Councillors McCulloch, Banks, Coan, Dalzell, Gray, Lowe, and Mears.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer).



Apologies were received from Cllr Johnson (personal business).



Cllr Lowe declared a personal interest in application 24/2343M on the grounds of knowing the neighbours.



No members of the public were present.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1st July 2024.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


24/2324M 38 Higher Downs Single storey rear/side extensions, front porch addition and dwelling fenestration/surface treatments The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2343M 12 Willow Green First floor extension above the garage, garage conversion, demolition of existing carport, new porch and front extension. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and subject to the Planning Officer being satisfied the east facing windows do not detrimentally affect the neighbouring property.
23/1568M[1] Foxclouds, Beggarmans Lane Amended Plans: Extensions and Alterations The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2317M 28 Parkgate Extension to side and rear and rendering of whole dwelling The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and subject to the Tree Officer assessing safety of the Ash tree to the rear of the property, with an aim to preserving it.
24/2257M Moseley Hall Farm, Chelford Road Prior Approval of change of use of barn to retail use The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2390M 29A Princess Street Proposed roof alterations The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and to the Conservation Officer being satisfied with the materials palette.
24/2445M 4 School Close New front porch and first floor extension above existing garage. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2391M 1 Slaters Yard Proposed change of use to single dwelling (studio) The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the planning officer being satisfied the materials palette, refuse provision, and cycle parking provision all conform with the relevant Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies.
24/2543M 15 Heathfield Square Single storey rear extension and front porch extension. The council OBJECTS to the front porch on the grounds it is not in keeping with the other properties, as no other porches exist, and the proposed design and materials would be detrimental to the Heathfield Square Conservation Area.
24/2443M The Moorings, Legh Road Single storey rear extension The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2545M 46 Blackhill Lane Non-Material Amendment to application 21/1320M (appeal ref: APP/R0660/D/21/3286496) for side extension and alterations The council notes the application was refused.
24/2633M 8 Leigh Avenue Proposed detached home office, two storey + single storey side extension, single storey rear extension and associated alterations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.

[1] Cllr Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


24/2304M Wolseley Lodge, Legh Road Section 211 notice and Works to Protected Trees:

1x mature beech : Request to crown reduce by 1/1.5m to maintain healthy shape , tree has very large lateral limbs 1x Unmaintained beech hedge :request to fell back into hedgeline 1 x Rowan : small specimen showing signs of decay: request to fell 1 x Cotoneaster:larger specimen in hedgerow: request to reduce to allow tv signal


The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2311T White Howe, Legh Road Section 211 notice:

T1 (Sweet Chestnut) – Removal of lowest lateral limb growing out towards patio area. Deadwood, clearance of snapped limbs and light reduction to property side lateral & Upper Lateral canopy by 1metre. T2 (Sycamore) – Removal of lowest 6 limbs to crown lift the canopy and bring light to garden area.


The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2328T Roxburgh, Legh Road Section 211 notice and Works to Protected Trees:

1. Laurel hedge – Hard trim the side back to provide a level face to the hedge. 2. Yew at the rear of the Purple Acer – Prune to Yew to clear the Acer by 1.5 metres. 3. Blue Cedar – Crown lift to clear the Hornbeams by 1.5 metres. 4. Yew roadside – Clip to clear the Acer by 1.5 metres. 5. Holly group at the side of the entrance gate – Reduce in height by 1.5-2 metres and clip on the property side to tidy. 6. Smaller Sycamore on the boundary – Reshape the bulging section reducing the longer limbs. Remove the single low limb growing towards the Hornbeams. 7. Large Sycamore on the boundary – Remove 5x low limbs on the property side to crown lift to approximately 6 metres from ground level. Shorten the lateral limbs above this area by 1.5-2 metres to control overhang. Remove deadwood 3cm+ in diameter and crown lift to 6 metres from ground level over the roadside. 8. Boundary hedge starting at the right of the gate and working to the corner – Reduce the Holly & Yew by 1.5 – 2 metres in height and clip the garden side to tidy. 9. Boundary hedge starting at the corner and working down to the Evergreen Oak on the boundary – Reduce the Holly & Yew by 1.5-2 metres in height and clip the garden side to tidy.


The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2332T Thornfield, Legh Road Section 211 notice:

1 x large mature lime: request to reduce in height by approximately 15ft due to excessive height between 3 properties and over shading


The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2395T 3 Molly Potts Close Section 211 notice:

Sketch Plan T1 – Beech tree located in the back garden in front of fence at the boundary of Toft Road Crown reduction of 1.5 metres See photograph marked ‘Beech’ Sketch Plan T2 – Maple tree located within garden of No. 5 Molly Potts Close Partial reduction by 3.5 metres of branches on eastern side of tree which overhang the boundary of No.3 Molly Potts Close See photographs marked ‘B’ and ‘C’

The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2459T Stonelegh, Legh Road Works to Protected Trees:

T1 Beech Tree – To crown thin by 10%, also reduce in height by 3 metres all around the crown to allow more light into garden and front of property. T2 Corsican Tree – To feel – Vulnerable in high winds within striking distance of property. T3 – Corsican Pine Tree – To fell – Culnerable in high winds, within striking distance of property. T4 Corsican Pine Tree, large limb to be reduced, to reduce presure as its a very large & heavy limb, by 4 metres


The council OBJECTS to the proposed felling of two Corsican Pine and request the Tree Officer assess the trees for alternative works such as a reduction.


If the Tree Officer is completely satisfied there are not suitable alternative works to the proposed felling, the council requests one suitable replacement species for each of the felled pine be planted within the curtilage of the property.

24/2461T Treyford House, 20 Leycester Road Works to Protected Trees:

T1 Copper Beech Tree – Crown reduction by 4m. T2 Maple Tree – Lower limbs to be removed.


The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/2544T Hallside Cottage, Chelford Road Works to Protected Trees:

Sweet Chestnut located within lawned area at Hillside cottage has a large open wound at the buttress and also at approx 1.5m high. Both wounds have clear signs of decay and the tree has a moderate lean towards the lawn area. The tree is approx 20m in height. There are a variety of mature trees around the property, garden and adjacent to the extensive driveway consisting of Beech, Oak and Sweet Chestnut. The recommended works include the removal of the tree for the purposes of safety/likelihood of windthrow in the future

The council OBJECTS to the proposed felling of the Sweet Chestnut on the grounds there is insufficient evidence within the application, and request the Tree Officer assess the tree for alternative works such as a reduction.


If the Tree Officer is completely satisfied there are not suitable alternative works to the proposed felling, the council requests a suitable replacement species be planted within the curtilage of the property.



The decisions were noted.



The item was noted.



It was noted that the next meeting

[1] Cllr Lowe entered the meeting during this item.