Meeting: Planning Committee
Meeting Date: Monday 25th September 6pm
Meeting Venue: Lower Council Chamber, Council Offices
Public seating will be available. The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom to enable remote public listening and participation and an audio stream will also be broadcast to Facebook. To join the meeting via Zoom, visit or use meeting ID 821 0560 5574 and password KTC-456189.
To receive apologies for absence; apologies should be submitted to the Planning and Facilities Officer in advance of the meeting.
To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial, and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.
A period of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held 4th September 2023.
Attachment – Minutes of the meeting held 4th September 2023
To review the latest planning applications.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Relevant Neighbourhood Plan Policies |
23/3247M | 13 Grassfield Way | Proposed extensions and alterations including internal rearrangement, singe storey rear extension, two storey side extension, elevational upgrade and external works/landscape. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking |
23/3222M | 9 Gaskell Avenue | Listed building consent for the renovation of existing basement to include lowered floor, new stairs and repointing of front facade. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE2 – Heritage Assets HE3 – Conservation Areas H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions |
23/3221M | 9 Gaskell Avenue | Renovation of existing basement to include lowered floor, new stairs and repointing of front facade. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE2 – Heritage Assets HE3 – Conservation Areas H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions |
23/3244M | 10 Heath Lodge | Conversion of existing garage into habitable space. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking
23/3258M | 28 Tabley Close | Demolition of an existing side garage, proposed double storey side extension, single storey rear extension, installation of renewable technology and upgrades to an existing dwelling including ASHP, solar voltaic panels, electronic vehicle charging point and internal alterations to an existing dwelling. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development D4 – Sustainable Residential Design H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking |
23/3279M | 21 Sandiway | Proposed single storey side extension, rear single storey link extension, internal alterations and partial conversion of the garage. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking
23/3005M | Tree Tops, 3 Astley Close | Demolition of conservatory and garage and construction of rear single storey extension, replacement garage and installation of new gates. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development D4 – Sustainable Residential Design HE3 – Conservation Areas H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking |
23/3397M | 38 Lilac Avenue | Proposed Two storey side extension, front boundary wall and gates and a change of external materials. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development D4 – Sustainable Residential Design H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking |
23/2276M | 13 Gaskell Avenue | Listed building consent for the incorporation of the courtyard into the building and associated internal works | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE2 – Heritage Assets HE3 – Conservation Areas H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions |
23/3461M | 38, Higher Downs | Double storey side extension, single storey rear extension, front porch addition and dwelling surface treatments | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking |
23/3491M | Nethertoun, 2, Glebelands Road | Minor elevation alterations including new gable windows, new rear staircase to replace balcony, replacment window to replace rear door and staircase, infill of basement access and new front front door | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions
To review the latest tree applications.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail |
23/3241T | 35 Goughs Lane | Works to Protected Trees:
T1 OAK – Reduce low limb on the roadside of the tree by 2- 2.5m due to open cavity on the top of the limb REASON: To reduce end weight and growth over the road that may be caught by vehicles.
23/3288T | 12 Drury Lane | Section 211 notice:
(T1) Cherry – Fell, self-set small Cherry of low amenity value, suppressed by ivy and root system is lifting flags/ starting to damage next doors garden area.
23/3398T | Maple House, 62 Goughs Lane | Works to Protected Trees:
Hybrid Poplar T1, T2 and T3 – Reduce crown back to previous pruning points from
23/3361T | 33, Brook Street | Section 211 notice:
T1 Norway Maple – remove lowest limb, T2 Cherry – crown reduction by 1.5m, T3 Acer – crown reduction by 1.5m
23/3416T | Southmead, 24, Leycester Road | Section 211 notice:
Group of Maple Trees G1 – Reduce by 2 meters in order to gain more light. Fell Maple in left corner due to overcrowding.
To consider a response to application 23/3407M – Land North of Parkgate Industrial Estate, Parkgate Lane – Release from legal obligation relating to application 13/2935M – Outline application with all matters reserved except for means of access, for the erection of a high quality residential development (use class C3) with associated woodland buffer, ecological mitigation and enhancements, and open spaces
To review the latest planning decisions.
NB: A detailed officer’s report for each application can be accessed via the Cheshire East Planning portal, document reference “Officer’s Report”. The decision notice detailing any conditions can also be found at the portal, document reference “Notice of Decision”.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment | Decision |
23/2020T | 7 Oakleigh | Row of mixed species along the boundary of no 7 Oakleigh. Request of crown lift to 5 metres and a reduction of 2 metres on the side of said property due to close proximity and loss of light agreement has been made with land owner | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works.
