These are draft minutes that have not yet been approved by the council. The minutes are subject to change and will be confirmed at the next meeting.


Councillors McCulloch, Gray, Coan, Banks, Dalzell, Johnson, and Mears.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllr Lowe (personal business).



Cllr Dalzell declared a personal interest in Item 9 appeal for Humbug Cottage on the grounds of being a neighbour.



A resident spoke in relation to application 23/4639M stating the application could lead to a lack a of privacy for the adjacent bungalow as the development proposes a significant level of overlooking. The resident raised concerns over six windows within the proposal which will look downwards into a living room and noted the design and access statement did not refer to policies HOU11 and HOU12 of the Local Plan but did state there were no adverse effects.

The Planning and Facilities read out a statement to the committee from Cllr Gardiner in relation to application 23/4639M stating that the application will impact the neighbour’s amenity and noted the planning history of the site is relevant in so far as there similarities to a previous application which was amended to remove similar overlooking issues.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 27th November 2023



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


23/4384M[1] 44 Goughs Lane Extend exisiting garage The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and a request that the outbuilding remain ancillary to the main dwelling.


23/4447M 46 Meadow Drive Proposed first floor and two storey rear extension and internal alterations The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/4440M 24 Carrwood Proposed Extension over garage to side and front. Proposed Two storey Rear Extension and Exterior remodelling including replacement windows, cladding and re-rendering The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer being completely satisfied the proposal complies with all relevant policy.
23/4487M 33 Bexton Road Demolition of existing property, and new build dwelling. The council OBJECTS to the application on the grounds the proposal is not in keeping with the design of the surrounding properties and is visually obtrusive in comparison, the material palette and building line are at odds with the neighbouring properties and the character of the area, and the proposal presents an boundary treatment that is alien to the remaining street scene, and therefore does not comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policies, D1, D2, D3, and H1.


23/4535M 3 Yewlands Drive Replacement Dwelling The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.



23/4551M Laurel Bank, 7 Thorneyholme Drive Single Storey Rear Extension The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


23/4540M 2 Meadow Drive Rear 2nd floor dormer construction for a loft conversion The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


23/4435D Winstanley House, Northwich Road Discharge of conditions 4 & 22 on approval 22/0566M: Residential redevelopment of former Winstanley House site and demolition of associated garages. Replacement building containing 28 no 100% affordable apartments, car parking and landscaping. The council are unable to comment due to the technical nature of the proposal.
23/4613M 29 Queensway Proposed first floor part side & part rear extension and new front elevation single storey pitched roof The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


23/4617M 11 Racefield Road Rear single storey extension for independent living of disabled occupant. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.


23/4610M 35 Manor Park North Construct a purpose built, 8ft x 8ft dog grooming pod (with the appearance of a garden shed / summerhouse). Change of use from residential to mixed residential / sui generis The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and request a provision for the noise plan to be strictly adhered to.


23/4639M Bellmount St Johns Road Proposed rear and side extension with loft conversion The council OBJECTS on the grounds the application fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy H3 through the inclusion of a first-floor balcony and the numerous proposed windows which appear openable and unobscured and would afford significant levels of overlooking and would detrimentally affect the amenity of the neighbouring properties.
23/4556D Land North of Parkgate Industrial Estate, Parkgate Lane Discharge of conditions 7 and 15 on approved application 18/2996M – Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning consent 13/2935M for siting, design, appearance and landscaping details for residential development (C3 Use Class) The council notes the application.


[1] Cllr Dalzell voted against this resolution.



It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.


23/4379T 65 Mobberley Road Section 211 notice

Maple marked as T1 on the sketch plan in yellow: reduction to the overall crown by 2m to suitable pruning points.  Oak marked as T2 on the sketch plan in blue: reduction by up to 1m by pruning out the longest limbs and reducing the remainder by up to 1m.  Mixed hedgerow marked as T3 on the sketch plan in purple: reduce by 3′ and trim the remainder.

The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.



23/4469T St Cross Church, Mobberley Road Section 211 notice

Crown reduce by 3m from tips (30%) and remove dead central limb.

The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.


23/4247T 15 St Johns Road Section 211 notice

Copper Beech reduce height of the tree by 4 – 4.5m, reduce side limbs by 3 – 4m. Undertake light crown lifting and removal of stubs lower in the crown.

The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.
23/4618T St Johns Baptist Church, Church Hill Section 211 notice

Tag 0849TC Cedar: Crown Lift to 3m of 3rd order branches and Cut back from main Church building of branches to clear building by 2m T10 Lime: Removal of epicormic growth at base of tree. Tag 0838TC Lime: Removal of epicormic growth at base of tree and crown lift to 3m of 3rd order branches.

The council raises no objections subject to neighbour comments.



It was RESOLVED to submit no objections to the application for Philip Hannaway, 1A Church Hill, for the sale by retail of alcohol for consumption off the premises, as part of a grocery/delicatessen store, on the following days: Monday to Saturday 9:00 to 20:00 Sunday 10:00 to 20:00.



The decisions were noted, and the committee asked the Planning and Facilities Officer to contact the Built Heritage to better understand the outcome for application 23/2562M.



The appeal for Humbug Cottage, 4 Leycester Road was noted, and it was RESOLVED to submit the following in response to the appeal at the Land at Pinewood, 1 Legh Road: The council consider the extension to outbuilding to be inappropriate in design to the surrounding area and support the application of the Cheshire East Council enforcement notice.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 8th January 2024.

[1] Cllrs Johnson and Mears joined the meeting.