Councillors Gray, Gardiner, Dalzell, Houghton, McCulloch, and Robertson

In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



No apologies were received.



Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in application 20/5652T on the grounds of being known to the applicant’s neighbour.



A representative of the South Knutsford Residents group spoke in relation to application 20/5375M noting three issues with the application. The first issue being the application is within the Green Belt as identified within the Cheshire East Local Plan. The second issue is the proposal results in a loss of residential amenity to an adjacent property through overlooking, as the neighbouring property is on a lower level. The third issue is that the application seeks to alter design and material conditions set in earlier planning applications.

A resident spoke in relation to application 20/5529M stating that application seeks to create an active frontage on to King Street carpark which is not a primary shopping area. In the area there are existing shopping areas, but these fall within defined side-streets. The proposed window enlargement is currently occupied by refuse bins and no alternative area for the bins is included within the application. The Conservation Officer was able to support the separation of the units in a prior application but would be unable to support this application as it does not meet Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies ER3 and HE3. The resident went on to raise the point of possible Highways issues due to a lack of pedestrian demarcation for access and egress at the site and the application does little to account for this.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
20/5477M 3 Delmar Road Replacement of existing rear conservatory with a full width, single storey ground floor extension and associated works The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


20/5529M 63 King Street Addition of a new entrance door and alterations to the existing windows in the Malt Street elevation of the existing retail unit and rendering of the Malt Street elevation with cedar panelling detail The council raises concern over the proposal and requests the Planning Officer pays particular regard to the following points:

  • The expansion of the public thoroughfare into the King Street carpark and if this is appropriate in Highways safety terms.
  • The created public entrance doorway opens inwards and not outwards.
  • Appropriate commercial refuse storage be allocated.
  • The materials employed meet the requirements of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan and satisfy the Conservation Officer.


20/5568M 1 Lowland Way Construction of front and rear single storey extensions The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


20/5375M The Hay Loft, 77 Bexton Road Single storey rear extension The council OBJECTS on the grounds the proposal is contrary to national and local planning policies for the conversion and adaptation of former agricultural buildings within the Green Belt.

The proposal seeks to change the character of the Green Belt through inappropriate design and use of materials contravening the conditions set out in previous planning permissions.

Additionally, the proposal will result in a loss of residential amenity to the neighbouring property, through the loss of light to living spaces due to the height of the new party wall, which creates further impact because the site has an elevated ground level to that of the neighbouring property.


20/5362M 11 Meadow Drive Removal of existing conservatory and erection of rear facing single storey extension The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


20/5492M 5 Acacia Avenue Proposed single storey rear extension and new front porch The council raises concern over the application and requests the Planning Officer is convinced, through a site visit, the proposal is not detrimental to the residential amenity of the neighbouring property.


20/5448T Thrushes Mead, Toft Road Works to protected trees

Oak ( T1) Crown reduce side of tree facing houses by 2m, to stop acorns from hitting roof and reduce shading on the property

The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied with the methodology employed.


20/5640M[1] 17 Marcliff Grove Rear single Storey extension with rear deck, steps and balustrade to rear garden The council raises no objections to the proposed extension, however the council OBJECTS to the proposed decking and associated works due to the unacceptable amount of overlooking afforded by the differing ground levels.


20/5626M 10 Branden Drive Existing garage line to continue to form small lean-to extension to front room with pitched roof over extended dropped kerb to front to allow for 2 parking spaces to drive. The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


20/5551M 9 Lee Close Rear and side extension and raising of the roof to provide accommodation at first floor; dropped kerb to allow wider parking space at front The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


20/5657M 5 Hollingford Place Demolition of existing conservatory to be replaced by a rear single storey extension. The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments, noting the Gas Report that apparatus may have an impact on construction.


20/5619M 60 Springwood Avenue Two story and single story extension The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


20/5714M 27 Thorneyholme Drive Two storey rear extension The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


20/5652T Bramley, Legh Road Works to protected trees and s211 Notice

Tree works (inc felling)

The council raises concern over the proposal and requests the Tree Officer

seek clarification from the applicant’s agent about the quality of trees being felled as part of the tree group identified as “G1”, the Arboriculture report fails to adequately assess the health of these trees.

The council requests that any trees to be felled are replaced with a similar species as Cheshire East Council have declared a climate emergency.


[1] Cllr Houghton abstained from voting on this resolution.


The decisions were noted, and it was agreed that that the Planning and Facilities Officer write to David Malcolm at Cheshire East Council regarding some of the recent planning decisions and the application of relevant Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies.



The log was noted.



The log was noted.



The date of the next meeting was noted as 25th January 2021 at 6pm.