Councillors McCulloch, Dalzell, Gardiner, Gray, Lowe, and Morris.
In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)
Apologies were received from Cllrs Houghton (personal business) and Robertson (personal business).
Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in application 21/4747M on the grounds of being a previous colleague of the architect for the application.
Cllr Morris declared a personal interest in application, 21/4916M on the grounds of being a neighbour, and 21/4776T on the grounds of knowing the occupier of the property.
Cllr Lowe declared a personal interest in application 21/4981M on the grounds of being an immediate neighbour and left the meeting during discussion of the application.
A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in relation to the examination of the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document stating that the inspector came under pressure to review Knutsford boundaries. The inspector reviewed the SKRG concerns over the travelling show-persons site, but it was found to be deliverable due to the land belonging to Cheshire East.
The representative went on to speak in relation to application 21/4799M stating concerns over the necessary minimum size for the application to seek equestrian use, and application 21/4965M stating there were no current objections from the resident group.
A member of public spoke in relation to application 214551M stating the property has been the subject of seven proposals of a similar with five of these being refused, whilst the application seeks an emphasis on design and attempts to meet previous inspectorate comments it does fail to regard the setting of the grade II listed building by presenting an awkward relationship with the neighbouring properties, along with failing to consider the setting within the Legh Road Conservation Area.
The planning agent spoke in relation to application 21/5020M stating the application seeks to introduce three barriers in replacement of the current broken barrier which must be manned. The application seeks to widen the access for agricultural vehicles and will include a system of access and egress to avoid high volumes of traffic. The traffic and highway data used as part of the proposal is pre-covid and the development only just triggers planning due to some of the measurements of the system employed.
A representative of the Knutsford Residents of Over Ward Group spoke in relation to application 21/5020M stating the application should be objected to in order to encourage more positive conformity to neighbourhood plans, noting the application fails, to provide a landscape plan and fails to provide an options appraisal for the barrier locations, which results in the loss of three lime tree and no biodiversity net gain, and does not include any reference to footpath FP17. The representative posed the question of how the proposal would improve travel for pedestrians and cyclists.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
21/4799M[1] | Land Off Oakleigh, WA16 8QW | Proposed Stable for Pony and Change of use of land to Equestrian | The council notes the size of the proposed building and asks that the Planning Officer is fully satisfied there is sufficient space or requests a condition which restricts the size of animal that can be accommodated. |
21/4747M[2] | 41 Chelford Road | Alterations, front infill and first floor rear extension | The council OBJECTS on the grounds the proposal presents a detrimental impact on residential amenity through the loss of light and overshadowing. |
21/4916M[3] | 35 St Johns Road | Addition of 2 heritage roof-lights to second floor bathroom | The council raises no objections, subject neighbour comments. |
21/4981M[4] | Maple Cottage, Tabley Road | Proposed two storey side extension and proposed new garage at existing detached dwelling house. | The council OBJECTS on the grounds the garage is disproportionately large in relation to the property and raises concerns over the future use of the outbuilding, and therefore suggests a condition that the building remain ancillary to the main dwelling and of domestic use.
The council also request the Planning Officer is completely satisfied the fenestration as part of the proposed extension to the dwelling is not detrimental to the residential amenity of neighbouring properties.
21/4989M | 3 Molly Potts Close | The addition for 2 conservation rooflights to the rear of the extension structure on the side elevation. | The council raises no objections, subject neighbour comments.
21/4885M | 1 Norbury Close | Non material amendment on application 20/5168M – The erection of a single storey side extension, including a partial garage conversion. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/4455M | Norwood, Bexton Lane | Double storey rear extension, double storey front extension main front door centralised on property. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and a request that the proposed side windows use obscure glazing.
