Councillors Nicholson, Beswick, Coan, Dalzell, Forbes, Gardiner and Houghton.
A Keppel-Green (Town Clerk)
All members were present.
No member declared an interest in any item.
It was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19th July subject to the addition of ‘which’ in the final sentence of P22/013.
It was noted that the next scheduled meeting would be held on 13th September 2022 at 7pm.
It was RESOLVED to exclude the public and press on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
It was RESOLVED to Planning and Facilities Officer role be graded at SCP 29-32.
It was RESOLVED to that the Planning and Facilities Officer job description be amended to state that they are the primary deputy for the Town Clerk.
It was RESOLVED that the Events Officer role be graded at SCP 24-28.
It was RESOLVED that the Town Centre and Marketing Officer remain at SCP 18-23 but that the incumbent progress to SCP 20 on completion of their probationary period.
It was RESOLVED that the Civic Events Officer role be graded at SCP 18-23.
It was RESOLVED that the Administration and Support Officer role be graded at SCP 7-17 with the full time incumbent on point 8 and the part time incumbent on point 10.
It was RESOLVED that the Cemetery Groundskeeper role be graded at SCP 7-12 with the incumbent on point 8.
It was RESOLVED that the Caretaker role be graded at SCP 7-12.
It was agreed to report the effect on the committee budget to the next meeting of Council.
The Town Clerk left the meeting.
It was RESOLVED that the grading of the Town Clerk be amended from a spot point of 42 to a range of 42-45 with progression to SCP 43 on the completion of the Community Governance degree.
The Town Clerk rejoined the meeting.
The committee noted its thanks to the Town Clerk for the work in preparing undertaking the evaluation report.
It was RESOLVED to amend the draft revised Events Officer job description to state that they are required to deputise for the Town Clerk in the absence of the Planning and Facilities Officer and to remove the requirement to deputise from the Town Centre and Marketing Officer draft revised job description.
It was RESOLVED to approve the revised job descriptions as drafted with the aforementioned amendments.
The Town Clerk responded to a question explaining how annual leave is used to facilitate a Christmas office closure, noting that staff leave is entirely covered by their entitlement to annual leave and bank holidays/statutory days.
The Town Clerk responded to a question explaining the council’s cash handling process and agreeing to refer to review the process with the internal audit working group at its next meeting.
The Town Clerk responded to a question in relation to an operational matter.
The Town Clerk responded to a statement noting that remaining piece of work for the committee was the cultural improvement in relation to member/officer relations. The Town Clerk further advised that he had obtained information on the Investor in People scheme and would report fully on this at the next meeting.
Cllr Forbes left the meeting.
The Town Clerk advised the committee of a staff member’s upcoming parental leave and his plan for covering the role during the period.