Councillors McCulloch, Coan, Dalzell, Gray, Johnson, Lowe and Mears.
A Keppel-Green (Town Clerk)
Apologies were received from Cllr Banks (civic business)
No member declared an interest in any item.
A resident of Branden Drive spoke in opposition to application 24/3671M stating they had not been notified of the application as a neighbour though others had and outlining their detailed concerns about the proposals including that it would be overbearing to neighbouring properties, insufficient parking and consequent highway safety concerns and overlooking from the roof windows.
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4th November.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
24/4240/HOUS | 35 Mellor Crescent | Part single, part two storey extensions to side and front of the house | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
24/3644M | 34 Woodlands Drive | Non material amendment on approval 24/0579M: Change the colour of the proposed windows from white to grey UPVC framed. Remove the proposed ground floor window in the front elevation. Demolish the existing chimney stack. | It was noted the application had been determined. |
24/3553M[1] | Land South Of Oakleigh | Creation of new access | The council OBJECTS to the proposed new access on the following grounds:
a) The site has an existing safe access point from the highway at Oakleigh. The proposal would create an access of a busy 50mph A-road which would be unsafe. b) The application does not provide any hardstanding/car parking within the site, therefore vehicle movements are likely to deposit mud onto the A-road, creating further risk to highway users. The addition of hardstanding would detract from the openness of the green belt. c) The site is within the green belt and the proposal does not enhance the openness of the green belt nor the setting of the town within the green belt. |
24/4211/VOC | 13 Grassfield Way | Variation of condition 2 on approved application 23/3247M – Proposed extensions and alterations including internal rearrangement, singe storey rear extension, two storey side extension, elevational upgrade and external works/landscape | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
24/3671M | 11 Branden Drive | Demolition of existing hall and erection of 6no. apartments with associated landscaping and external works | The council OBJECTS on the following grounds:
a) Whilst the proposed building aligns with the front building line of the existing hut, by virtue the significant increase in height the built form would be appear incongruous due to its significant projection in front of the building line established by the cottages and 13 Branden Drive. b) The proposals allocate an insufficient amount of parking, contrary to the parking standards of the Cheshire East Local Plan and Policy T4 of the Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan. Only 10 spaces are provided, and the standard requires 12. The Town Council does not believe the site can sustain reduced parking as there is extremely limited on street parking in the vicinity due to the narrow width of Branden Drive and existing levels of on street parking. The proposals allocate no visitor parking which will further exacerbate the issue. The Town Council is concerned that the lack of parking will lead to additional on street parking to the detriment of highway safety and the safety of pedestrians in a busy pedestrian route to the Town Centre. On street parking which spills towards Mobberley Road will create a hazard on this busy B road. Additionally, the proposals only provide two EV charging spaces which would be insufficient for six dwellings. c) Due to the gradient of the land which slopes down to the houses on Branden Drive, the proposed buildings will be significantly higher than the existing houses. Whilst the proposals do not include windows on the west elevation to prevent overlooking, the result is a dominant brick façade which will be overbearing to the neighbouring properties and detrimental to their residential amenity. d) The proposed rooflights on the east elevation would create unacceptable levels of overlooking and a loss of privacy due to the height of the windows with respect to the height of bedroom windows of 15-19 Branden Drive and direct overlooking of their gardens. e) The bin storage for unit one places the bins at the front of the property which is detrimental to the Streetscene and detracts from views from the adjacent conservation area and public open space |
24/4507/NMA | Winstanley House Northwich Road | Non Material Amendment to 22/0566M – Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley House site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 no 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping. | The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments. |
[1] Cllr Gray abstained from voting.
It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.
In respect of application 24/4411/TCA, 82 King Street, it was agreed to seek the support of Cheshire East ward members, to publicise the council’s call for the tree to be protected and that officers prepare a submission to the Tree Officer to ensure the request is given full consideration.
24/4286/TPO | 1 Hallside Park | Works to TPO
T1 – Horse Chestnut – Fell – The tree is not completely dead but is leaning with 75% plus of the crown dead, very little would be left if the dead wood was removed. |
The council raises no objections, subject to a condition requiring the planting of a native replacement tree. |
24/4193/TPO | The Heath, Manchester Road | Section 211 notice and works to TPO
Multiple proposed works to TPO trees (see Annex A – Table of recommendations). |
The council raises no objections. |
24/4411/TCA | 82 King Street | Section 211 notice
Removal of T2 indicated on attached site plan. |
The council objects to the felling of this tree and requests it is subject to a Tree Preservation Order. |
24/4239/TCA | The Vicarage, Mobberley Road | Section 211 notice
T1 Coppiced Cherry close to the border with the recreation ground (ownership unclear) – Remove one large stem leaning towards the Vicarage |
The council raises no objections. |
The decisions were noted.
The log was noted and the unauthorised sign on the Silk Rooms was raised.
The log was noted.
It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 16th December