Councillors McCulloch, Banks, Gray, Johnson, Lowe, and Mears.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Coan (personal business) and Dalzell (health).



Cllr Gray declared a personal interest in application 23/1551M on the grounds of living in the same street.



Residents spoke in relation to application 23/0681S stating the consultee submissions had not all been received and the approval was made, and noted that there was no officer report to document if the council’s comment had been considered or how the other submissions were considered; 23/1614M stating the application had already been approved and asked that the council still comment that the public right of way not be impacted; 23/1734D stating the boundary treatments have not been consulted on correctly with neighbouring residents; 23/1649 and 23/1650 stating the council should ask if the conservation officer has enough information from the design access documents for the removal of fitments; and 23/1605M stating the signage is already installed, that acrylic signage is unsuitable for the conservation area, and that there are no details on illumination.

A representative of the Knutsford Residents in Over Ward Group spoke briefly in relation to obtained information for an options agreement surrounding the land adjacent to the Longridge strategic development site.

A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke to the current status of the ongoing conservation area reviews and in relation to applications 23/1644M stating the conservation officer is unable to support the application and 23/1617T stating the application is for a Tree Protection Group and the tree in question is not dead, dying, or deceased.



The committee terms of reference were noted.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17th April 2023



It was RESOVLED that the Planning and Facilities Officer to contact the case officer regarding 23/1614M being determined prior to receipt of comments from the council.

It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
23/1614M Land adjoining automatic vehicle barrier, Booths Park Land adjoining automatic vehicle barrier, Booths Park The council notes the application has been decided and does not raise any objections, subject to there being no impact to the public right of way.
23/1551M 44 Glebelands Road Erection of single-storey rear extension and first floor side extension. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/1644M Rose Bank, Toft Road Single storey rear & side extension, roof alteration and alterations to existing outbuilding The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the proposal constitutes overdevelopment as it presents dominant elevations and is not sympathetic to the property or the street scene, and would be detrimental to the Legh Road Conservation Area, and therefore does not comply with policies H2, H3, HE1, and HE3 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
23/1649M 82, King Street Removal of ATM, existing signage and reinstate materials where required The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and subject to the Conservation Officer being completely satisfied there will be no damage or harm to the building, and that suitable and sympathetic materials are used.
23/1650M 82, King Street Listed Building Consent for removal of ATM, existing signage and reinstate materials where required The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and subject to the Conservation Officer being completely satisfied there will be no damage or harm to the building, and that suitable and sympathetic materials are used.
23/1702M 1, Slaters Court, Princess Street Prior approval of change of use from office building to 3No. self-contained apartments The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and that the Planning Officer is completely satisfied there are sufficient refuse provisions.
23/1445M 10, County Terrace, Stanley Road Listed building consent for replacement windows The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the proposed materials are not suitable and will detrimentally affect the listed building, therefore failing to comply with policies HE2, and HE3 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.

The council suggest traditional wooden sash windows are used in order to protect the historical interest of the building.

23/1605M Freemasons Arms, Silk Mill Street Advertisement consent for Fascia sign for building name and small plaque for finding way for rooms The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds some of the materials employed are contrary the policy HE2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan and there is insufficient information within the application to fully consider the proposal. Further details surrounding the lighting are requested and the council notes there is no supporting Listed Consent application.
23/1695M[1] 3, Moulton Close Proposed single storey front and rear extensions to existing dwelling including render finishes to front and rear elevations. Internal reconfiguration and newly formed window to side. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal conforms to policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
23/1734D Winstanley House, Northwich Road Discharge of conditions 3, 7 & 9 of existing permission 22/0566M; Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley House site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 No. 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping The council notes neighbouring residents have not received sufficient consultation which the applicant had previously agreed to, and therefore, OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the suggested materials to be used along the boundary of Racefield Road are not in keeping with the existing boundary.
23/1788M 7, Teal Avenue First Floor Front Extension Over Existing Entrance Porch The council are unable to comment due to technical difficulties accessing documentation on the Cheshire East Website and request more time be provided to fully assess the proposal.
23/1783M 3, Yewlands Drive Replacement dwelling The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal conforms to policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
23/1796M Clovelly, 47, Bexton Road Proposed demolition of the existing garages, replace with summer house, along with 2 storey side extension, ridge raise with loft conversion The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/1809M 19, Princess Street Installation of hand painted sign, externally illuminated by an LED bar, to Regent Street elevation. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/1884M 19, Princess Street Partial removal of access ramp and railing, and erection of a levelled timber decking area over area of sloped hardstanding at the corner of Princess Street and Regent Street elevations, for the use of outdoor seating; Removal of ATM, and installation of new access door to Princess Street elevation; Installation of new fire escape door to rear elevation; Installation of 2 no. wall mounted lights; Installation of 4 no. extraction grilles to rear and side elevations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/1903M 4, Thorneyholme Drive Single Storey Side & Rear Extension and Loft Conversion The council notes inconsistencies within the application and requests the applicant consider altering the materials used on the front elevation to be more in keeping with the existing property and the street scene.

[1] Cllr Mears abstained from voting on this resolution.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
23/1617T 17, Hallside Park Works to Protected Trees:

T1 – We are looking to remove a sycamore tree that in situated in the middle of the garden. There are many trees within the property that we like and want to keep maintained when works are needed ect. The sycamore tree in question is blocking a lot of light to our garden and is also over shadowing many more smaller trees and shrubs. We feel removing this tree will have a greater benefit on not only extra light to the garden but aswell has helping other surrounding tree have a better growing space

The council STRONGLY OBJECTS to the application on the grounds there is not a justifiable reason for the proposed felling, as there is no evidence the tree is diseased, dying, or causing any property damage.


23/1529T The Moor Section 211 notice:

Tree along moorside low over highway only lift to 5.5m-6m, 2nd order branches. Trees along moorside selective end weight reduction by 2m over highway. Trees along moorside cut back from street lamppost to clear by 2m for safety. Trees within the moor park site to be crown lifted over grassed area for mowing and over footpaths to clear by 3m. Trees within the moors park site on lampposts to be cut back from t lamppost to clear by 2m for safety mixed species.

The council raises no objections.



It was agreed to raise no comment in relation to the application for full variation to license for Smokehouse & Cellar, Royal George Hotel, King Street.



The decisions were noted.



The log was noted, and it was RESOLVED to ask the Cheshire East Council ward members to assist in encouraging a resolution to the oldest enforcement issues.



The log was noted, and it was RESOLVED to ask the Cheshire East Council ward members to assist in encouraging a resolution to the highway encroachment at Lane End.



The report was noted, and it was RESOVLED to appoint Cllrs Dalzell, Johnson, McCulloch, and Mears to the Conservation Area Review Working Group.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 19th June at 6pm.