Councillors McCulloch, Gray, Banks, Dalzell, and Lowe.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Coan (personal business), Johnson and Mears (health).



No member declared an interest in any item.



No members of the public were present.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2024



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



24/0319M 27 Meadow Drive Proposed residential extensions and alterations The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0255M 59 King Street Listed Building Consent to – Replace 1no. Fascia and 1no. Logo with 1no. New blue fascia & 1no. New heritage white metal lettering 185mm logo height – Install 1no. new projecting signage with new 500mm. The council OBJECTS to use of aluminium and supports the Conservation Officer’s view that timber would be more suitable.
24/0353M 10 Yewlands Drive Alteration to approval 23/2028M dated 25.07.23 – single storey extensions. Applicant now proposes to widen approved rear extension, and infill space between garage and extension The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0144M 90A King Street Replace existing timber double doors with aluminium framed doors incorporating laminated glazing The council raises no objections, subject to the Conservation Officer and the Planning Officer being completely satisfied.
24/0212M Winstanley House Non-material amendment to approval 22/0566M: Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley house site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 no. 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbours and the Planning Officer being completely satisfied.
24/0590D Winstanley House, Northwich Road Discharge of condition 13 on application 22/0566M: Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley House site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 No. 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbours and the Planning Officer being completely satisfied.
24/0316M Heath House, 19 Gaskell Avenue Non-Material Amendment to application 20/0444M. The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0356D Oakhurst, Toft Road Discharge of conditions 13, 12, 8 & 7 on approval 23/3519M: The erection of one dwelling with detached garage and associated access and landscape works The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0454M Oakhurst Cottage, Toft Road Variation of conditions 2 and 6 on application 23/3519M – The erection of one dwelling with detached garage and associated access and landscape works The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0440M 4 Gaskell Avenue Internal alterations to ground and first floor level & conversion of basement into a habitable space. Upgrade doors to access stair to E30 fire doors. Obscure glazed window added to gable elevation. Window replaced with new timber framed doors to courtyard elevation. Upgrade single glazed window units to double glazed timber, style to match existing. The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0441M 4 Gaskell Avenue Internal alterations to ground and first floor level & conversion of basement into a habitable space. Upgrade doors to access stair to E30 fire doors. Obscure glazed window added to gable elevation. Window replaced with new timber framed doors to courtyard elevation. Upgrade single glazed window units to double glazed timber, style to match existing. The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0465M 50 Parkgate Proposed single storey front extension and associated alterations The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0299M Freemasons Arms, Silk Mill Street Non-Material Amendment to application 22/0614M. The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0479M Parkgate Industrial Estate, Haig Road Change of use from Class B2/B8 and Class E to Mortuary (Sui Generis). The council raises no objections.
24/0518M 23 Meadow Drive Proposed extension to front elevation to create entrance porch, proposed single storey rear extension and proposed elevation alterations. Proposed extension of existing driveway The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0579M 34 Woodlands Drive The erection of a two storey side extension and a loft conversion to provide an additional bedroom. The proposed works also includes the removal of a front door and side window to revert the porch to its original open state. The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0565M 23 Willow Green Rework to existing flat roof to hipped, partial garage conversion and repositioning of front entrance The council raises no objections subject to neighbours and the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal complies with T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
24/0544D 5-16 Warren Avenue Discharge of condition 3 (Materials) on application 21/4630M – Re-development of former Warren Close bungalow site. Construction of 7no. affordable dwellings and associated landscaping The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



24/0302T Tithe House, 6 Chelford Road Section 211 notice

T1. Yew – Crown lift to 2-3m & crown reduce by 2-3m. T2. Cypress – Reduce height by approx 2m. T3. Irish Yew: – Reduce height approx 2m. T4. Maple – Reduce central leader by 1-2m. T5. Beech – Crown reduce throughout by approx 3m.

The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0348T 7 Drury Lane Section 211 notice

Europeon Palm – Fell – Outgrown Small Garden Area

The council raises no objections subject to neighbours.
24/0532T Wentworth House, Bexton Lane Works to Protected Trees

We have an oak tree (unknown First Schedule number) in the front of the house, adjacent to the road with branches above the footpath and part of the road. The tree has some dead bark and is at risk of wind-induced damage which poses a threat to passersby and cars. As a result we need to request some crown thinning to remove this risk. It is the only protected tree at the front of the property as shown in the sketch provided.

The council objects to the proposed crown thinning of the Oak on the grounds that the tree contributes to the amenity of the area and insufficient information has been provided to justify the works.
24/0604T 59 Beggarmans Lane Works to Protected Trees

Deodar Cedar – Undertake the removal of the central section of the limb, and reduce the lateral limbs by approximately 1.5 metres

The council raises no objections subject to the tree officer being satisfied as to the necessity and methodology of the proposed works.



The decisions were noted.



The log was noted.



The log was noted.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 11th March 2024.