Councillors McCulloch, Gardiner, Gray, Houghton, Lowe, and Robertson.
B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)
Apologies were received from Cllrs Dalzell (health) and Morris (health).
Cllr Lowe declared a personal interest in applications 22/0638M on the grounds of being a neighbour, and 22/0660M on the grounds of being known to applicant. Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in application 22/0638M on the grounds of knowing the previous owner. Cllr Houghton declared a personal interest in applications 22/0781M and 22/0729M on the grounds of being a neighbour. Cllr Gray declared a personal interest in application 22/0660M on the grounds of being known to applicant. Cllr McCulloch declared a personal interest in application 22/0615M on the grounds of being known to the developer.
A resident spoke on behalf of the stakeholders in relation to application 22/0566M stating that there are concerns from residents regarding the traffic on Racefield Road, the incorrect data sets within the Traffic Assessment, the absence of a construction management plan, the plans for a potential substation, and the inclusion of the boundary of number 12 Heathfield Square.
[6] Cllr Gardiner voted against this resolution.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Application Ref | Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
22/0376M[1] | Eight Oaks, 66 Goughs Lane | Planning application for the demolition of 66 Goughs Lane and the erection two apartment blocks with communal garden, parking and access off Goughs Lane, Knutsford | The council OBJECTS on the grounds the proposal fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1, D2, D3, HE3, H2, and SL1, as follows: |
22/0660M[2] | 4 Trevone Close | Ground floor alterations to existing Garage/Kitchen/Utility area. First floor extension over Garage/Kitchen to provide additional bedroom & bathrooms including dormer window to front elevation. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
22/0743M | 75 Boothfields | Two storey side extension | The council requests the Planning Officer is completely satisfied that: |
22/0684M | 51 Manor Crescent | Single storey front + side extension, single storey rear extension and associated alterations. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
22/0638M | Maple Cottage, Tabley Road | Two storey side extension to existing detached dwelling house. | The council notes the proposed garage as included on the previous application 21/4981M has been removed but continue to request that the Planning Officer is completely satisfied the fenestration as part of the proposed extension to the dwelling is not detrimental to the residential amenity of neighbouring properties. |
22/0615M | Freemasons Arms, Silk Mill Street | Listed building consent for change of use of the first and second floors to independent letting bedrooms and internal and external alterations with extensions. | The council requests the Conservation Officer is completely satisfied that, the proposal protects and preserves the exterior character and archaeology of the building interior, and the exterior staircase fixings are not detrimental to the fabric of the heritage asset. |
22/0614M | Freemasons Arms, Silk Mill Street | Change of use of the first and second floors to independent letting bedrooms and internal and external alterations with extensions. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and subject to the applicant addressing the unsympathetic staircase by revisiting the design to include a staircase that is more sensitive to the heritage asset. |
22/0537M | The Old Water Tower Roof, Mobberley Road | Installation of 3 no. antennas and supporting steelwork and associated apparatus, removal of 3 no. antennas and redundant steelwork, and ancillary works. | The council raises no objections. |
22/0781M[3] | 87, Ashworth Park | Proposed alteration to boundary fence, external covered area, single storey rear extension and associated alterations. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
22/0729M[4] | 13 Ashworth Park | Demolition of existing conservatory, front rear and side extensions including rear balcony. Detached out building to form Granny annex. | The council OBJECTS to the detached 3-bedroom outbuilding on the grounds it does not comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy H2 and should be considered as part of a separate application. However, the council raises no objections to the extension of the main dwelling house, subject to neighbour comments. |
22/0567M[5] | Winstanley House, Northwich Road | Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley House site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 no 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping. | The council raises no objections, subject to the applicant consulting with stakeholders and neighbouring residents over the shared boundaries with Heathfield Square. |
22/0566M[6] | Winstanley House, Northwich Road | Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley House site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 no 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping. | The council requests that the applicant: |
22/0816M | Whitethorn, Chelford Road | Demolition of existing single garage and lean-to, amendments to landscaping and erection of triple garage with first floor above. | The council OBJECTS to the triple garage on the grounds the scale, mass, and ridge height are inappropriate within the conservation area, and there appears insufficient evidence to support the proposed tree felling. |
22/0840M | 62 Westfield Drive | Rear facing single storey extension and roof alterations to form rear facing dormer | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Application Ref | Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
22/0754T | Balgownie, Chelford Road | Works to Protected Trees: Works to Sycamore and Beech Trees | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments. |
22/0544T | 5 Half Hidden, Astley Close | Works to Protected Trees: SYCAMORE (T1) Very Poor Sycamore to the side of the leaning Oak. Sectional dismantle to ground level. Reason: Heavily squirrel damaged limited long-term potential. OAK (T3) Large Oak that leans over the barbecue area beneath the canopy of the larger Oak. Section dismantle to approximately 3 metres from ground level. Reason: limited pruning options due to over extended limbs and suppression stability. concerns over heavily used summer area. OAK (T4) Large Oak to the rear of the above Oak. Limb with the animal hole reduce height by 2.5 metres. Limb with cavity close to the bas, reduce in height by 4 metres. Reason: to reduce risk of limb failure BEECH (T5) – Beech with extensive decay in the base central in the woodland. Sectional dismantle to ground level. Reason: extensive decay in trunk section limited long tern potential. OAK (T2) – Oak that leans heavily over neighbour’s garden. Sectional dismantle to as close to ground level as possible. Reason: Poor specimen causing stability concerns over garden area MIXED TREE (G6) – in the neighbour’s garden on the side boundary. Reduce in height by 1-1.25 metres – Reason: To control size on boundary | The council OBJECTS to the proposal on the grounds there is insufficient evidence to support the felling and the council requests the Arboricultural Officer confirms they are satisfied that the trees are dead, dying, or diseased and no alternative arboricultural management would appropriate. If Cheshire East Council are minded to approve the application, the council requests that each tree felled is replaced by a suitable native species tree. |
22/0763T | 4 Park Cottage, Drury Lane | Section 211 notice: The two trees are adjacent to the rear fence line of Number 3 and 4 Park Cottages, Drury Lane, Knutsford. Both trees have been advised that these needed to be felled. Fell T1 (Sycamore) & T2 (Oak) T1, Poor condition, much of crown overhanging residential property, history of branch failure, decayed branch crotches due to historic squirrel damage and some crown dieback. T2, Growing in competition with 2 Lawson Cypress. Majority of crown is formed by one limb overhanging residential property, limb appears to be poorly attached and greater diameter than parent trunk at union, torsional reaction wood close to union. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments. |
It was RESOLVED to raise no objections to the licensing application for Motor Fuel Limited, Mobberley Road Service Station, Mobberley Road.
The date of the next meeting was noted as Monday 4th April 2022 at 6pm.
[1] Cllr Gray voted against this resolution.
[2] Cllr Lowe abstained from voting on this resolution.
[3] Cllr Houghton abstained from voting on this resolution.
[4] Cllr Houghton abstained from voting on this resolution.
[5] Cllr Gardiner voted against this resolution.
[6] Cllr Gardiner voted against this resolution.