Councillors McCulloch, Banks, Coan, Dalzell, Gray, Johnson and Lowe.

B Allen (Planning & Facilities Officer).



Apologies were received from Cllr Mears (health).



No member declared an interest in any item under discussion.



A resident spoke in relation to application 24/3251M, stating the outdoor dining area approved under 16/1717M was described as being within the curtilage of 95 King Street and that ever since it was installed the development has blocked a designated Public Footpath. The site map of the current application now shows the outdoor dining same area within the curtilage of 97 King Street and does not justify the impact of the current development on the Town Centre Conservation Area or the public benefit of access. The resident further spoke in relation to 24/3266M noting the applicant’s design and access statement states an advantage to the proposed development is the opportunity it gives to diners to view ‘Knutsford’s Historic Landscape’ known as Leaks Terrace, however the plans show no evidence of any landscaping or public space enhancement of the area of grass within the walled to the rear of the building a section of which was previously used as a car park for bank employees and the Neighbourhood Plan has an ambition to see an enhancement for the public benefit in these areas of the town.



The Chairman brought forward application 24/3251M, 97 King Street.

It was RESOLVED to comment the Town Council OBJECTS in the strongest possible terms to the proposal as this will detrimentally affect the street scene and undermine the historic and aesthetic qualities of the town, and would like to draw the Planning Officer’s attention to a planning enforcement notice for the blocking of right of way.


Cllr Gray abstained from voting on this resolution.

The Chairman brought forward application 24/3266M, 82 King Street.

It was RESOLVED to comment the Town Council supports the application to bring the building back into use but would like to draw the attention of the Planning Officer and the Conservation Officer to lack of identified refuse provision and that the heritage statement is severely lacking in detail on the impact to the listed building.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September 2024.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.

23/4487M[1] 33 Bexton Road Amended Plans: Demolition of existing property, and new build dwelling The Town Council OBJECTS to the amended plans on the grounds the application does not overcome our previous objections and is still contrary to Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies D1 and D2.
24/3251M 97 King Street Blocking up of public right of way The Town Council OBJECTS in the strongest possible terms to the proposal as this will detrimentally affect the street scene and undermine the historic and aesthetic qualities of the town, and would like to draw the Planning Officer’s attention to a planning enforcement notice for the blocking of right of way.


24/3264M 43 Garden Road Single storey rear/side extension. The Town Council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/3219M 121 Ashworth Park Front porch and side extension over garage The Town Council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
24/3266M 82 King Street The development at 82 King Street will convert the listed building into a restaurant and bar, preserving its historic features while adding a rooftop terrace and modern facilities The Town Council supports the application to bring the building back into use but would like to draw the attention of the Planning Officer and the Conservation Officer to lack of identified refuse provision and that the heritage statement is severely lacking in detail on the impact to the listed building.
24/3267M 82 King Street Listed building consent for the development at 82 King Street will convert the listed building into a restaurant and bar, preserving its historic features while adding a rooftop terrace and modern facilities The Town Council supports the application to bring the building back into use but would like to draw the attention of the Planning Officer and the Conservation Officer to lack of identified refuse provision and that the heritage statement is severely lacking in detail on the impact to the listed building.

[1] Cllrs Banks and Lowe voted against this resolution and Cllr Gray abstained from voting on this resolution.



The decisions were noted.


PL24/074 Planning Appeals

It was RESOLVED to submit, the council maintains its previous comments and wishes to support the development noting the applicant’s rebuttal of Cheshire East Built Heritage comments, to the Planning Inspectorate for the appeal for application 23/4635M Yorston Lodge.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 14th October 2024 at 6pm.