Councillors Gray, Gardiner, Dalzell, Houghton, McCulloch, and Robertson

In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllr Coan (personal business)



Cllr Gardiner declared personal interests in application 20/5166T on the grounds of being known to the applicant and applications 20/5108M and 20/5298M on the grounds of being known to the agents.



A resident spoke in relation to application 20/5298M stating that whilst it has not been normal practice for the committee to comment on applications for Lawful Development Certificates, as the applications are subject to consultation it entitles third parties to present evidence which they believe is relevant. The resident suggested the committee may wish to make an exception in the case of this application and the noted the application may be seeking to establish the principle of development for this protected open space.

A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in relation to application 20/5108M stating the proposed new dwelling is in the Green Belt referring to Fig.15.42 in the Cheshire East Local Plan. The representative raised National Planning Policy Framework paragraphs 143 to 145 and noted the purpose of the proposed building may constitute “exceptional circumstances”.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
20/5127M 71 Ashworth Park 2 storey side extension, single storey side and rear extension The council raises concern over the proposal and requests the Planning Officer pays particular regard to the following points:

  • The proximity to the site boundary of the 2-storey side extension.
  • The potential loss of natural afternoon due light to the immediate neighbouring property as a result of the 2-storey side extension
  • The overbearing relationship of the proposed 2-storey side extension to the neighbouring property which may detrimentally impact the residential amenity of the neighbour through overlooking.
20/4896T 6 Fir Tree Avenue Works to Protected Trees – Works to Trees – Tree1 – Lime & Tree 2 – Sycamore. The raises no objections subject to neighbour comments
20/5168M 1 Norbury Close The erection of a single storey side extension, including a partial garage conversion. The raises no objections subject to neighbour comments
20/5188M 9 South Downs Extension of front dormer to create en-suite replacement of existing conservatory with new conservatory The raises no objections subject to neighbour comments
20/5002M Old Town Hall, Princess Street Listed building consent to enhance the external front trading area directly in front of the main building and install a Butterfly Awning shelter approx. 7mtr x 6mtr which has a retractable roof for summer use, heating and lighting. The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the application fails to meet Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan Policies HE2 and HE3, noting the proposal is inappropriate in this location and will detrimentally impact the historical and archaeological value of the Grade II listed building and its setting in the Town Centre Conservation Area.
20/5282M 12 Tabley Grove Demolition of detached garage and single storey rear extension. Two storey side and part rear extension, and single storey rear extension. Alterations to existing front door and porch. The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the application fails to meet Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan Policy T4, noting the proposal fails to provide clear dimensions for the new garage space resulting in an insufficient number of off-street parking spaces required by the policy.
20/5056T The Ware, Toft Road Section 211 notice – Works to Holly, Purple Beech, Lime, Beech, Pine and Sycamore Trees. The council raises no objections and encourages the replanting of a similar species as Cheshire East Council have declared a climate emergency.
20/5166T Lingcroft, Bexton Lane Works to Protected Trees – x1 Oak Tree- Prune- Cavity about 15-20ft up formed, shorten branch and take weight off. The raises no objections subject to neighbour comments
20/5173M 52 Glebelands Road Demolition of existing ground floor outrigger to the rear of the property. Proposed ground floor extension to the rear of the property. The raises no objections subject to neighbour comments
20/5108M Blackhill Farm, Bexton Road Construction of dependant relatives accommodation and garden store The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the application fails to meet Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan Policies H2 and H3, noting the proposal is disproportionately large and fails to be subservient to the original ancillary outbuilding (referred by some as a Paddy Shack). The council also notes the proposed new dwelling is sited within the Green Belt ref. Fig.15.42 of the Cheshire East Local Plan and fails to comply with National Planning Policy Framework paragraphs 143 to 145 as the application does not satisfy the requirements to expressly identify “exceptional circumstances”.
20/5246T Sean Baile, Toft Road Section 211 notice – x3 Cypress- Prune- Reduce Cypress central in the group by approx. 50% and reduce the two Golden Cypress adjacent to a corresponding height. x1 Blue Cypress- Fell. x1 Cherry- Fell.  x3 Golden Cypress- Fell. x1 Rowan- Fell. x1 Weeping Willow- Fell.  x1 Japanese Maple- Prune- Shorten the large limb hard back by 50% and shape other limbs. The council raises no objections and encourages the replanting of a similar species as Cheshire East Council have declared a climate emergency.
20/5245T Silvercraig, 9 Leycester Road Works to Protected Trees – x1 Sycamore- Fell. The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied and encourages the replanting of a similar species due to the loss of habitat as Cheshire East Council have declared a climate emergency.
20/5258T Woodgarth. 6 Leycester Road Works to Protected Trees – T1 – x1 Pine tree- Prune -Crown reduce by a minimum of 1.5 – 2.0 metres all round. T2 – x1 Oak tree – Prune – Crown reduce by at least 3metres. The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
20/5399M Besom Hill Cottage, Tabley Lane Listed building consent for renovation to include re-thatching of dwelling, alterations to rear porch and internal alterations The council raises no objections subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied the materials and methodology employed are appropriate with relation to policy HE2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan
20/5405M 44 Boothfields New First Floor Side Extension over the Existing Garage The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
20/5298M Sunnyhurst, 4, Mobberley Road Certificate of proposed lawful development for the erection of a detached outbuilding at the rear of the property to be used as a sauna, gym/games/recreation room and general leisure. The council raises concerns and requests the Planning Officer be convinced the land within which the proposal lies constitutes part of the lawful domestic curtilage (as defined as its planning status), noting the applicant may own the land but it is the understanding of the council that the land does not form the domestic curtilage of the residential property, but is allocated as protected open space as set out in the Cheshire East Local Plan and the revised draft of the Site Allocations and Development Policies Document.


The council raises no objections to the licensing application for The Public Spirit Ltd – Suite 1, St Anns House, 1 Old Market Place, King Street.




It was RESOLVED to authorise the Planning and Facilities Officer to draft a response to the consultation.



The date of the next meeting was noted as 4th January 2021 at 6pm.