22/072 PRESENT
Councillors Houghton, Coan, Forbes, Gardiner, Gray, Lowe, Malloy, Morris, Power and Robertson.
In attendance: A Keppel-Green (Town Clerk)
Apologies were received from Cllrs Beswick, McCulloch (business), Dalzell and Nicholson (health)
Cllr Forbes declared a personal interest in 22/078 on the grounds of being disabled and 22/081 on the grounds of being a member of the Toft Road Patients Participation Group.
Pupils from Bexton Primary School spoke expressing their concern about road safety around their school, requesting that the speed limit be lowered to 20mph and that a crossing and speed bumps be installed. The pupils further highlighted their environmental focus, stating they were looking to increase the number of trees and flowers planted.
The Chief Officer of Cheshire East Citizens Advice North provided an update on the Knutsford service, stating they would consider moving one of the two mornings from the Council Offices tot eh Welcome as identify a need for users in that area.
A representative of KROW thanked the council for its objections to the Longridge development and requested that the council ensure an officer is able to attend the Strategic Planning Board meeting to present the objections at the appropriate time, noting that the application is currently listed for the December meeting. The representative further spoke in relation to town infrastructure, noting the Neighbourhood Plan committee had developed a CIL projects list that was never finalised and suggesting that the Planning and Facilities Officer report provide an appraisal of strategic applications against planning policy and s106 needs when they are being considered.
A resident spoke in relation to town infrastructure, noting that the From Top to Bottom Street proposals provided some solutions to the infrastructure needs and noting Cheshire East Council was vehicle focused leaving the town council to utilise CIL on pedestrian and cycling improvements; they further suggested that expanding existing schools when the majority of housing is in a different area of town would exacerbate traffic issues.
A resident spoke in relation to town infrastructure, noting the pressures created by new development on facilities for health and education and on traffic congestion; they noted a resident report that Knutsford Academy is unable to accommodate new students who do not start at Year 7. The resident urged the council to press Cheshire East Council and other health providers to facilitate a new health centre, noted an impending review of the local plan and the Government’s new housing calculations which would require a lower number of houses than the 2017 plan requires and noting forthcoming upgrades to traffic signals in the town centre.
It was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September subject to a typographical correction to 22/070.
The minutes of the committee meetings held since the previous ordinary meeting were noted.
The Town Clerk responded to questions advising that the brightness of the war memorial lighting was being investigated, that a notice of motion to allow planting in the highway had been submitted by the Knutsford Ward CEC Councillors and referred to the Highways and Transport Committee and that an update was still awaited in respect of coach parking.
The reports of Cllrs Abel, Dean and Gardiner were noted.
The Town Clerk was requested to seek guidance from Cllr Dean on the process for securing 20mph zones within town. Cllr Malloy noted thanks to Cllr Dean for his involvement in arranging for the repair of streetlights along the dip path.
Cllr Forbes noted that the borough has a large proportion of people who fund their own care and noted that changes in social care funding which would cap individuals’ costs would result in a significant increase in costs to Cheshire East Council urging the council to seek government grants rather than seek any delay in implementation of the cap. Cllr Gardiner advised that Cheshire East Council is part of a pilot scheme, that it has assessed the impact of the changes and that the Local Government Association is lobbying government on behalf of the sector.
Cllr Malloy reported that the Friends of College Wood had secured a grant from Manchester Airport towards signage, that it was preparing plans for its work and that there had been a reduction in antisocial behaviour in the wood. Cllr Malloy further reported that the Knutsford and District Youth Council would next meet later in the month with the Town Mayor attending. Cllr Malloy further reported that John Hulme had stood down as a director of the Mid Cheshire Community Rail Partnership after 17 years, that the partnership was currently seeking a new Community Rail Officer and that the peak half hourly service was due to be reinstated in December.
Cllr Forbes reported that the launch of Parkletics had been deferred, that he had attended with others a meeting with Redrow and Cheshire East Council in respect of the Canute Place roundabout, the launch of Knutsford Together and the Redrow Tabley Park 1st anniversary.
Cllr Lowe reported that he had attended a meeting of the Bexton School council where they highlighted their priority of improving the environment and their concern around highway safety near the school.
Cllr Robertson encouraged people to sign up to volunteer as a ‘local connector’ with Knutsford Together.
Cllr Coan reported on attendance at a 20 is Plenty group meeting and requested that this be discussed at a future meeting.
