Councillors McCulloch, Banks, Dalzell, Johnson, and Lowe.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Coan and Gray (personal business) and Cllr Mears (business).



Cllr Dalzell declared a personal interest in application 23/3606M on the grounds of being contacted by a resident.



The developer for application 23/3519M spoke about how a sensitive approach to the proposal has been considered to smooth neighbouring relationships, noting the land currently has permission for a similar dwelling but recommendations have been included in this application from a senior planning officer at Cheshire East Council. The developer presented some imagery and detailed the advice from a heritage consultant, stating the dwelling would only use 8% of the site so it better fit the characteristics of the Legh Road Conservation Area and makes the property subservient to Oakhurst as it took design inspiration from the nearby property Whitegates instead.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2023



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.




Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
23/3215M Victoria House, Tatton Street Advertisement Consent for fascia signs and hanging sign. The council notes the application has already been decided.
23/3519M[1] Oakhurst, Toft Road The erection of one dwelling with detached garage and associated access and landscape works. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer and Conservation Officer are satisfied the proposal conforms to the relevant Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies and is not detrimental to the Legh Road Conservation Area.
23/3568M Abbeyfield House, 23c Bexton Road Proposed single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and drawing the Planning Officer to the request from the neighbour relation to the maintenance of the boundary hedge height.
23/3476D Land Off, Northwich Road Discharge of condition 14 on existing permission 19/1392M; Reserved Matters in relation to scale, appearance, landscape and layout for the erection of 190 dwellings including allotments, community orchard, playing pitch, landscaping, open space, car and cycle parking, drainage and associated works pursuant to outline application 17/3853M The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3633M 152 Grove Park Erection of a longer privacy screen close to the boundary fence in place of the privacy screen on the edge of a retained terrace required in planning permission 21/0650M The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3606M[2] Sandings, Chelford Road Relocation of existing driveway for safety reasons The council OBJECTS to the proposal on the grounds of highway safety concerns and agrees with the Conservation Officer’s submission, that the loss of the trees and hedge line for the 2.5m wide visibility splays would be detrimental to the Legh Road Conservation Area and the setting of the Obelisk. The council notes the perfectly safe and well-used entrance off Leycester Road.
23/3666M 15 Tabley Grove Proposed two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and garden room outbuilding The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer being satisfied with the built-form plot ratio of the proposal, and requests the garden room remain ancillary.
23/3466M Green Bank, St Johns Road Prior approval of proposed single storey extension extending 5.60 metres beyond the rear wall, maximum height of 3.60 metres and eaves height of 3.60 metres.  The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and drawing the attention of the Planning Officer to the accuracy of the submitted plans.
23/2765M 1 Slaters Court, Princess Street Prior approval for change of use of an existing 2 storey office building with off road parking into 2no. self contained class C3 apartments. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and that the Planning Officer is completely satisfied there are sufficient refuse provisions and access to develop the site.
23/3717M 1 Green Acre Close, Erection of single storey garage/workshop and conversion of existing garage. The council OBJECTS on the grounds the proposal is cramped and out of character within, and detrimental to the character of the Legh Road Conservation Area.


23/3685M 9 Beech Drive Proposed two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension and associated alterations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


[1] Cllr McCulloch abstained from voting on this resolution.

[2] Cllr Dalzell abstained from voting on this resolution.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


23/3437T 13 Gaskell Avenue Section 211 notice:

1 x Silver Birch to be fully removed and stump grinding down to ground level.

The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
23/3489T 44 Grassfield Way Works to Protected Trees/Section 211 notice:

Ash Tree marked as t1 on the sketch plan: pruning back of a neighbouring Ash Tree by up to 2m to suitable pruning points on 3 major limbs

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3576T Lyngmell, Bexton Lane Works to Protected Trees:

T1 Oak tree that is close to the neighbour’s property. We wish to crown lift this side to match the rest of the tree and bring the lower limbs away from next doors property. This would be about a 5/6m crown lift to match the rest of the tree.

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3667T 131 King Street Section 211 notice:

T1 – Cherry – Sectional dismantle to as close to ground level as possible

The council notes that no evidence has been provided that the Cherry (T1) is dead, dying or diseased and recommends that the tree be subject to a Tree Preservation Order as the tree contributes to the character of the Town Centre Conservation Area by providing a strong landscape function and being visible to the public providing screening to the area.
23/3589T The Sycamores, Legh Road Works to Protected Trees/Section 211 notice:

T1 crown thin 5%, T2 Fell, T3 crown lift 4m and trim back 1m, T4 Fell, T5 Fell.

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3722T 74 Glebelands Road Works to Protected Trees:

T1 Ash Crown clean and dead wood,T2 Sycamore Crown clean and Crown thin 5% to allow more light into garden. T3 Maple Crown lift branches by 2m and crown clean.T4 Maple Crown lift branches by 2m and crown clean

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3723T The Orchards, 36 Toft Road Works to Protected Trees:

T1 Oak, Minor side reduction of branches which are encroaching 74, Glebelands Rd ( 1m removed from branches). The two lowest branches completely removed on this side of the tree.

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.



The decisions were noted.



It was RESOLVED to defer the item for the Planning and Facilities Officer to clarify the accuracy of the submitted comment for application 23/0347M.



The log was noted, and it was RESOLVED to ask the Cheshire East Ward Councillors to pursue a resolution to the outstanding items, and to contact Planning Enforcement regarding construction traffic issues with the Winstanley House development.



The log was noted, and it was RESOLVED to ask the Cheshire East Ward Councillors to pursue a resolution to the outstanding highway item at Lane End.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 6th November 2023.