21/5020M | Booths Park, Chelford Road | Application for 3 new car park barriers, alterations to the internal access road and the installation of ticket validation booth | The council raises no objections, subject to a Landscaping Plan which considers a biodiversity net gain for the loss of the three Lime trees, which the council requests three native heavy stock replacements for each felled tree, and subject to the inclusion of cycleway improvements in order to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy T2. |
21/4551M[5] | The Cottage, The Lodge, Toft Road | Erection of a new residential property within the existing grounds of The Lodge, Toft Road, Knutsford. | The council STRONGLY OBJECTS to the application on the grounds that the proposal fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1, D2, D3, H1, H2, HE2, and HE3 as follows:
· The scale and design, including the creation of the subterranean garage, constitute overdevelopment of the site. · The proposal is out of character with the surrounding properties due to infill development and the characteristic plot ratios of the Legh Road Conservation Area as highlighted within the Legh Road Conservation Area appraisal. · The proposal is detrimental to the character of the building and the setting of the Grade II Listed building. · The proposal presents an inadequate and inappropriate private amenity space. · The proposal is unsuitable for the site and will present an awkward relationship with neighbouring properties. |
21/5023M | 3 Heron Close | Two-storey side extension | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/5054M | Besom Hill Cottage, Tabley Road | Replacement of rear porch with single storey extension. Replacement of 4No timber sheds with 1No. outbuilding. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and requests a condition the outbuilding remains ancillary to the main dwelling and no subdivision of the plot. |
21/4812M | 9 Goughs Lane | non material amendment to app 20/1246M | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/4777D | Slaters Court, Princess Street, Knutsford | Discharge of Condition 3 on 17/6336M – Removal of existing one bedroom dwelling and garage and the construction of a new 2 bedroom dwelling with associated parking and external amenity area.
NB: Condition 3 relates to the installation of an Electric Vehicle Charging Point.
The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/4931M | Knutsford Fire Station, Mobberley Road
Roof – replacement of patent glazing to canopy with plastisol coated profiled sheet. Removal of cladding to tank room and lowering of chimney stack. Installation of photovoltaics to accommodation block and appliance bay roofs. Installation of safety handrails to perimeter of roof. Front Elevation – Demolition of entrance canopy. Front and Rear Elevation – Replacement of appliance bay doors. Installation of powder coated aluminium surrounds. Rear Elevation – Infilling of one appliance door opening with masonry with rendered finish and installation of new doors. General – Installation of cladding and through coloured render. Replacement of timber framed windows and doors with new aluminium framed windows and doors.
The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/4965M | Eaton House, Parkfield Road
Demolition and replacement dwelling
The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and requests that a condition is included to replace each tree felled by three suitable native trees as a result of the declared climate emergency and the submission of the draft Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document. |
21/5153M | 5 Oakleigh
Two storey side extension, enlargement of existing side dormer and associated refurbishment works
The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Tree Officer being satisfied with the arboriculture report. |
[1] Cllr Gray voted against this resolution.
[2] Cllr Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.
[3] Cllr Morris abstained from voting on this resolution.
[4] This application was deferred until the end of the meeting.
[5] Cllr Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
21/4737T[1] | 2 Rutherford Drive | Works to Protect Trees/ Section 211 notice:
WESTERN RED CEDAR (G1) – Reduce the tall central tree in height by 3-4 metres and reduce the other two trees in the group to a corresponding level. Clip secondary branches back where these overhang the boundary. Maintain greenery where possible. x3 SILVER BIRCH (G2) – Reduce overhanging limbs by approximately 1 metre. OAK (T3) – Large limb over the road, reduce in sections by upto 2.5 metres. Remove epicormic growth on the path side of the trunk to crown raise. REASON: To reduce overhang over the road
The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/4776T[2] | Sandilands, 18 Gaskell Avenue | Works to Protected Trees:
Tree works to various trees
The council raises no objections subject to the Arboricultural Officer being satisfied the proposed works are necessary, and request that each tree felled is replaced by three suitable native trees as a result of the declared climate emergency and the submission of the draft Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document.
[1] Cllrs Gray and Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.
[2] Cllrs Gray and Morris abstained from voting on this resolution.
The latest planning decisions were noted.
PL21/035 Conservation Area Working Group
It was RESOLVED to defer the progression of the Draft Legh Road Conservation Area Appraisal Document and to invite the consultant Mel Morris to a meeting to discuss the document, and begin the remaining conservation area reviews and for the Planning and Facilities Officer to engage with Cheshire East Conservation Officers to ascertain a timeframe for the remaining reviews.
The log was noted. It was noted to report an enforcement issue and to write to Cheshire East Enforcement Officers and the Chief Executive of Cheshire East Council to ascertain when the reported issues 1501 and 1610 will be resolved. It was RESOLVED to write to the businesses of reported issues 1501 and 1610 to engage with them and the enforcement action.
The log was noted. It was noted to revise the target dates.
The date of the next meeting was noted as 8th November 2021 at 6pm.
[1] Cllrs Gray and McCulloch abstained from voting on this resolution.