Councillors McCulloch, Dalzell, Houghton, Gray, Lowe, and Robertson.

B Allen (Planning and Facilities Officer)



Apologies were received from Cllrs Morris and Nicholson (health).



Cllr McCulloch declared a prejudicial interest in application 21/3100M as a trustee of The Welcome.

Cllr Gray declared a personal interest in application 23/0223T on the grounds of being a neighbour.



Two residents spoke in relation to application 21/3100M asking for support in continuing to object to the application on the grounds, the proposal presents overdevelopment in more condensed areas of built form with higher than average density, the community building use class should be amended, further vegetation will be removed to accommodate the usable open space and not only have the fields been re-wilding for decades but the initial allocation process failed to undertake the necessary surveys, and no phasing for the delivery of the development is included. The committee was asked to request the open space phasing on first occupation.


A member of public spoke in relation to application 23/0139S stating that the land owner supports the application in principle but the application requires scrutiny over relevant environmental policies and impact, noting the land owner had suggested alternate routes.



It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th January 2022



Cllr McCulloch brought forward planning application 21/3100M to be considered first and then left the meeting during the discussion. Cllr Robertson presided.

It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.



Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
22/4989D Land North of Parkgate Industrial Estate Discharge of condition 26 (verification report) on application 13/2935M – Outline application with all matters reserved except for means of access, for the erection of a high quality residential development (use class C3) with associated woodland buffer, ecological mitigation and enhancements, and open spaces The council is unable to comment due to the technical nature of the proposal and requests a suitably qualified professional is satisfied with the methodology employed.
23/0075M 31 Mobberley Road Proposed side and rear ground floor extension forming new entrance and kitchen, replacement and alteration of windows, and rendering of existing elevations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Conservation Officer is satisfied the proposal will not detrimentally affect the neighbouring Cross Town Conservation Area.
23/0100M[1] Grass Verge, Bexton Lane Prior determination for telecommunications installation upgrade; Proposed EE/H3G 18.0m High Phase 7 Monopole complete with wraparound cabinet to replace existing EE/H3G 11.0m High Street works Pole and associated ancillary works. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/0241M 82 King Street Listed Building Consent to stitch cracked walls and for the installation of  lateral restraints. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Conservation Officer is satisfied the proposal will not detrimentally affect the Town Centre Conservation Area.
23/0244M[2] 11 Grebe Close Form a two storey side extension to provide additional Bedroom accommodation, enlarged Kitchen / Dining room space and Facilities. A Sun room extension to the rear to improve the dining space. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/0234D Moorgarth, Legh Road Discharge of conditions 6,7 and 8 on application : 2 storey side extension with basement below, replacement garage, garden room extension, replacement windows and updated external finishes The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/0208M[3] 3 Valley Close Proposed external render finish to whole dwelling, single storey side & rear extensions and internal alterations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments.
23/0139S Sewage Works, Knutsford Road EIA screening opinion – construction of a new access junction off Broadoak Lane and an access track from this point measuring approximately 850m to Knutsford WwTW, in addition to upgrade works within Knutsford WwTW. The council OBJECTS to the proposal on the grounds there will a detrimental impact to the Green Belt, environmental policies have not been fully considered, and the applicant should consider an alternative less detrimental option.
23/0261M 8 Regent Street Advertisement Consent for fascia sign and illuminated projecting sign The council OBJECTS to the proposal on the grounds the application fails to comply with Knutsford Neighbourhood Plan policy HE3 as the lighting design would be detrimental to the Town Centre Conservation Area as the lighting design will give the impression of internal illumination which will be at odds with the more traditional lighting aspirations of the Knutsford Design Guide.
23/0269M 37 Manchester Road Dormer Extension & Changes to the side and rear elevations. The council raises no objections, subject to neighbour comments and the Planning Officer and the Conservation Officer being satisfied.
23/0303M Unit 1, Novus Park Advertisement consent for internally illuminated flexface system box sign digitally printed face The council could not comment due insufficient information within the application.
21/3100M Land East of Longridge Outline planning permission with some matters reserved – Residential development of up to 225 dwellings and a building for Class E use (formerly Class D1) (with access considered).  

Please see comment below*




[1] Cllr Lowe voted against this resolution.

[2] Cllr Houghton voted against this resolution.

[3] Cllr Houghton voted against this resolution.


It was RESOLVED to submit the comments detailed below.

Application Ref Address Application Detail Town Council Comment
23/0223T 3 Trevone Close Works to Protected Trees:

A copper Beech Tree. We would like a crown reduction of 20%-25%. A reduction of branches below a height of 5 meters from the ground. The tree is causing the roof beneath it to deteriorate with a thick covering of green moss. The branches are very close to our house and our next door neighbours house and reach reach across a neighbours garden to the rear of our house.

The council raises no objections.
23/0257T 20, Rockford Lodge Works to Protected Trees:

Works to T1 Sweet Chestnut Tree, T2 Beech Tree, T3 and T4 Sycamore Trees.

The council raises no objections subject to the tree officer being satisfied and the felled sycamore is replaced with a similar native broadleaf species.
23/0162T 3 Brook Lane Section 211 notice:

Tree works to reduce height of silver birch tree by 20% and removal of some low level branches

The council raises no objections.
23/0128T The Cottage, The Lodge, Toft Road Works to Protected Trees:

Hornbeam Tree which is top-heavy and as a result it is leaning which could possibly result in the tree falling in the future. Subject to the advice of a tree surgeon the proposed removal of 2 limbs (highlighted in attached images) will remedy this imbalance. Tree is under both TPO and Conservation Area.

The council raises no objections subject to the tree officer being satisfied.


It was RESOLVED to submit no objections to the application for Revival Productions Ltd, The Showground, Tatton Park.



It was noted that an appeal had been submitted against the refusal of application 22/3073M – 2 Croft Lane – 1 No. of Contemporary House at land adjacent to No. 2 Croft Lane, the principle was approved under 20/1848M.



It was noted that the next meeting would be held on Monday 27th February at 6pm.