Cllr Power left the meeting.
It was RESOLVED to insert a standing order that a statement from an absent member may only be conveyed to the meeting if has been submitted in writing to the Town Clerk in advance of the meeting who shall read such statement to the meeting.
Cllrs Lowe and Malloy voted against the resolution.
A discussion was held on the needs of the town as the strategic development sits are brought forward. It was noted the council has a CIL Framework to direct its CIL expenditure and that a draft projects list had been prepared as part of the neighbourhood plan process which could be finalised.
Cllr Gardiner left the meeting whilst the Longridge development site was discussed.
The meeting was adjourned for a five-minute recess.
It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of reintroducing video streaming of meetings until May 2023.
Cllr Morris left the meeting.
The Town Mayor reported on duties as detailed in Annex A.
The payment schedules were noted.
The outstanding matters log was noted, and it was requested that Cllr Abel report back on his outstanding action before the next meeting.
A resident enquired whether the council intended to speak with Cheshire East Council to understand how to progress road safety improvements at Bexton School, queried what action had been agreed in respect of town infrastructure and highlighted the need for active travel measures on Mereheath Lane.
A resident highlighted the issue of secondary school aged children having to travel outside the town to access education and suggested the council discus the issue.
The Town Clerk responded to questions advising that there had been no further update in respect of the From Top to Bottom Street proposals and that they had not been covered in detail by the vitality plans meeting; that he would be looking at the brightness of the war memorial lighting and that Cheshire East Council was responsible for the poppy emblem on the pavement outside the library.
To note that the next scheduled meeting will be held on Monday 9th January 2023 at 7pm.
Date | Event | Attended by |
01/09/2022 | Morgan Edwards Press launch | Town Mayor |
02/09/2022 | RAF Squadron Dining In Night | Town Mayor |
07/09/2022 | Meeting with Citizens Advice | Town Mayor |
08/09/2022 | Knutsford Library Summer Reading Challenge Medal Ceremony | Town Mayor |
08/09/2022 | Flower laying and a silence in memory of HM Queen Elizabeth II | Town Mayor |
11/09/2022 | Proclamation by the Mayor of Cheshire East of the accession of HM King Charles III by the | Town Mayor |
11/09/2022 | Proclamation by the Mayor of Knutsford of the accession of HM King Charles III | Town Mayor |
18/09/2022 | Service of Remembrance for HM Queen Elizabeth II | Town Mayor |
18/09/2022 | National minute silence in memory of HM Queen Elizabeth II | Town Mayor |
25/09/2022 | Alsager Civic Service | Deputy Mayor |
29/09/2022 | Redrow Homes Tabley Park Anniversary | Town Mayor |
01/10/2022 | Knutsford Olde Sweet Shop 13th birthday celebration | Town Mayor |
02/10/2022 | Lord Mayor of Chester Service | Town Mayor |
07/10/2022 | Toft Cricket Club Pledge Dinner | Town Mayor |
09/10/2022 | Wilmslow Civic Service | Town Mayor |
14/10/2022 | Knutsford Scouts dinner | Mayoress |
23/10/2022 | Nantwich Civic Service | Cllr Gardiner |
31/10/2022 | Knutsford Pumpkin Path | Town Mayor |
03/11/2022 | Charity launch of Knutsford Together | Town Mayor |
Date | Event | |
09/09/2022 | Knutsford Bake Club’s Macmillan Coffee Morning | Declined |
11/09/2022 | Beaumaris Civic Sunday | Declined |
23/09/2022 | Knutsford Market Macmillan Coffee Morning | Declined |
01/10/2022 | Catenians Saturday | Declined |
16/10/2022 | Wrap up Knutsford Community Day | Declined |
16/10/2022 | Friends of Knutsford Heritage Centre AGM | Declined |
20/10/2022 | Britain in Bloom Awards | Declined |
Date | Event | |
17/09/2022 | Catenians ‘President’s Saturday’ | Cancelled due to mourning |
18/09/2022 | Bollington Civic Sunday | Cancelled due to mourning |
04/10/2022 | Launch of NHS Parkletics project | Cancelled by organiser |
07/10/2022 | Mayor’s Cycle | Postponed |
14/10/2022 | Alsager Dementia Friendly Initiative | Cancelled by organiser |
29/10/2022 | Middlewich Mayor afternoon tea | Cancelled by organiser |