Councillors Gray, Dalzell, Houghton, McCulloch and Robertson
In attendance: A Keppel-Green (Town Clerk)
Apologies were received from Cllrs Coan (health) and Gardiner (borough council business)
Cllrs Houghton and McCulloch declared a personal interest in application 21/0260M on the grounds of being known to the applicant.
Cllr Gray declared a personal interest in application 21/0451M on the grounds of being known to the applicant and neighbours and stated he would abstain from discussion and voting on the application. Cllr Gray further declared a personal interest in application 21/5814M on the grounds of having corresponded with a neighbour and having visited the site previously.
A resident spoke in support of application 21/0260M stating it meets all Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan Sports and Leisure policies and is a deliverable from the Sports Vision Action Plan.
A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in support of application 21/0260M encouraging the committee to support it; in objection to application 21/0330M stating it dominated the streetscene and proposed inappropriate materials for the conservation area; in relation to application 21/5814M encouraging the committee to support the enforcement action; in relation to application 20/5861D highlighted that there was no reference to the detached garden room and in relation to 21/0490M expressing astonishment at the proposal. The representative further spoke in relation to the decisions on 20/1848M noting its improvement was inevitable but that the separation distances fail to meet the Local Plan requirements; on 20/3665M noting the reason for refusal was that it created an adverse dominant appearance to the detriment of the conservation area and expressing extreme frustration at the decision report for the approval of 20/1848M referring to an erroneous planning inspectorate statement in relation to the Knutsford Design Guide.
A resident queried whether a response had been received to the letter to Cheshire East Council concerning the approval of 20/1161M and drew attention to the reasons given for the refusal of application 20/3343M which were on the grounds for which the Town Council had objected to 20/1161M.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes subject to a correction to the attendance list to remove Cllrs McCulloch and Houghton.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
21/0069M | 47 Valley Way | Non-material amendment to application 20/0438M, addition of side bedroom window facing brick wall. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/0133T | Holly Tree House, Parkfield Road | Section 211 notice: Works to Birch and Cherry Trees | The council raises no objections. |
21/0138M | 38 Carrwood | Non Material Amendment on application 17/3774M – Part two storey / part single storey side extension to existing dwelling with the installation of a new pitched roof over the existing flat roof garage | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/0201M | 8 Summers Close | Modifications to conditionally approved application (ref: 20/0631M) | The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the development will be out of character with the surrounding area and the modifications proposed to not alter this. |
21/0260M | Toft Cricket Club, Chelford Road | Demolition of existing pavilion building. Construction of new pavilion building | The council SUPPORTS the application and notes the positive engagement from the applicant with the council, community and neighbours and the improvements made to the proposals since the previous scheme was withdrawn. |
21/0330M | 3 Molly Potts Close | The proposal seeks to add a single storey extension on the ground floor of the existing garage, at first floor a dormer window has been added to the rear of the garage roof, and on the site the driveway arrangement has been amended and an open carport has been proposed. | The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the development would be detrimental to the character of the Legh Road Conservation Area particularly by virtue of the prominence of the car port which will dominate the street scene and the materials proposed for the extension which are inappropriate for the conservation area. The proposal fails to meet the requirements of policies HE3 and H3 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan. The council queries the proposed use of the home office and seeks assurance that this is to be ancillary to the residential use of the properly. |
20/5814M | Pinewood, 1 Legh Gardens | Retrospective planning consent for extension to existing garage | The council OBJECTS to the grant of retrospective consent and considers that it is out of keeping with the street scene and detrimental to the character of the Legh Road Conservation Area. |
21/0160M | 8 Beech Drive | A single storey side extension | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
20/5861D | Sylvan Lodge, 8 Leycester Road | Discharge of Conditions 4, 8, 9 & 13 on 20/1397M – Demolition of existing dwelling house and construction of replacement dwelling and replacement of existing garden building with new garden building Amendments to previously approved 19/4791M | The council is unable to comment as it does not have sufficient information. |
20/3836M | Ivy Lodge, Tabley Road | Alterations and extensions to an existing dwelling | The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the proposals represent overdevelopment of the site and considers that whilst the revised plans are improvement it fails to address the neighbours’ concerns. |
21/0297T | The Moorings, Legh Road | Section 211 notice: Fell Cherry Tree | The council raises no objections but requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the applicant plant a replacement tree. |
21/0298T | 3 Rockford Lodge | Works to Protected Trees: Works to 3no. Lime Trees | The council raises no objections. |
21/0367M | 12 Tabley Close | Proposed loft conversion including rear roof dormer and Velux roof windows, render coat to whole dwelling house, single storey side + rear extension and associated alterations. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/0451M[1] | 10 Trevone Close | Proposed ground floor single storey extension to the rear of the property | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/0323T | Very small plot of CEC land at the of St Annes House, 1 Old Market Place. | Section 211 notice: Tree T1 Rear of St Annes House, 1 Old Market Place, Knutsford. Fell due to size, proximity to boundary, property and BT Hub pole with multiple lines , Tree is of low amenity value. | The council raises no objections. |
21/0386T | Langdale, Legh Road | Works to Protected Trees: Tree work to fell oak tree and replant with oak tree | The council raises no objections, subject to the arboriculturist being satisfied that the felling of the tree is absolutely essential. |
21/0490M | Kingswood, 15 Leycester Road | Proposed householder application for garden pavilion, extended hand standing to allow access for car lift and fire escape, subterranean garage with entertainment space and associated landscaping works including limited removal of shrubbery and trees. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/0591M | 17 Beechwood | Proposed recladding, garage conversion, first floor and two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and associated alterations. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/0604M | Prospect House, Tabley Hill Lane | Alterations and extension to an existing dwelling | The council raises no objections. |
[1] Cllr Gray abstained from discussion and voting on this application.
The latest planning decisions were noted. It was noted that whilst the council had raised no objections to 20/3906M, in spite of its wish to do so, as it felt it lacked the planning grounds the application was refused on the grounds of being overly prominent in the context of the surrounding street scene.
The log was noted. The hedge outside the boundary at Lane End, Legh Road was raised and the Town Clerk undertook to raise this again with Cheshire East Council.
The log was noted.
The date of the next meeting was noted as 15th February 2021 at 6pm.