These are draft minutes that have not yet been approved by the council. The minutes are subject to change and will be confirmed at the next meeting.


Councillors McCulloch, Dalzell, Lowe, Morris, Nicholson, and Robertson.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Houghton (personal business) and Gray (personal business).



Cllr McCulloch declared a personal interest in application 22/3191M on the grounds of being known to the neighbour opposite the applicant.



A resident spoke in relation to the licensing review for Cheshire Fest seeking support from the council in revoking the event licence due to the significant impact residents within 400m suffered from continuous over-amplified music which would contravene the prevention of public nuisance objective.

A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in relation to applications, 22/3191M noting the conservation officer’s views, 22/3371M stating the garage is going to be bigger than the “granny-annexe” questioning if the proposal should remain ancillary to the main dwelling, and 21/4262M stating South Knutsford Residents would be objecting on the grounds all the policy hurdles have not been overcome with 2 modest plots being subdivided into 3, and that 2 bungalows have been allowed to deteriorate.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2022.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



It was RESOLVED to OBJECT to continuation of the license as part of the licensing application for a review of the premises licence for Cheshire Fest @ The Lambing Shed, The Lambing Shed, Moseley Hall Farm, on the grounds that there was significant noise disruption caused to, and highlighted by, the nearby residents during the event, which directly conflicts with the prevention of public nuisance objective.



The decisions were noted, and it was RESOLVED to write a letter to the Head of Planning at Cheshire East Council regarding application 22/2894H being allowed to expire without being considered.



The log was noted and the Planning and Facilities Officer will contact the relevant officers to try and establish a timeline for items 1610 and 2003.



The log was noted.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 3rd October 2022 at 6pm.






Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
22/3191M 3 Fairmead, Legh Road Erection of single storey side extension The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the scale, mass and design of the proposal are out of character with the existing building, and the council request the planning officer ensure the proposal conforms to Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy T4, and that the officer carefully considers all the neighbour comments.
22/2001M 1-2 Church Hill Advertisement consent for a hanging sign from bracket on wall. Acrylic vinyl with aluminum brushed lettering of company name. 90 x 45cm. The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the materials are inappropriate and would prefer the acrylic elements are replaced with a metal or painted wood alternative, and the council requests the Conservation Officer carefully considers the proposal due to the lack of details included as part of the application.
22/3223M 12 Goughs Lane Single storey rear extension, amendments to front porch design, replacement of windows and doors and general alterations and refurbishment to external finishes and features. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
22/2767M 9 Arundel Close The erection of a single storey rear extension and partial garage conversion. The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and subject to the planning officer being satisfied that sufficient parking remains on site to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy T4. The council also requests the planning officer assess if the side windows require obscure glazing.
22/3317M 20 Goughs Lane Proposed Erection of a 1 Storey Detached Garage and Proposed Widened Access into the Proposed Site The council requests the proposed garage be conditioned to remain as a garage and not to be used or converted to accommodation, and that the requirements of the PROW map officer representation are adhered to.
21/4262M Pendle Cottage, Legh Road Full planning application with request for conservation area consent for the demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings and garages, removal of 15no. trees, and the erection 3 no. detached dwellings, new access arrangements and landscaping works. The council STRONGLY OBJECTS to the application on the grounds that the revised proposal does not overcome our previous objections and fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1, D2, D3, H1, H2, and HE3 as follows:

·         The scale and design constitute overdevelopment of the site.

·         The proposal is out of character with the surrounding properties due to infill development and the characteristic plot ratios of the Legh Road Conservation Area as highlighted within the Legh Road Conservation Area appraisal.

·         The loss of two bungalows and not fully assessing characteristic housing stock of the Legh Road Conservation Area.

·         Where trees are removed these should be replaced with trees and not hedging.

·         The proposal is unsuitable for the site and is detrimental to the Legh Road Conservation Area.

·         The layout of the proposal presents a dangerous highway issue through poor visibility for traffic at the corner of Legh Road and the Goughs Lane entrance to the site and the council requests the highways officer carefully considers the revisions and changes to highway splays.

22/2297M 17 Lodge Road Proposed Double Storey Side Extension Works The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
22/2905D Besom Hill Cottage Discharge of conditions 4,5 & 6 on approved application 21/5054M: Replacement of rear porch with single storey extension. The council notes the application has already been decided.
22/2760D Sandfield House, Toft Road Discharge of conditions 5 & 6 on existing permission 21/5415M; Single storey rear infill extension, with internal refurbishment. The council notes the application has already been decided.
22/3315M Land off, Parkgate Lane Non-material amendment to approved application 18/2996M – Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning consent 13/2935M for siting, design, appearance and landscaping details for residential development (C3 Use Class) The council raises no objections
22/2718M 36 Cranford Avenue small pitched front dormer and rear dormer The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


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