Councillors Gray, Gardiner, Dalzell, Houghton, McCulloch, and Robertson.
In attendance: B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)
Cllr Gray left the meeting due to technical difficulties.
It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Gardiner as chairman for the meeting.
No apologies for absence were received.
Cllr Gardiner declared a personal interest in applications, 21/0388T on the grounds of being known to the applicant, and 21/0760M on the grounds of being a neighbour.
A resident spoke in relation to application 21/0991M stating it would be up the Cheshire East Council Conservation Officer to determine if the fixings for the proposed pergola are suitable. The resident raised concern over the proximity of the proposed fire-pit to the listed thatched building.
A representative of the South Knutsford Residents Group spoke in relation to application 21/0624T stating that the protected trees identified in the proposal have previously been reduced in number and that residents consider it as an important group of trees.
The representative went on to speak about application 21/0695M stating that the application seeks to vary what the inspectorate has set as conditions meaning this may be a section 73 application. The application seeks numerous changes leading back to the original application which was rejected and were not sent as part of the appeal. The application will be significantly detrimental to the neighbouring properties of the proposed site.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Town Council Comment |
21/0647M | 29 Queensway | Single storey rear side & part front elevation wrap around extension including a new bay to the front of the elevation | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/0650M | 152 Grove Park | Retention of rear garden terrace more than 0.3m above natural ground level. | The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the development will lead to severe overlooking due to the differing ground levels.
21/0505D | 4 King Street | Discharge of conditions 3, 4 & 6 on approved application 20/1581M | The council raises no objections subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied the proposal is not detrimental to the character and fabric of the building and is appropriate with relation to policy HE2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan
21/0414D | White Howe, Legh Road | Discharge of condition 4 on application 20/1519M – Single storey (kitchen) and subterranean (garden room) extensions together with internal alterations. | The council raises no objections subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied the proposal is not detrimental to the character and fabric of the building and is appropriate with relation to policy HE2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan
21/0385D | 4 King Street | Discharge of conditions 3, 4 & 6 on 20/1582M – Listed building consent for demolition of existing extension, proposed new single storey rear extension with associated works and general repair work internally and externally | The council raises no objections subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied the proposal is not detrimental to the character and fabric of the building and is appropriate with relation to policy HE2 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan
21/0388T | Grainge, 4 Tabley Road | Section 211 notice: T1 – Cherry Tree – Fell | The council notes the tree is not within the applicant’s garden, and requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the replanting of a suitable replacement native species tree due to the declared climate emergency.
21/0615M | 13 Rockford Lodge | Proposed removal of a rooflight on the top of the side extension and the introduction of a fixed window on the side of the same extension | The council notes the details within the proposal and requests that the non-opening is not below 1.8 metres and the ‘frosting’ is for the entire window.
20/5424M | 1-2 Church Hill | Listed building consent for change of use from offices (B1) to residential (C3). | The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the application fails to meet Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan Policies HE2 and HE3, noting the proposal to introduce a new door opening into the frontage of this property will result in an unbalancing of the symmetry of the property, which is a significant part of the building’s character and so will detrimentally impact upon that character. Furthermore, the introduction of an additional entrance will diminish the historical value of the Grade II listed building and detrimentally impact its setting opposite the Grade II* listed building in the Town Centre Conservation Area. The council suggests that an alternative arrangement be considered for providing access to the proposed dwelling; maybe by way of a new internal door from a shared entrance hall served by the exiting front door, as the Council has no objection to the Change of use in principle.
21/0673M | 3 Rowley Way | Front and rear two storey extension and garage conversion | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
20/5423M | 1-2 Church Hill | Change of use from offices (B1) to residential (C3). | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/0625T | Kirkbeck, 7 Leycester Road | Works to Protected Trees: Tree works to various trees | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments but notes that the proposed trees are situated within a conservation area. |
21/0636T | Tithe Cottage, 4, Chelford Road | Section 211 notice: x1 Sweet Chestnut- Fell | The council raises no objections subject to the Tree Officer being satisfied and requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the applicant replant a suitable replacement native broadleaf species tree due to the declared climate emergency.
21/0642T | Dovecote, 1 Lovat Drive | Works to Protected Trees: x1 Sycamore ( T1) – Fell. x3 Oak ( T2) (T3) ( T4)- Fell. | The council OBJECTS on the grounds that there is unsatisfactory evidence to show the trees are of sufficient ill health to warrant the proposed felling. The council suggests a scheme of crown pruning in order retain the proposed trees.
Additionally, the council requests that if felling consent is granted, that Cheshire East Council requests the applicant replant suitable replacement native species trees due to the declared climate emergency.
21/0756M | 17 Northwich Road | Erection of 2 houses to replace existing dwelling | The council strongly OBJECTS on the grounds that;
· The application fails to take account of its setting adjacent to the Heathfield Square Conservation Area · The design is bulky and unattractive and does not comply with the Knutsford Design Guide · There is the loss of a significant tree which has not been acknowledged with an appropriate landscape proposal and therefore does not comply with policy D3 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan · Proposed arrangements for vehicular access are potentially dangerous to highway users. · The proposed location of the bin stores will be detrimental to the street scene.
