A meeting of the Knutsford Town Council Planning and Licensing Committee to be held at 18:00 on Monday 12th September 2022.
Limited public seating will be available. The meeting will be broadcast via Zoom to enable remote public listening and participation and an audio stream will also be broadcast to Facebook. To join the meeting via Zoom, visit or use meeting ID 821 0560 5574 and password KTC-456189.
To receive apologies for absence; apologies should be submitted to the Planning and Facilities Officer in advance of the meeting.
To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial, and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.
A period of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held 5th September 2022
Attachment – Minutes of the meeting held 5th September 2022.
To review the latest planning applications.
Ref |
Address | Application Detail | Relevant Neighbourhood Plan Policies |
22/3191M | 3 Fairmead, Legh Road | Erection of single storey side extension | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE3 – Conservation Areas H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions
22/2001M | 1-2 Church Hill | Advertisement consent for a hanging sign from bracket on wall. Acrylic vinyl with aluminum brushed lettering of company name. 90 x 45cm. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness ER2 – Retail Development ER3 – Shop Frontages HE3 – Conservation Areas TC4 – Active Frontages within the Town Centre
22/3223M | 12 Goughs Lane | Single storey rear extension, amendments to front porch design, replacement of windows and doors and general alterations and refurbishment to external finishes and features. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions
22/2767M | 9 Arundel Close | The erection of a single storey rear extension and partial garage conversion. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking
22/3317M | 20 Goughs Lane | Proposed Erection of a 1 Storey Detached Garage and Proposed Widened Access into the Proposed Site | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions T4 – Parking
21/4262M | Pendle Cottage, Legh Road | Full planning application with request for conservation area consent for the demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings and garages, removal of 15no. trees, and the erection 3 no. detached dwellings, new access arrangements and landscaping works. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness D3 – Landscape in New Development D4 – Sustainable Residential Design HE3 – Conservation Areas H1 – Housing Mix H2 – Previously Developed and Infill Development T2 – Cycling in Knutsford T4 – Parking |
22/2297M | 17 Lodge Road | Proposed Double Storey Side Extension Works | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions
22/2905D | Besom Hill Cottage | Discharge of conditions 4,5 & 6 on approved application 21/5054M: Replacement of rear porch with single storey extension. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE2 – Heritage Assets
22/2760D | Sandfield House, Toft Road | Discharge of conditions 5 & 6 on existing permission 21/5415M; Single storey rear infill extension, with internal refurbishment. | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness HE2 – Heritage Assets
22/3315M | Land off, Parkgate Lane | Non-material amendment to approved application 18/2996M – Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning consent 13/2935M for siting, design, appearance and landscaping details for residential development (C3 Use Class) | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness T4 – Parking |
22/2718M | 36 Cranford Avenue | small pitched front dormer and rear dormer | D1 – Design Guide
D2 – Local Distinctiveness H3 – Residential Extensions and Conversions
To review the latest planning applications.
