Councillors McCulloch, Banks, Dalzell, Johnson, Lowe and Mears.

A Keppel-Green (Town Clerk)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Coan and Gray (personal business).



In the interests of openness it was noted that applications 23/2851M and 23/2852M were submitted by a serving town councillor.



A resident spoke in relation to application 23/2681M suggesting the application be called into the Northern Planning Committee of Cheshire East Council, and stating that the application should fund a pedestrian crossing on Bexton Road, that it fails to make provision for cycle parking and has no separate pedestrian access path. The resident further noted that the sketch nature of the plans make it difficult to understand the dimensions of proposals, that the application only seeks to provide the minimum parking spaces and that it is unclear if there is a sufficient turning circle for large vehicles.

A resident spoke in relation to application 23/2681M noting the principle of redevelopment was not disputed but that the application appeared to misunderstand the character area assessments and fails to meet numerous policies within the Neighbourhood Plan and SADPD. The resident further spoke in relation to 23/2851M noting the revisions had the effect of bringing the garage closer to, and thus more within, the setting of the listed building; 23/3162M stating that it is a long extension and consideration will need to be given to its effect on the openness of the greenbelt; 23/3135M noting it is a small amendment to accord with the adjacent development and 23/2955M noting that it retains a single storey property and does not conflict with the Knutsford Design Guide which encourages different architectural expressions.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 31st July 2023



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



It was noted that no plans were available for application 23/3161T, Memorial House, Northwich Road and RESOLVED that the Planning and Facilities Officer obtain the plans and determine an appropriate response.

It was agreed to raise the recurring issue of plans not being available on the portal with Borough Councillor Tony Dean.



It was RESOLVED to raise no objections to the premises licence for Detaljer, 39-41 Princess Street.



The decisions were noted and it was requested that more detailed learning points are extracted from decisions to guide the committee.



The log was noted and it was agreed to raise concern with Borough Councillors that there is inadequate resource being committed by the council to planning enforcement.



The log was noted.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 25th September 2023.






Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
23/3112M 6 Carrwood Amendments to internal layout. Rear extensions. Porch extension. Partial garage conversion. New front and rear dormers The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/2851M Besom Hill Cottage, Tabley Road Relocation of approved timber outbuilding with minor external changes The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the views of the Conservation Officer.
23/2852M Besom Hill Cottage, Tabley Road, Listed Building Consent for the relocation of approved timber outbuilding with minor external changes The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the views of the Conservation Officer.
23/3162M The Hay Loft, 77 Bexton Road Garage extension, recladding and link.  The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/2576M 19 Mereheath Lane Proposed single storey rear and side extension. Proposed first floor extension over garage. Proposed replacement windows and exterior cladding materials The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/3135M Rose Bank, Toft Road Single storey rear and side extension, roof lantern and alterations The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the views of the Conservation Officer.
23/2955M Spinney Lodge, Tabley Road Demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a single-storey replacement dwelling including the associated access arrangements and landscaping. The council raises concern about the safe exit of vehicles from the new opening to Tabley Road due to the limited visibility afforded by the neighbouring high hedges and requests that Cheshire East Highways specifically reviews this aspect of the application to confirm that it will not present a danger to highway users.
23/3164M 3 Yewlands Drive Variation of condition 1 on approval 23/1783M: Replacement dwelling  The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


 23/2681MLand at 50 & 50A  Bexton Road


Full planning application for the demolition of two homes and the development of six residential dwellings (three 3-bed terraced townhouses and three four bed detached dwellings) including associated access, servicing and landscaping.

The council OBJECTS to the proposed development on the following grounds:

  • The development will result in the loss of two bungalows. Whilst the council recognises the applicant considers it is policy H2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan which applies for this application, the loss of bungalows is contrary to the spirit of the Neighbourhood Plan where, in policy H3, the loss of existing bungalows is resisted. It is unclear if the proposed houses will be constructed to meet Lifetime Homes Standards.
  • The development, by virtue of the mass and height of the proposed properties, would constitute overdevelopment of the site contrary to policy H2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan
  • The development will result in a significant loss of privacy to gardens, increase noise levels (from air source heat pumps and vehicle movements) and reduce light and introduce overshadowing, to the detriment of residential amenity at the properties of The Orchards, Hayton Street – this is contrary to policy HOU10 of the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document.
  • The garden of 50 Bexton Road is in a dip in the land and regularly suffers surface water flooding which is pumped away. 50A Bexton Road is built on stilts to mitigate the challenges of the land. The council is concerned about the density and weight of development at this site and the lack of consideration of surface water flooding and the need for a surface water management plan. It is noted the CEC Flood Risk Officer has submitted an objection until this plan has been submitted and approved, the Town Council supports this position.
  • The application fails to demonstrate compliance with policy D2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan and the plot ratios of the proposed back-land development would be uncharacteristic of the area and that the area is characterised by two-storey properties and detached bungalows.
  • The council is concerned that the increase in traffic generated by the development will be to the detriment of highway safety specifically because of its location opposite Knutsford Academy; Cheshire East Highways has failed to note the site is opposite a main entrance to the school. The council requests that if the development is consented, that the development fund a pedestrian crossing on Bexton Road to increase the safety of pedestrians crossing the road to access Knutsford Academy.
  • Whilst the application provides the minimum car parking spaces required by the Local Plan, the location has no available safe on street parking and a higher level of parking provision should be considered to ensure visitors do not park on Bexton Road. Due to the lack of dimensions on the plans, the council is not certain as to whether the garages provided (and parking spaces marked on plans) are of sufficient proportions to adequately fit a car and requests the planning officer gives this careful consideration.
  • The plans do not adequately demonstrate sufficient cycle parking provision nor is it clear if EV charging points are provided, as required by policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
  • The council considers a proper pedestrian access (e.g. a footway) to the rear properties should be provided to ensure safe pedestrian access.