Consent for works in TPO with conditions
The Tree Officer was satisfied the works would not be detrimental to the long-term health of the trees. |
23/2105T | 20 Fir Tree Avenue | Mixture of deciduous trees marked on the sketch plan in yellow as G1: Removal of dead wood from the canopies of all trees in the rear garden of 20 Fir Tree Avenue. Oak tree marked as T1 in blue on the sketch plan: Removal of one limb to branch bark collar. The limb is growing to the south east, that has become over extended due to searching for light underneath the canopy of other trees. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works. | Consent for works in TPO with conditions
The Tree Officer was satisfied the works were justified and would not be detrimental to the long-term health of the trees. |
23/2415M | 5 Rutherford Drive | Demolition of existing orangery and erection of proposed rear single storey extension. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments | Approved with conditions
23/2650M | 89 Mereheath Park | Removal of garage and replacement with single storey side extension | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
Approved with conditions
23/1963M | 43a Mobberley Road | Proposed garden room | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and to the applicant altering the roofing material to something more traditional. | Approved with Conditions
Amended plans were received during the course of the application to alter the proposed roof in response to concerns raised by the case officer, built heritage and the town council. |
23/2086T | The Orchard Brook Lane | My neighbours and I wish to undertake some tree work on the boundary between The Orchard and 5, Brook Lane, which is within the conservation area boundary, although there are no TPOs. The tree in question looks like a four stemmed conifer tree. Its location is shown on the enclosed sketch plan. The tree is within 5m of both our houses and has grown much higher than either of them – maybe as high as 25-30m. In the recent high winds we became aware of just how much movement there was. The proposed work is to remove the tree/s and allow the beech hedge to develop. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments. | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
22/0910M | Bramley, Legh Road | Proposed extensions to dwelling and replacement garage (resubmission of 21/2807M) | The council OBJECTS stating the concerns over the size and mass and fenestration to the side, raised by the conservation officer have not been overcome and are still considered detrimental to the Legh Road Conservation Area. The council suggest the applicant consider a detached garage. |
The officers report notes: The design of the replacement extensions are considered not to reflect the host buildings architectural features, materials, ornamentation, scale, proportions or narrative and appear as disproportionate, not subservient and unsympathetic additions. |
22/2518M | 8 Church Hill | Demolition of existing office building followed by the erection of a new office building and 3no. one bedroom apartments | The council OBJECTS on the grounds the proposal constitutes overdevelopment of the site by way of height, the increase in footprint, and mass. The application does not include adequate cycle storage and the quantity of parking for motor vehicles is reduced and doesn’t fully address if the parking is being used for the offices or the three 1-bedroom apartments, and therefore fails to meet Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies T2 and T4. | Withdrawn
23/2152T | Roxburgh Legh Road | G1 Mixed tree group. Yew under the Sycamore at the front of the property cut back to the line of the fence (keeping all internal growth for screening). Holly to the right (from the roadside) clip back by approx 1 m Holly to the left of the area clip back by approx 1 m Yew close to the corner reduce the 3 lowest limbs back to the fence Clip Holly on the corner by approx 1 – 1.25 m up to 5 m from ground level. Reasons: To reduce overhang and allow more light to the grass verge. The client would also like to try to thicken the hedge by cutting it back. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works. | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/2176T | 4 Astley Close | T1 – Oak – Crown lift by up to 2m and crown reduction by up to 3m – General maintenance T2 – Beech – Fell – Excessive shading T3 – Conifer – Fell – excessive shading T4 – Holly – Crown reduction by up to 3m – General maintenance | The council OBJECTS to the proposed felling of T2 – Beech and T3 – Conifer, on the grounds that alternative work could be undertaken, such as crown thinning the Beech for example, the two trees contribute to the amenity of the area, and insufficient justification has been provided to demonstrate the trees are dead, dying, or diseased. If Cheshire East Council are minded to approve the application, the council requests the trees are replaced with a suitable replacement species, for each of the felled trees | Withdrawn
23/2308T | 13 Drury Lane | T1 Hawthorn, Fell due to tree condition Ganoderma bracket at base of tree | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments. |
Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/2390T | 3 Ruskin Way | Prunus marked as T1 on the sketch plan: pruning back to the boundary with Tatton Park by up to 1m to suitable pruning points. Oak marked as T2 on the sketch plan: Pruning back by up to 2m to suitable pruning points to take it back to the garden boundary. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments. | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/2418T | Oakhurst House, Toft Road | T1 – Maple – cut back from the corner of the house to give 2.5 metres of clearance. T2 & 3 – Conifers – cut back from the house to give 2.5 metres of clearance. T4 – Laurel – remove limb facing the house to give clearance from the house. T5 – Holly – reduce back from the house up to 2.5 metres. T6 – Maple – cut back from house to give 2.5 metres clearance. T7 – Conifer – cut back from house to give 2.5 metres clearance | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments. | Tree 6 week date expired (CA)
23/2693M | 8 St Johns Road | Single storey side extension to extend kitchen and garage | The council OBJECTS to the fenestration style the grounds that style is at odds with the character of the property and does not comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1, D2, and H3. The council suggest the applicant consider a style of fenestration more in keeping with the character of the property. | Approved with conditions
The officers report notes: With regards to the proposed fenestration this would only be used for the modest side extension and is considered to compliment the surroundings and would be in keeping with the existing dwellinghouse and character of the area. |
23/2476M | 20 Fir Tree Avenue | Proposed single storey rear extension and associated alterations | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. | Approved with conditions
23/3024M | 24, Carrwood | Proposed single storey side and rear extension and remodelling of front porch including re-painting of existing walls | The council raises no objections subject to the planning officer being satisfied the proposal meets Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy T4. | Approved with conditions
The officers report notes: Adequate parking will be retained at the front of the property and complies with appendix C (CELP) and Policy T4 from the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan. |
To consider budget requirements for the review of the neighbourhood plan and potential additional conservation areas.
Attachment – Report PL-23-04 – Neighbourhood Plan Review And Potential Conservation Area Budget Requirements
The next meeting will be held on Monday 16th October 2023.