Application | Address | Works |
22/2888T | Hazelfield, Legh Road | Works to Protected Trees:
Permission is requested to work on six trees at Hazelfield. The reason for the application is to remove dead or damaged limbs adjacent to the highway, rebalancing the tree canopy and undertake broader general tree maintenance. Copper Beech & Sycamore adjacent to the highway: Crown thin and reduce by 15-20% and reduce secondary laterals overhanging Legh Road by 1.5m Sycamore, Copper Beech and Silver Birch on the northerly boundary to the front of the property: Crown thin and reduce by 15-20% Sycamore at the north east boundary to the property: Crown thin and reduce by 15-20% All trees are owned by the applicant. |
22/3024T | 19 St Johns Road | Section 211 notice:
Conifer tree at the back of the garden. This is a concern of causing damage to our neighbours house. As there is no TPO on this tree we would like to remove the tree. |
22/3068T | Knutsford Golf Club House | Section 211 notice:
Removal of several small self set sycamore. removal of heavily leaning Coniferous specimens set next to a road and any heavily leaning co-dominant stems from the area marked with a yellow boundary on the sketch plan. crown reduction by 2m of a cherry on the boundary of the woodland marked with a blue dot to to prevent the tree from further racing for light and becoming over extended. crown lift up to 4m a sycamore marked in purple to allow for more light and space in the understory. |
22/3067T | Wolseley Lodge, Legh Road | Works to Protected Trees:
1 x Lime (overhang from next door) : trim back toward boundary 1x Beech (Next to gate) request for 25% reduction 1 x Lime (Next to beech) request for 25% reduction 4 x Lime and 1 x Chestnut (Along Leycester road) request for 25% reduction Request to trim back various small trees/shrubs from next door |
22/3103T | 19 Manor Park | Works to Protected Trees:
T1 – PINE – The recommendation is to fell the Pine tree to as close to ground level as possible. |
22/3110T | 20 Goughs Lane | Works to Protected Trees:
T1 – Beech – Crown reduction of the canopy by 2-2.5 metres T2 – Beech – Crown reduction of the canopy by 2 – 2.5 metres, one over-extended limb over the car park area to be reduced a bit more, circa 4 metres. T3 – Beech – Previously poorly pruned, turn into a monolith for nature, leaving a 3 metre stem. T4 – Beech – No works – Previously pruned fairly severely and still re-developing. T5 – Beech – Light crown reduction reducing the canopy by 1- 1.5 metres. T6 – Beech – Previously poorly pruned, turn into a monolith for nature, leaving a 3 metre stem. T7 – Beech – Light crown reduction reducing the canopy by 1- 1.5 metres. T8 – Beech – Very expansive canopy, looking to reduce the garden side laterals by 3 – 3.5metres and the upper crown by 2-2.5 metres. T9 – Beech – Crown reduction of the canopy by 2 – 2-5 metres, remove previously poorly pruned stubby branches, removal of some of the lowest limbs give a crown lift to match the there trees. T10 – Oak – Sections of the canopy overhanging the property to be reduced back appropriately to good quality growth points to give separation between the property and the Oak, pruning limbs back to the footpath/walkway around the property. T12 – Oak – Sections of the canopy overhanging the property to be reduced back appropriately to good quality growth points to give separation between the property and the Oak, pruning limbs back to the footpath/walkway around the property. |
22/3163T | 19 Manchester Road | Section 211 notice:
[T1] Holly: At the rear left border. Proposal: Reduce height to 3m from ground level. Prune overhanging growth to neighbour approx 0.5m back to wall level. Trim remaining growth approx 30cm all round to shape. Reason: To control height and spread. [T2] Yew: At the rear left border. Proposal: Reduce height to 3m from ground level. Reduce overhanging lateral spread to lane by approx 1m back to within 0.5m of wall. Prune lateral spread by up to 1.5m to tidy/shape and trim low growth up to 0.5m to tidy. Reason: To control height and spread. |
22/3162T | 2 Ruskin Court | Section 211 notice:
[G1] 4no. Multistem Sycamore group: Located within border strip across road from 2 Ruskin Court Proposal: Reduce group height by approx 5m. Reason: Fast growing group client would like to control height of group. |
To review the latest licensing applications.
Applicant | Address | Application Detail |
Cheshire Fest @ The Lambing Shed | The Lambing Shed, Moseley Hall Farm | NOTICE is given that Cheshire East Borough Council has on 18 August 2022 received an application for the review of the premises licence in respect of the premises known as: Cheshire Fest @ The Lambing Shed, Moseley Hall Farm, Knutsford, WA16 8RB.
The grounds for the review application are – The prevention of public nuisance The grounds for the review application are – Noise nuisance caused to local residents by the Cheshire Fest event |
To review the latest planning decisions.
Attachment – Planning Decisions report 06/09/2022
To review planning issues.
Attachment – Planning Enforcement Report 06/09/2022
To review the outstanding planning matters.
Attachment – Outstanding Matters Log September 2022
The next meeting will be held on Monday 3rd October 2022.