Meeting: Planning Committee
Meeting Date: Monday 19th June 6pm
Meeting Venue: Lower Council Chamber, Council Offices

Public seating will be available. The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom to enable remote public listening and participation and an audio stream will also be broadcast to Facebook. To join the meeting via Zoom, visit  or use meeting ID 821 0560 5574 and password KTC-456189.


To receive apologies for absence; apologies should be submitted to the Planning and Facilities Officer in advance of the meeting.



To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial, and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.



A period of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.



To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held 30th May 2023.

Attachment – Minutes of the meeting held 30th May 2023



To review the latest planning applications.




Address Application Detail Relevant Neighbourhood Plan Policies
23/1628M Parkgate Industrial Estate, Haig Road Advertisement consent for fascia signs D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

ER3 – Shop Frontages


23/1879M 5 Fir Tree Avenue Single-storey side & rear extensions. Raising height of existing roof to front elevation. D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions


23/1963M 43a Mobberley Road Proposed garden room D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

HE3 – Conservation Areas

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions


23/1996M 54 Blackhill Lane Remodelling of existing dwelling including proposed extensions to the rear, side and front. Rendering of whole of proposed dwelling. D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

D4 – Sustainable Residential Design

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking

23/2009M 5 Kenilworth Avenue Larger home extension Single storey rear extension extending 4m from the rear elevation, max height of 2.4m and 2.25m to the eaves. D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking


23/2026M 14 Branden Drive Second floor side extension over ground floor extension D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions


23/2028M 10 Yewlands Drive single storey extensions D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions

T4 – Parking


23/1896M 6 Sandiway Single storey rear extension D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions


23/2183M 11 Trevone Close Single storey rear extension, first floor side extension, new entrance & bay window to front and replacement of all windows and doors. D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

D4 – Sustainable Residential Design

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions


23/2136M 103 Ashworth Park Infill rear extension with associated internal alterations D1 – Design Guide

D2 – Local Distinctiveness

D4 – Sustainable Residential Design

H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions




To review the latest planning applications.



Address Application Detail
23/1855T Land east of Manchester Road


Works to Protected Trees:

Tree safety works to trees listed with TPO designations. The works are listed within the attached report & refer to tree numbers:265 TPO – OK (18-073) 267, TPO – OK (18-073) 270, TPO – OK (18-073)


23/1985T Memorial House, Northwich Road


Works to Protected Trees:

Tree 34 & Tree 43 Common Lime – Single row flanking the existing drive to the property all previously pollarded at 4m in the past and on a regular basis there after. Action: Prune to provide 3m clearance from proposed building.


23/2020T 7 Oakleigh


Works to Protected Trees:

Row of mixed species along the boundary of no 7 Oakleigh. Request of crown lift to 5 metres and a reduction of 2 metres on the side of said property due to close proximity and loss of light agreement has been made with land owner


23/2011T 190 Grove Park


Works to Protected Trees:

T1 Oak Tree – Crown reduction by 20%


23/2105T 20 Fir Tree Avenue


Works to Protected Trees:

Mixture of deciduous trees marked on the sketch plan in yellow as G1: Removal of dead wood from the canopies of all trees in the rear garden of 20 Fir Tree Avenue. Oak tree marked as T1 in blue on the sketch plan: Removal of one limb to branch bark collar. The limb is growing to the south east, that has become over extended due to searching for light underneath the canopy of other trees.


23/2113T 8 Trevone Close


Works to Protected Trees:

T1: Copper Beech growing in the hedgerow. *Not actually mentioned in the Tree Preservation Order description, but within the boundaries marked for the group TPO so included with the application. Reduction by up to 2m (20%) throughout the canopy and removal of any limbs interfering with or shading out protected oak. T2: Oak Tree mentioned in the group TPO adjacent to 8 Trevone Close. Reduction away from the property by up to 2m, removal of all dead wood and reduction of any over extended limbs by up to 1m to improve the aesthetic qualities of the tree and to prevent limbs becoming any more over extended.




23/2086T The Orchard Brook Lane


Section 211 notice:

My neighbours and I wish to undertake some tree work on the boundary between The Orchard and 5, Brook Lane, which is within the conservation area boundary, although there are no TPOs. The tree in question looks like a four stemmed conifer tree. Its location is shown on the enclosed sketch plan. The tree is within 5m of both our houses and has grown much higher than either of them – maybe as high as 25-30m. In the recent high winds we became aware of just how much movement there was. The proposed work is to remove the tree/s and allow the beech hedge to develop.


23/2152T Roxburgh Legh Road


Works to Protected Trees/Section 211 notice:

G1 Mixed tree group. Yew under the Sycamore at the front of the property cut back to the line of the fence (keeping all internal growth for screening). Holly to the right (from the roadside) clip back by approx 1 m Holly to the left of the area clip back by approx 1 m Yew close to the corner reduce the 3 lowest limbs back to the fence Clip Holly on the corner by approx 1 – 1.25 m up to 5 m from ground level. Reasons: To reduce overhang and allow more light to the grass verge. The client would also like to try to thicken the hedge by cutting it back.




To review the latest planning decisions.

Attachment – Planning Decisions Report 19/06/2023



To agree a response to the Legh Road Conservation Area consultation.

Attachment – Report PL-23-02 Legh Road Conservation Area.



The next meeting will be held on Monday 10th July 2023.