Councillors Gardiner, Houghton, Abel, Dalzell, Forbes, Gray, Malloy, Morris, Power, Nicholson, Robertson, and McCulloch

A Keppel-Green (Town Clerk)


Apologies were received from Cllrs Beswick (business) and Lowe (health)



No member declared an interest in any item.



No member of the public wished to speak.



The notes were noted and no points of correction raised.



Cllrs Gardiner and Abel reported that in person committee meetings had began to be held and that the Executive Director of Place was leaving his post.

Cllr Malloy raised the issue of gully emptying stating that Cllr Dean was following up on concerns raised by a freedom of information request which showed specific gullies had not been examined since 2015.

Cllr Houghton highlighted that the footpath alongside the main drive into Tatton Park was extremely muddy in poor weather.



Cllr Forbes reported on a meeting of the Longridge and Shaw Heath Connected Communities Partnership stating that a consultation was due soon; a briefing from the Local Enterprise Partnership which highlighted the need for greater connectivity between villages to towns to other towns and a briefing from Cheshire East Council on its new highway funding scheme.

Cllr Malloy reported on attendance at a meeting of the Mid Cheshire Community Rail Partnership Board which had discussed but discounted the idea of inclusion of the Liverpool to Crewe line within the partnership and which had noted the resumption of hourly services. It was reported that works were being undertaken in July which should in the future enable a twice-hourly service.   Cllr Malloy further reported that the Friends of College Wood had submitted paperwork to establish itself as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and was holding a litter pick that month; that the Knutsford and District Youth Council had not yet had a student meeting due to COVID but the headteachers had met.

Cllr Dalzell reported that the Crosstown Community Orchard had been awarded a grant from the Postcode Neighbourhood Trust and was holding an official opening on 22nd August. Cllr Dalzell further reported on attendance at a briefing on the Cheshire East Crowd Funding Platform.

Cllr Houghton reported on a meeting with Peaks and Plains and other stakeholders concerning the Warren Close demolition and redevelopment, noting that it was a positive meeting although some concerns remain from residents.

Cllr Nicholson reported on attendance at a meeting of Knutsford Heritage Centre where the reopening of the centre had been discussed but that the centre was struggling for volunteers to staff it.

Cllr McCulloch reported on attendance at a meeting of the Friends of St Johns Wood outlining that thanks to the support of the council the group was progressing well and was shortly issuing a community survey.



Members expressed support for the reintroduction of monthly councillor surgeries starting from September and generally being held on Saturdays from 10-12. It was suggested that partners be invited to attend routinely and that issue driven surgeries may garner a greater attendance.



No objection to the appointments detailed in report C-21-05 was raised subject to Cllr Nicholson replacing Cllr Houghton as a lead for the Heritage theme noting he would be on the committee ex-officio.



No objection to the appointments to working groups as detained in report C-21-06 were raised subject to the addition of Cllr Dalzell to the Strategic Plan working group.



Members expressed support for the following:

  1. Planning and Licensing Committee meetings remain on Monday evenings between 6pm and 7:30pm.
  2. By convention where a meeting is to overrun by more than five minutes, the Chairman shall usually adjourn the meeting to enable the other meeting to start within a reasonable time.
  3. The Planning and Licensing Committee shall agree a series of standard responses to applications (particularly for tree work applications which are less diverse than planning applications) which can be referred to during meetings.
  4. Planning Applications and Tree Works applications would be listed separately on committee agendas.



It was agreed that a meeting with officers at Cheshire East Council should be convened to review progress following the submission of the From Top to Bottom Street consultation results in 2020.



Members expressed support for the revised proposals.



The log was noted and it was noted that finalising the updated emergency plan had been omitted.



A resident highlighted the increased number of applications the Planning and Licensing Committee was reviewing and the lack of consistence from Cheshire East Council with respect to consultation on revised plans.



Cllr Malloy enquired as to what was being done to prevent people repositioning the town centre bollards, the Town Clerk undertook to follow this up with Cheshire East Council.

Cllr McCulloch enquired as to the status of the planning application for the Longridge strategic development which the Town Clerk explained it had been submitted and was awaiting registration by Cheshire East Council. The Town Clerk added that a dedicated meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee would be held to discuss the application.

Cllr Gray enquired if all staff had returned to the office, the Town Clerk responded that in line with government guidelines some staff were continuing to work from home for the majority of the week but this would be reviewed when the restrictions are removed.

Cllr Houghton enquired as to the precise location where the one-way system on Cranford Avenue commenced noting reports of drivers driving in the wrong direction.

Cllr Gardiner highlighted his fundraising BBQ on the 27th August.