21/0852M | 44 Blackhill Lane | Proposed partial garage conversion, single storey side and rear extension and associated alterations. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
21/0528M | Bluebell Cottage, Ella Grove | Removal of an external small simple storm porch and erection of a new enclosed brick porch | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
21/0678M | 87 King Street | Removal of existing signage letters and projecting Barclay’s signage, allow for all holes to masonry and brickwork to be made good, existing ATM to be removed and opening to be infilled with new window frame and glazing to match existing surrounding windows | The council raises no objections. |
21/0695M | Fernlea, Stanley Road | Variation of Condition 2 on 19/2254M – Construction of 3 dwellings following demolition of the existing dwelling | The council strongly OBJECTS on the grounds that;
· The application presents a significant shift away from the proposal considered at appeal by The Planning Inspectorate. · The variations present an inappropriate street scene which fails to take account of its setting adjacent to the St John’s Conservation Area and the Town Centre Conservation Area. · The proposal would result in a detrimental impact on the relationship to the neighbouring properties, in particular the bungalow “Tynedale” which is immediately adjacent to the site.
21/0411D | White Howe, Legh Road | Discharge of condition 4 – windows on approval 20/1520M. | The council raises no objections subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied.
21/0760M | 16 Queen Street | Single storey rear extension | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/0929M | Poppies Nursery, Sugar Pit Lane | Extension of the existing external amenity space with associated works | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied there is adequate parking on site.
20/5397M | 6 Ashworth Park | Removal of 3m+ high conifers alongside house and garden (28m in length), adjacent to pavement and roadside. The conifers have grown so that they now significantly impinge over the adjacent pavement. They are dying and holes forming in the hedge are a risk to security and child safety. Replace conifers with a 2m high feather board wooden fence. Fence to taper towards the front of the house with a 1.5m long Venetian panel x 1.5m high and a second 1.5m long Venetian panel x 1.2m high | The council raises no objections subject to the proposed felling works being completed outside of the bird nesting season and suggest that appropriate structural planting be implemented in front of the proposed fence to ‘soften’ the impact of the loss of habitat.
The council also suggests that access to the streetlamp be considered during any installation.
21/0612T | Crosstown Bowling and Social Club, Chelford Road | Section 211 notice: Tree works to mixed tree species to reduce crown by 20% and removal of large limbs | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
21/0851T | 11 Westfield, Tabley Road | Works to Protected Trees: x2 Ilex Aquifolium- Prune- 3m reduction in height. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and the Tree Officer being satisfied.
21/0889T | Willetts End, Toft Road | Section 211 notice: Mixed border of trees between property and agricultural land, highlighted on the sketch plan provided in blue: Arley Estate have requested that the mixed border of trees that include silver birch, willow and mixed shrubs be crown lifted to 5m to allow space for agricultural vehicles to operate without sustaining damage. Willow highlighted in Yellow on the sketch plan: Due to recent flooding and a high water table year round, the tree has had a major failure into the field and needs to be cleared up and removed. Willow highlighted in red on the sketch plan: specimen has grown heavily weighted out into the field across the border fence, it has competed for light with neighbouring trees and so is very heavily weighted in one direction. concerns of failure have been highlighted due to the very wet ground and the example of the already failed Willow. Request is to remove to ground level. Hornbeam highlighted in orange on the sketch plan: request is to thin by 20 percent to aid with passage of air throughout the crown. Again to relieve wind sail effect so as to avoid root heave and possible failure due to poor condition of the earth its situated in. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and the Tree Officer being satisfied, and requests that in granting consent that Cheshire East Council suggests/requests the applicant replant a suitable replacement native species tree due to the declared climate emergency.
21/0947M | 7 Fir Tree Avenue | Demolition of existing flat roof single storey garage attached to side of house, and front entrance canopy. Construction of new pitched roof single storey Garage/Utility extension attached to side of house, including new front entrance canopy. | The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments and to the Planning Officer being satisfied the proposal meets policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan.
21/1021M | 12a Holford Crescent | Proposed Juliet balcony and roof terrace including extension upwards to facilitate staircase. | The council OBJECTS on the grounds that the proposed roof terrace will lead to significant loss of privacy to the neighbouring property due to overlooking.
21/0991M | White Bear Hotel, Canute Place | Proposed works to the existing beer garden to relocate existing smoking shelter, form new ‘U shape’ pergola structure to perimeter boundary wall, construct a new fire pit and making good existing materials, general redecoration and lighting | The council supports the proposal subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied and that appropriate fire management is implemented in relation to the thatched element of the building and the proposed fire-pit.
The council also request appropriate bin storage be addressed.
21/0992M | White Bear Hotel, Canute Place | Listed Building Consent for proposed works to the existing beer garden to relocate existing smoking shelter, form new ‘U shape’ pergola structure to perimeter boundary wall, construct a new fire pit and make good existing materials, general redecoration and lighting | The council supports the proposal subject to the Conservation Officer being satisfied and that appropriate fire management is implemented in relation to the thatched element of the building and the proposed fire-pit. The council also requests appropriate bin storage be addressed. |
Cllr Gray re-joined the meeting at the end of this item.
The date of the next meeting was noted as 29th March 2021 at 6pm.