuminated flat cut brushed copper effect aluminium letters stood off from facade by 20mm on pins. |
The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
21/6262M | 18 Conway Close | Demolition of existing garage. New Single Storey Garage/ Side Extension and Single Storey Rear Extension | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and a request to ensure the side elevation window uses obscured glazing.
21/6420M | 3 Warwick Close | Two-storey front extension over existing garage with gable elevation to street, new ground floor entrance porch. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
21/6445M | 108 Grove Park | Single storey rear extension | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
21/5203M | Acrewood, 8 Leycester Road | Amended Plans Variation of conditions 2 and 15 on application 20/1397M – Demolition of existing dwelling house and construction of replacement dwelling and replacement of existing garden building with new garden building Amendments to previously approved 19/4791M | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and a request for condition 15 continuing to apply. |
[1] Cllr Gardiner abstained from voting on this resolution
[2] Cllr Gray voted against this resolution.
[3] Cllr Gardiner left the meeting during discussion and the resolution of this application.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
21/6383T | Norkem House, Bexton Lane | Works to Protected Trees:
[T1] Oak: Located at corner of property on Blackhill Lane border. Proposal: Crown raise secondary laterals extending over neighbours garden to 5m from ground level. Remove epicormic growth to 5m. Remove major deadwood 3cm diameter and greater. Reason: To give good clearance over neighbours garden and keep stem clear in the interests of good ongoing management. To also remove potential hazards. [T3] Oak: Located along the Blackhill Lane border of property. Proposal: Reduce large low limb (25cm diam at 4m SW) back to replacement 1.5m from stem due to historic wounding and observed fungal activity. Reduce extended low limb at 4m western crown over road approx 6m back to upright replacement due to poorly occluded historic wound sites and observed fungal bracket. Crown raise low hanging end growth to ensure clearance to 3m over footpath/lawn and 5m over road. Remove epicormic growth on stem to main fork at 4.5m. Remove major deadwood 3cm diameter and greater. Reason: To address potential risk of limb failure/deadwood drop hazards, ensure good clearance over road and pathway and keep stem clear of unwanted growth.
The council raises no objections subject to the arboriculture officer being satisfied the husbandry is proportionate and necessary for the longevity of the trees.
21/5926T | 14 Heathfield Square | Section 211 notice:
Tree works to reduce tree more than 2 metres
The council notes the incorrect information in the application form and OBJECTS to proposed works which would be detrimental to the overall health and longevity of the tree and not comply with BS3998, therefore the council recommends that the tree be subject to a Tree Preservation Order as the tree contributes to the character of the conservation area. Whilst the tree is not wholly visible from the roadside, it is visible to a large number of properties and contributes to and provides a strong landscape function being visible to the amenity spaces, providing screening to the area
The latest planning decisions were noted. It was agreed to write to the Head of Development at Cheshire East Council regarding the desire to protect and conserve trees due to the climate emergency.
The log was noted.
It was RESOLVED to adopt the use of the standard tree responses.
The log was noted. It was agreed to Chief Executive of Cheshire East Council regarding the enforcement issue and the highway encroachment.
The date of the next meeting was noted as 31st January 2022 at 6pm.